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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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2 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:
  49 minutes ago, happyman88 said:

Getting themselves tarted up at midnight to leave at probably 01.00 is hardly the way good decent girls would prepare for a normal night out so for me it looks like another all night private party to order having received the call (dare I say orgy!) and another lost weekend. As far as I'm concerned, watching these girls getting themselves tarted up for these all night and probably all day away is not voyeurism (Belle last night definitely was) so no wonder b-1 has been quiet all day. RLC has renamed these apartments as Girls on Vacation wrongly; It should be Girls on a Working  Holiday!


I couldn't agree with you more happyman88.....unsubscribe like I did.  Trust me, it's a lot easier than you think!!

While I am not impressed that they are going out all night clubbing again.  Your asertion that they are hookers or going to some kind of private party, are the rambligs of an idiot.  They are in europe....clubbing stats at midnight and goes till 10am.  They are young and they will go out to club.  Get over it and quit calling them hookers.

Having said that they are certainly taking advantage of RLC and playing fast and loose with their contract obligations.

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8 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:
  Hace 49 minutos, happyman88 dijo:   

El conseguir a sí mismos tarted a media noche para salir a las Probablemente 01.00 no es la forma en buenas chicas decentes prepararían para una noche normal así que para mí parece que otra toda fiesta privada la noche a la orden después de haber recibidoWithout reference to the outside, if you compare tonight, with the night of B2, any customer would be angry and muchla llamada (me atrevería a decir orgía!) Y otro fin de semana perdido. En lo que a mí respecta, viendo estas chicas conseguir ellos mismos tarted para éstos toda la noche y probablemente todo el día de distancia no es el voyeurismo (Belle anoche fue definitivamente) por lo que no es de extrañar b-1 ha estado en silencio durante todo el día. RLC ha cambiado el nombre de estos apartamentos como niñas en vacaciones erróneamente; Debe ser niñas en unas vacaciones de trabajo!


No podría estar más de acuerdo happyman88 ..... darse de baja como lo hice. Confía en mí, es mucho más fácil de lo que piensa !!

Without reference to the outside, if you compare tonight, with the night of B2, any customer would be angry and much

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16 minutes ago, maxfactor said:

While I am not impressed that they are going out all night clubbing again.  Your asertion that they are Derogatory or going to some kind of private party, are the rambligs of an idiot.  They are in europe....clubbing stats at midnight and goes till 10am.  They are young and they will go out to club.  Get over it and quit calling them Derogatory.

Touche Harley 

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