StnCld316 Posted May 31, 2016 Posted May 31, 2016 20 minutes ago, TBG 150 said: They want to dumb down the masses so that they will be able to simply tug on the leash and they will follow their leader right over the cliff. I remember the last idiot with that name as PM. Canucks are as dumb as the American yanks. You vote in Frogs, we vote in 3rd world scum. The way the World is now I don't think it matters who gets voted in. They are all hell bent on blatantly wasting Taxpayers Dollars. It's only a matter of time before the Global Monetary System crashes and then all Hell is going to break loose. I guess they'll find some use for those 1500 Plus FEMA Camps they have all over the place. 1
TBG 150 Posted June 1, 2016 Posted June 1, 2016 I maintain the thought that I don't have a whole lot of years left. With the under 30 culture today, it's going to be a seriously fucked up world in the near future. Hollyweird was put into place to condition the masses for what is to come. Movies like Mad Max, Soylent Green, Alien, E.T., all that. They know if people watch enough of that their minds become conditioned to accept it as reality. There will be millions in the streets fighting for scraps of processed food. There will be no clean water to drink. The worlds largest shithole cities will become war grounds. Look around. Most are already. Detroit Michigan is leading the way. The savages have taken a once world class city and brought it to it's knees in both productivity and financially. Between the blacks and the ragheads, this country will soon be one massive 3rd world cesspool. This maybe a bleak outlook to the future, but we are well on our way. The savages have almost taken over Europe already. Raping and killing all of the white Europeans. They have all but taken over France completely. Londonstan, is right now a reality. Only Russia and China will survive because they will not let these 3rd world shitbags into their countries. They shoot them on sight. The news is full of headlines. Thousands drowned in makeshift boats in the Mediterranean Sea trying to escape Libya or wherever. Fine. The sharks need to eat too. Like the Cubans, they should have taken their country back from the tyrannical governments, but they can't. The gave up their weapons years ago. If the Leftists have their way and we don't stop them now, the U.S. will become another broke, destitute Europe with masses of savages trying to get in and take everything we have. Bring home our entire Military and stage them all around the border. Anyone coming in will be used for target practice. Crude? Yes. Effective? Yes. This country has been over run by scumbags because the bleeding heart Liberals let them in. We still have a chance to get this country back in shape. We need to start by cleaning up Washington D.C. After that massive deportations start. Back to Mexico. Back to the desert, Back to China and South America and wherever else they all came from. And take all of the sick fags and dykes with you. Less than 1% of the population trying to control the other 99% with their sick demands. Shut off all Government freebies. No where in the world do the poor drive new cars, watch big screen TV with cable, have computers with free Internet and weigh in at 300+ pounds all while telling the working class what to do, but here in the United States. I have to stop here. Breakfast calls. The food that I worked to buy, no one gave it to me. 4
Guest Posted June 1, 2016 Posted June 1, 2016 2 hours ago, TBG 150 said: I maintain the thought that I don't have a whole lot of years left. With the under 30 culture today, it's going to be a seriously fucked up world in the near future. Hollyweird was put into place to condition the masses for what is to come. Movies like Mad Max, Soylent Green, Alien, E.T., all that. They know if people watch enough of that their minds become conditioned to accept it as reality. There will be millions in the streets fighting for scraps of processed food. There will be no clean water to drink. The worlds largest shithole cities will become war grounds. Look around. Most are already. Detroit Michigan is leading the way. The savages have taken a once world class city and brought it to it's knees in both productivity and financially. Between the blacks and the ragheads, this country will soon be one massive 3rd world cesspool. This maybe a bleak outlook to the future, but we are well on our way. The savages have almost taken over Europe already. Raping and killing all of the white Europeans. They have all but taken over France completely. Londonstan, is right now a reality. Only Russia and China will survive because they will not let these 3rd world shitbags into their countries. They shoot them on sight. The news is full of headlines. Thousands drowned in makeshift boats in the Mediterranean Sea trying to escape Libya or wherever. Fine. The sharks need to eat too. Like the Cubans, they should have taken their country back from the tyrannical governments, but they can't. The gave up their weapons years ago. If the Leftists have their way and we don't stop them now, the U.S. will become another broke, destitute Europe with masses of savages trying to get in and take everything we have. Bring home our entire Military and stage them all around the border. Anyone coming in will be used for target practice. Crude? Yes. Effective? Yes. This country has been over run by scumbags because the bleeding heart Liberals let them in. We still have a chance to get this country back in shape. We need to start by cleaning up Washington D.C. After that massive deportations start. Back to Mexico. Back to the desert, Back to China and South America and wherever else they all came from. And take all of the sick fags and dykes with you. Less than 1% of the population trying to control