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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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Looking at Belle now, I think she's genuinely unhappy here. I don't think she's taking the piss, or winding up BB. She seems to really not want to be here. In that case, rather than insulting her, I feel sorry for her and I think it might be time for her to leave.

Alternatively, with any luck whatever is bothering her will pass and she can get back to normal

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1 minute ago, BBsq69 said:

Belle forgot she'd given up on RLC for a second there and nearly started to dance but then she remembered she's on strike.

strike 3---:exclamation: you're out  :exclamation:  or maybe just not playing ball :dodgy:

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1 minute ago, BBsq69 said:

Belle olvidó que había renunciado a RLC por un segundo y casi se puso a bailar, pero entonces recordó que está en huelga.

Feet I feel more for you and your fans than for her, after all, she keeps charging ... but you stay with the desire to see her.

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