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Trump Will be Impeached

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1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

When Michael Cohen was indicted for his crimes the news media portrayed him as a sleazy,low life attorney who worked for Donald Trump.Now that Cohen has turned on Trump he has become a saint to the news media. LMAO

A GoFundMe Page has been made for Michael Cohen.  In just one day it has collected  $145,546 of $500,000 goal.  

Your Donation will certainly help out a Good Man Destroy Donald Trump.   :biggrin:

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2 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

A GoFundMe Page has been made for Michael Cohen.  In just one day it has collected  $145,546 of $500,000 goal.  

Your Donation will certainly help out a Good Man Destroy Donald Trump.   :biggrin:

LMAO 😁😁 Stupidity has no boundaries in the world and this is a perfect example.

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34 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

A GoFundMe Page has been made for Michael Cohen.  In just one day it has collected  $145,546 of $500,000 goal.  

Your Donation will certainly help out a Good Man Destroy Donald Trump.   :biggrin:

I wonder if Russia, China or other countries can donate anonymously to influence the outcome 😏

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18 minutes ago, happyone said:

I wonder if Russia, China or other countries can donate anonymously to influence the outcome 😏

Well china, russia, & some muslim countries gave millions of dollars to the clintons, but the media don't talk about it

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3 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

A GoFundMe Page has been made for Michael Cohen.  In just one day it has collected  $145,546 of $500,000 goal.  

Your Donation will certainly help out a Good Man Destroy Donald Trump.   :biggrin:

Destroy Donald Trump?I thought they were investigating Russian/Trump collusion in the 2016 election.Glad to see you've finally admitted that the real purpose of this investigation is to destroy Donald Trump.  Like I said before,Mueller was not hired to truthfully investigate collusion in the election. He was hired by the Washington DC establishment swamp to overturn the results of an election and get rid of the Washington DC outsider,Donald Trump. 

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3 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

A GoFundMe Page has been made for Michael Cohen.  In just one day it has collected  $145,546 of $500,000 goal.  

Your Donation will certainly help out a Good Man Destroy Donald Trump.   :biggrin:

I'm not sure who is more sleazy,Michael Cohen or his attorney Lanny Davis.By the way,Lanny Davis has been the Clintons' attorney and big Clinton supporter since the 1990s. 

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19 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

A GoFundMe Page has been made for Michael Cohen.  In just one day it has collected  $145,546 of $500,000 goal.  

Your Donation will certainly help out a Good Man Destroy Donald Trump.   :biggrin:

He's going to need a lot more money than that...I have little or no sympathy for liberal's who are displaying their horns, for the whole world to witness. I have a network of friends, associates, acquaintance from around the Glob, enough to fill a Football stadium... Most all of them, believe, the Democratic party will need to be built from the ground up. In their own words, "the Democrats have no sense of pride. They don't care for anyone, but themselves and its a pity to watch." Please Sir-Cld have a seat on your Harley Scooter, and watch how we Americans, are being screwed.

The Swamp Will Be Drain...The Liberals are panicking...To the point, they have lost their minds. This is personal, and words mean nothing to liberals. They say whatever will help advance their cause at the moment, switch talking points in a heartbeat, and then act indignant if anyone uses the same argument they were using five minutes ago. Inside many liberals is a totalitarian screaming to get out. They don't like to have another point of view in the room that they don't squash and the way they try to squash it is by character assassination and name calling.

My Liberal and Conservative  Friends...If this Video, doesn't piss, we the people off, then, we are not human.


Karen Hudes BIO 






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32 minutes ago, ipiratemedia said:

The Swamp Will Be Drain...The Liberals are panicking...To the point, they have lost their minds

Look at the people Trump surrounded himself withAnd you're really looking for the swamp with the Democrats?


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It doesn't matter to me what Trump really does or even happens to him.  It doesn't affect me in the least.           I still collect my Pension Cheques each Month.  :biggrin:


We have enough to contend with Justine Turd-O as Canada's PM.


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2 hours ago, Alladino said:

Look at the people Trump surrounded himself withAnd you're really looking for the swamp with the Democrats?



OK, so you're better then me in coloring Alladino, you have a good point. But it's not you who most of us have a beef with. It's the Media. They're doing their best in dividing this nation, for their own agenda. They are trying so hard to convince their audience that they are credible to the point of staging a fake protest. I only voted a couple of times in my life...Bush 2 and Trump. I read about the Kennedy's, (good man) growing up because my Dad, he was a Dem-Politician, I believe I share that info so many times. Excuse me. The reality, the same criminals who assassinated Kennedy still exist. Reagan, can close. Now, Trump. The rest are in the SWAMP! Even Fox News, IMO, they were bias for the firing of Judge Napolitano. Leaking info:: Hello Fox, it was all over the internet. 



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The hypocrisy in the news media is amazing.They all ran with the Trump/Russia collusion myth even though they had no evidence,but had absolutely nothing to say about a 2010 speech that Bill Clinton gave in Moscow where he was paid $500,000 by a Russian company. Why did they not investigate to see if there was any connection between that payment and Hillary Clinton's actions towards Russia while she was Secretary of State? And why did the news media say nothing about Russian companies donating to the Clinton Foundation while Hillary was Secretary of State?Should they not have investigated to see if those companies received any favorable treatment by the State Department?

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