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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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16 minutes ago, Benfold said:

Fucking hell is this conversation really needed again

The only reasons some people on this forum are so DESPERATE for the girls to be prostitutes is because;

  • They are old, out of touch and cannot fathom the idea of independent female sexuality
  • They are so jealous at the idea of other men having sex with these girls that they choose to denigrate the act in their own mind by turning into a transaction
  • The racist spectre of Russian mail-order brides - "Eastern European girls being flown into Western Europe - they must be sex workers!"
  • Sexual frustration - "Why won't the girls put on a lesbian show for me, they're bitches, cunts, whores!"
  • They are just straight up trolls

Is it impossible that some of the girls we have seen have worked as escorts? No of course it's not impossible. But every girl? And on every excursion out of the apartment? Don't be silly. Some of you try to qualify your arguments with "But it's legal in Spain!" It's irrelevant, whenever the term is used on this website it's invariably used an an insult

And why does it bother so many people on here anyway? A reasonable discussion about it is fine, but you have bottom-of-the-barrel members like lucasfrench for whom every post is about the same subject. It's boring, it adds nothing to the discussion and it starts arguments. It also shows a lack of intelligence, that this is the extent of their conversational skills.

Well said Benfold, and that will be my last post.

I am, frankly, tired of that bullshit. I like to engage on discussion on what happen on the frigging appartments, but shifting through that bullshit about prostitution and reading pages of you old men's bitterness, hate and arrogance ... frankly I value my free time and sanity more than the illusion of winning an argument.

I feel that I don't belong on that kind of toxic environment, so I am taking my leave.

For the few others - you know who you are : I'll keep looking at my message box :biggrin:

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2 minutes ago, vlkvlk111 said:

I like to engage on discussion on what happen on the frigging appartments,

I guess that's the problem at the moment. Because not much is really happening at the moment people get frustrated and the conversations turn sour

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10 minutes ago, happyone said:

She is trying to demonstrate to you to help you get over your obsession with her:dodgy:

Not how OCD works though and like I said I'm obsessed with seeing pictures of her, not her herself.

But I know your joking, happy  :biggrin:

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