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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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5 minutes ago, Sergio said:

Mi sembra che è stato molto tempo per voi di essere in RLC, mi spiace ma, per quello che si paga per il vostro denaro, per vedere le ragazze che dormono o che sono fuori di casa di notte piena, per favore non mi dica questa è la vita reale, cerchiamo di essere reale, questo è un sito per adulti

I think Lola is an example of what RLC users are expecting.
Only defect that does not use heel shoes and has no girlfriends for lesbian scenes !!

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42 minutes ago, Sergio said:

These girls are RLC dependent and are paid to stay in the apartments and show nudity, if a girl does not want, can stay at home no one compels her, I repeat these girls are working for RLC

She was one of the cast that spent the most time in the apartment (compared to Polya, Rosie, Gina, etc ...).

She has shown more nudity than most of the girls too. I would kill to have the same views from Rosie as I have had from Violetta.

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17 minutes ago, Sergio said:

It seems to me that it's been a long time for you to be in RLC, sorry but you, for what you pay for your money, to see girls who are sleeping or are out of the house at full nights, please do not tell me this is real life, we try to be real , This is an adult site

Violetta was in the house most of night

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55 minutes ago, Sergio said:

Sorry I did not know you were the boyfriend of Violetta

Oh damn, you are quite the detective, you saw right through my cover :( I hope the secret of the orgies with the maintenance team won't be breached with such sharp minds in the forums !

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5 minutes ago, phantomcapsnet said:

Violetta was in the house most of night

In this case, I did not turn to Violetta, however these are my ideas, I do not want to convince anyone, now I'm sorry but I leave, even myself like these girls I have a job, but my is a bit heavier

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36 minutes ago, Sergio said:

And then, this is business, if a person does not do his job can be criticized, like Violetta, 

"I thought Violetta didn't spend time enough time in the apartment" or "Violetta was too shy for the project", or even "Violetta did not show enough nudity for my taste", that is criticism.

"Hello Violetta, in the ranking of the most insignificant girls, you are the first" is not a criticism, it is an insult.

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