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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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9 minutes ago, meran said:

Belle es libre para hablar sobre el comercio entre España y Ucrania 
conversaciones durará 2-3 horas. 

comprobó su bolso para asegurarse de que las medidas de seguridad están en su lugar. 
Después de que ella podría ir para las conversaciones de paz entre Rusia y Ucrania hasta 5 y luego DJ dejarla. 

Que algunos acuerdos de inversión con algunos bancos 


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Just now, BBsq69 said:

Is that 17 nights out 20 for My Belle - I think so and on 2 other nights she crashed all day.

Also remember if she's meeting a new guy she has been drinking all afternoon and evening.

So the other 2 are too are tired to bother entertaining us and Belle deserts us once more.

There is no way of wrapping this up, B2 is a dead loss at the moment.

This isn't from people who want lesbian parties or anything more. It is just a huge a fucking insult to the subscribers.

She did not go to club straight  thats why other girls just stayed back. 

She got some meeting set up by someone . She talked very formal on phone and just confirmed that she is ready and listened to the other side. 
May be some work over night or a blind date set up by a friend's friend >

she might go to club afterwards, 


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1 minute ago, DES7469 said:

I hope the teasing just keeps on going.:biggrin:

... and i will never understand why .... it is not kind of stupid? ... soft porn show content for real money were the internet is full of nude girls and more ... what make RLC special is the real life. Without it, all the effort is useless.

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6 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

Es que 17 noches saliendo el 20 de Mi Belle - creo que sí y en otros 2 noches que se estrelló durante todo el día.

Asimismo, recuerda si ella va a reunir un nuevo tipo con el que ha estado bebiendo toda la tarde y la noche.

Así que los otros 2 son demasiado cansado para molestarse son entretenernos y Belle nos abandona una vez más.

No hay manera de envolver esto, B2 es una pérdida muerta en el momento.

Esto no es de las personas que quieren las partes lesbiana o algo más. Es sólo un enorme un puto insulto a los suscriptores.

I know there will be people who will not want to see what happens, but I am convinced that people only see what they want to see.
Unfortunately, and I am not saying it with joy, it is that this is an insult to RLC customers.
In short, I agree on what you are saying.
It is more ,,, B1 in UM and for no apparent reason ...
That if they have problems they could solve perfectly when the girls are sleeping, not before ...
That is, when the cameras come back to work, we will contemplate a happy and quiet dream of the girls ....
And those hours, we will discount them from the subscription?

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8 minutes ago, MrBox said:

... lets hope they just have a talk about real life and that this do not include teasing shows

.... but .... you could be a bit right. .. not that they will have a lesbian event, but most likey a new kind of teasing shows. ... :(

Hopefully this twins are just an couple weeks from going out rlc cams..too bad they don't take their friend Gina with them also.Bad and boring times in both rlc barca houses.Hopefull something new,more action less tease will arrive this apartments.

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