the other 99% with their sick demands. Shut off all Government freebies. No where in the world do the poor drive new cars, watch big screen TV with cable, have computers with free Internet and weigh in at 300+ pounds all while telling the working class what to do, but here in the United States. I have to stop here. Breakfast calls. The food that I worked to buy, no one gave it to me. First I thought Donald Trump has joined CC, but then I noticed it´s TBG 150. I have been in the U.S. perhaps 20 times but do not see much attraction there any more. 20 years ago, the border formalities for anybody, Europeans as well, were extremely impolite and horrible in every way, worse than in Russia or East-Berlin. We had to stand one hour in line and then the officers asked us, among other things, if we really had a good reason for coming to the U:S: I was many times about to say that I would not want to come here but I´m forced because my job requires the visit, it´s not voluntary. Since that, the immigration officers and the procedure as a whole has become much more friendly, as if the country now understood that the visitors are important for the economy. But lately, the tunes have become different - some of you want to close the borders and throw all poor people away - of course not us more wealthy. Of course there are big difficulties in the global world nowadays, but the sad thing is we have to solve them, not close our borders in front of these difficulties and think the problems belong to somebody else, not to the Americans. Ever heard of solidarity? I guess that is a Leftist word to you, and you won´t change your mind anyway. Your jeremiad represents the new style in politics that has become popular in the U.S. lately - ...get this country back in shape...I feel both frustrated and sad when I follow your politics, but it´s of course up to you, which direction you take. The Chinese were able to build the Great Wall thousands of years ago, so why couldn´t the Americans do the same, though the country is so huge? A modern wall, guarded on land, at sea, in air. Guards with a gun standing by the wall at 50 meter intervals - I´m sure you have enough guns in the U.S. for managing this, and if you haven´t got enough "pure Americans" (does that mean Indians?), I am sure many of your hardworking immigrants can join. TBG 150, I´m sure you have a gun and will volunteer. Which position would you want to take? Mexican border? JFK Airport? Washington D.C. main street?
TBG 150 Posted June 1, 2016 Posted June 1, 2016 The problem I'm stating is not LEGAL entry. That is a whole different thing and you know it. Being as I haven't done any inter-country travel in many years, I'm not sure how I would be received by any of the European nations. Seeing as how they (the governments) trip over themselves and beg for these poor lost souls to come in and take anything they want or need, I would think that I would be given the red carpet treatment. I bring money to spend. I can surmise by your writings that you personally have not been affected by this mass influx into your country. Are you married? Do you have children? Do you work? Do you pay taxes? If either of the last two questions are answered yes, then you are in a round about way being affected. When your wife or one of your children gets raped and God forbid murdered by one of these so-called refugees, then let me know how you feel inside. You may play the Liberal card and say 'Oh, I forgive that person.' Where as I will be for capturing him and slowly torturing this individual just like he did to the member of my family. And for the finale, I would cut off his dick and balls and stuff them so far down his throat that he slowly suffocated to death. Am I getting my point across? Is the infrastructure of your country falling apart because much of the taxes that your government steals from you going to feed, house, clothe and supply medicinal care to these so-called refugees? It is here. Our roads, bridges, tunnels, sanitary systems, water systems are all collapsing because our bleeding heart government feels they need to buy more Leftist votes by bringing these so-called refugees in. They are fed, given housing, medical care, granted driving privileges, that's right, privileges. Driving believe it or not is NOT a right. They cause copious amount of accidents in which they cannot pay the injured because as soon as they got their license and operating plates, they quit paying for the insurance. Now they can skate by for a year or more before doing it all again. I could go on forever about the way these people come to this country and instead of trying to become productive law abiding citizens, they insist that we cater to their laws and customs of the 3rd world dump that they left, therefore turning this country into a 3rd world dump. But like you say about me, you'll never change your mind. You'll just keep taking in these blood suckers until they come for you and take what ever you have and set your blind ass out in the snow. Read this and think about real hard. Where do you see yourself? The Ant or the Grasshopper........ The ant works hard in the withering heat and the rain all summer long building his house and laying up supplies for the winter. The grasshopper thinks the ant is a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away. Come winter, the shivering grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the ant should be allowed to be warm and well fed while he is cold and starving. CBS, NBC , PBS, CNN, and ABC show up to provide pictures of the shivering grasshopper next to a video of the ant in his comfortable home with a table filled with food. America is stunned by the sharp contrast. How can this be, that in a country of such wealth, this poor grasshopper is allowed to suffer so? Kermit the Frog appears on Oprah with the grasshopper and everybody cries when they sing, 'It's Not Easy Being Green.' ACORN stages a demonstration in front of the ant's house where the news stations film the group singing, "We shall overcome." Then Rev. Jeremiah Wright has the group kneel down to pray to God for the grasshopper's sake. President Obama condemns the ant and blames President Bush, President Reagan, Christopher Columbus, and the Pope for the grasshopper's plight. Nancy Pelosi & Harry Reid exclaim in an interview with Larry King that the ant has gotten rich off the back of the grasshopper, and both call for an immediate tax hike on the ant to make him pay his fair share. Finally, the EEOC drafts the Economic Equity & Anti-Ant Act retroactive to the beginning of the summer. The ant is fined for failing to hire a proportionate number of green bugs and, having nothing left to pay his retroactive taxes, his home is confiscated by the Government Green Czar and given to the grasshopper. The story ends as we see the grasshopper and his free-loading friends finishing up the last bits of the ant's food while the government house he is in,which as you recall, just happens to be the ant's old house, crumbles around them because the grasshopper doesn't maintain it. The ant has disappeared in the snow, never to be seen again. The grasshopper is found dead in a drug related incident, and the house, now abandoned, is taken over by a gang of spiders who terrorize the ramshackle, once prosperous and once peaceful, neighborhood. The entire Nation collapses bringing the rest of the free world with it. 2
woodworker Posted June 2, 2016 Posted June 2, 2016 I'm sure that in time there will be a lot of the 'good' German people currently living there that will want to leave their country in search of a less liberal country, like that of America. But if we don't start fighting back against the liberals and Democrats here, then this country too will become lost forever. Listen at 4:20 how the liberal German mayor tells a German citizen, not to have his 10 year old daughter provoke the Muslim men or walk down those streets again. And then some Muslims there cheer and laugh saying, "HA!, You can't even walk down the streets of your own country anymore." All thanks to those treasonous liberals that the fools there somehow voted into power. And now, we too have our own fools in this country that threaten this country in much the same way. I'll tell you what I know about liberal politicians. They will lie and try to deceive what their true intentions or thoughts may be towards the common masses, until they have consolidated their power to such an extent that wearing a mask is no longer necessary, much like that German mayor in the video where he effectively spat in the face of that German citizen. These people, both here and abroad, are the true enemies of civilization, and of freedom in the world. 1
TBG 150 Posted June 4, 2016 Posted June 4, 2016 I think it's funny that this section of the board is all but shut down. I used a parody to try and explain Liberalism vs Conservatism. It was about the only way to convey to their closed minds exactly what is going on in the world today. Since I posted the parody and my own explanation, they have all been quiet. Could it be that maybe they are realizing just what is going on around them? Is it going to take one of the members of their families getting assaulted or worse, killed before they wake up to reality? These savages don't care about the people in the country in which they try and over run. I don't care if they are Muzzies, Blacks, Hispanics or Vietnamese, they just don't care. They want what you and I have and what we worked for no matter what it takes and your fellow countrymen are giving it to them on a golden platter. Kalifornia is a world class example. The Mexicans stream into that state by the truckloads. They set up base camp and then detail how they are going to take over. They beat, rob, rape and murder. They get your kids hooked on their mass produced drugs that they bring in from South America. They infest the school systems bringing them to financial ruin claiming that they need food and medicine and they get it all for free. Food, healthcare, education, money, housing, etc... And all on the sweat of the working person. Now the working person can no longer afford healthcare for his/her family. For the average working American with a family of four, the costs for minimal healthcare insurance is at $1500-$2000 per month. Really? Many don't even make that kind of money. How are they going to pay that kind of outrageous fee. The answer is, just ask Bernie. FREE!!! We'll tax the millionaires and billionaires. They have it. We'll tax business so high that we'll put them out of business and create more dependents of the state. They didn't have to create Obamacare. All they had to do was ask the black population how it's done. They'll tell them. You just walk into any hospital that you like, get your ailment fixed and when the bill comes, tell them to get lost. I ain't gots no money. It's worked for years. Whatever. I could spend all day here banging out reasons to abolish Liberalism and make people earn their way in life again. Arresting them and giving them 3 hots and a cot is better than living on the sidewalk in their minds. Many other countries simply put you against the wall and bang, your dead. What a great concept. Kill off the vermin and the maggots that cause harm to others and people may start taking notice and acting like civilized humans should, otherwise it's simple. They die. A few cents in propane or natural gas and then you sweep the ashes out. NEXT!!! 4
StnCld316 Posted June 4, 2016 Posted June 4, 2016 9 hours ago, TBG 150 said: I think it's funny that this section of the board is all but shut down. I used a parody to try and explain Liberalism vs Conservatism. It was about the only way to convey to their closed minds exactly what is going on in the world today. Since I posted the parody and my own explanation, they have all been quiet. Could it be that maybe they are realizing just what is going on around them? Is it going to take one of the members of their families getting assaulted or worse, killed before they wake up to reality? These savages don't care about the people in the country in which they try and over run. I don't care if they are Muzzies, Blacks, Hispanics or Vietnamese, they just don't care. They want what you and I have and what we worked for no matter what it takes and your fellow countrymen are giving it to them on a golden platter. Kalifornia is a world class example. The Mexicans stream into that state by the truckloads. They set up base camp and then detail how they are going to take over. They beat, rob, rape and murder. They get your kids hooked on their mass produced drugs that they bring in from South America. They infest the school systems bringing them to financial ruin claiming that they need food and medicine and they get it all for free. Food, healthcare, education, money, housing, etc... And all on the sweat of the working person. Now the working person can no longer afford healthcare for his/her family. For the average working American with a family of four, the costs for minimal healthcare insurance is at $1500-$2000 per month. Really? Many don't even make that kind of money. How are they going to pay that kind of outrageous fee. The answer is, just ask Bernie. FREE!!! We'll tax the millionaires and billionaires. They have it. We'll tax business so high that we'll put them out of business and create more dependents of the state. They didn't have to create Obamacare. All they had to do was ask the black population how it's done. They'll tell them. You just walk into any hospital that you like, get your ailment fixed and when the bill comes, tell them to get lost. I ain't gots no money. It's worked for years. Whatever. I could spend all day here banging out reasons to abolish Liberalism and make people earn their way in life again. Arresting them and giving them 3 hots and a cot is better than living on the sidewalk in their minds. Many other countries simply put you against the wall and bang, your dead. What a great concept. Kill off the vermin and the maggots that cause harm to others and people may start taking notice and acting like civilized humans should, otherwise it's simple. They die. A few cents in propane or natural gas and then you sweep the ashes out. NEXT!!! I agree with everything on your post especially kill off the vermin and the maggots. Just look into the Prison System. How many have been sitting on Death Row for Years and still living. They should change the Law. If you're sentenced to Death then it happens within 2 to 3 days after your sentence was handed down not 15 to 20 years later. Same as this War on Terrorism they are fighting you don't exterminate Terrorists by stomping on them one by one. You get out the poison spray and kill them all at once. Seal any points of re-entry in case any survivors try to gain access. 4
TBG 150 Posted June 4, 2016 Posted June 4, 2016 The innocents are simply collateral damage. But they have the ability to breed new terrorists, so no loss. I had to come back to say that I would hate to see innocent animals hurt. People I have very little compassion for anymore. 3
woodworker Posted June 4, 2016 Posted June 4, 2016 You watch those innocent people who go to hear Trump at one of his rallies, as they get hit from behind when they leave by those Mexican flag carrying cocksuckers, and you silently wish some of us real Americans would finally fight back. If I had a way to reach them, I would try to galvanize all of the motor cycle clubs here in this country to follow Trumps schedule and wait for those cowardly punks to try to pull that crap while they're around. The Hell Angels, the Outlaws, the Highwaymen, ect, ect, ect. Say what you want about them, but they are all, underneath it all, true patriots when it comes to this country. And I would love to see that. They would shove one of those Mexican flags right up their ass. And that would tickle me to no end. Alas, I am no longer the community organizer that I once was. 4
TBG 150 Posted June 4, 2016 Posted June 4, 2016 I know. I'm cold hearted and callous. Big deal. So are they and worse.Let me go to Mexico illegally and I'd be shot on sight. 1
Nick Posted June 4, 2016 Author Posted June 4, 2016 59 minutes ago, woodworker said: You watch those innocent people who go to hear Trump at one of his rallies, as they get hit from behind when they leave by those Mexican flag carrying cocksuckers, and you silently wish some of us real Americans would finally fight back. If I had a way to reach them, I would try to galvanize all of the motor cycle clubs here in this country to follow Trumps schedule and wait for those cowardly punks to try to pull that crap while they're around. The Hell Angels, the Outlaws, the Highwaymen, ect, ect, ect. Say what you want about them, but they are all, underneath it all, true patriots when it comes to this country. And I would love to see that. They would shove one of those Mexican flags right up their ass. And that would tickle me to no end. Alas, I am no longer the community organizer that I once was. way to go wood :-) I come joine you 1
Ridgerunner Posted June 4, 2016 Posted June 4, 2016 13 minutes ago, Nick said: way to go wood :-) I come joine you If you burn an American flag the news media calls it free speech.If you burn a Mexican flag the news media would call it hate speech. lol 2
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