SPYING 1 Posted June 10, 2018 Posted June 10, 2018 4 minutes ago, Maturin said: The thing is though that American exports are poor They just aren't very good standard compared to what we have here in Europe. American steel is poor quality, nobody wants to drive shitty American cars, we've got our own coal and can get our own oil and gas from Russia and the Mid East. The only thing US imports have going for them is that they are cheap because they are not as good as our own stuff. It is right that we should have tariffs put on high volume cheap imports from the US - we have as much a right to look after our own industries and business as America and protect them for poor quality cheap imports as America wants to do against China and Mexico. Here's a list of the import/exports between the EU and USA. All the stuff that the US sends to the EU, we can manufacture ourselves and indeed have our own industries doing that, which provides jobs to our residents. Fuck Donald Trump getting his nappy in a twist because America has fucked itself up so much that the rest of the world no longer listens to it or wants to buy its low quality trade goods. 😂 https://pierstransportation.wordpress.com/2013/05/14/top-u-s-imports-exports-with-europe/ America is the greatest country in the world, we live better & enjoy our lives a lot better than any other country. Our Freedom & Rights are second to none. Why you think the freaking immigrants want to come to America. GOD has blessed America, obama tried to destabilize & destroy America. 1
Maturin Posted June 10, 2018 Posted June 10, 2018 2 minutes ago, SPYING 1 said: America is the greatest country in the world, we live better & enjoy our lives a lot better than any other country. Our Freedom & Rights are second to none. Why you think the freaking immigrants want to come to America. GOD has blessed America, obama tried to destabilize & destroy America. Haha! 😂
SPYING 1 Posted June 10, 2018 Posted June 10, 2018 4 minutes ago, Alladino said: In the short time Trump has been in office, he has undermined the world's trust in the U.S. Now. Just screwed the G6, he goes to the meeting with Kim Jong-un. All the broken contracts and the ongoing lies will certainly help in the negotiations with North Korea. 🤔 TRUMP & the American taxpayers are tired of the rest of the world taking advantage of us. 1
BBsq69 Posted June 10, 2018 Posted June 10, 2018 27 minutes ago, StnCld316 said: He constantly claims everything is Fake News It is funny that the people who scream Fake News the most are often the purveyors and serial repeaters of lies. Remember Donald Trump's best mate Nigel Farage, who he said should be the UK ambassador to the UK? Well he, his cronies and a couple of newspapers continually repeated lies about the EU so much so that most (and I do mean most) of the population believed them and now we have the situation we do. The same happens all over Eastern Europe. Like I said Trump is nothing new but until a decade ago we though the era of ignorance was over ... and then came the unregulated internet. Goebbels summed it up: The essential English leadership secret does not depend on particular intelligence. Rather, it depends on a remarkably stupid thick-headedness. The English follow the principle that when one lies, it should be a big lie, and one should stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous. Of course he then became the most famous exponent of it, himself.
BBsq69 Posted June 10, 2018 Posted June 10, 2018 27 minutes ago, StnCld316 said: He constantly claims everything is Fake News It is funny that the people who scream Fake News the most are often the purveyors and serial repeaters of lies. Remember Donald Trump's best mate Nigel Farage, who he said should be the UK ambassador to the UK? Well he, his cronies and a couple of newspapers continually repeated lies about the EU so much so that most (and I do mean most) of the population believed them and now we have the situation we do. The same happens all over Eastern Europe. Like I said Trump is nothing new but until a decade ago we though the era of ignorance was over ... and then came the unregulated internet. Goebbels summed it up: The essential English leadership secret does not depend on particular intelligence. Rather, it depends on a remarkably stupid thick-headedness. The English follow the principle that when one lies, it should be a big lie, and one should stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous. Of course he then became the most famous exponent of it, himself. 1
StnCld316 Posted June 10, 2018 Posted June 10, 2018 32 minutes ago, BBsq69 said: Not Wales's Alex Jones then. She admits she makes stuff up and believes all kinds of medium and homeopathy shit ... but then for some reason women seem more susceptible to that kind of nonsense. She's on the BBC peak time every Monday to Friday. There may be a pattern with that programme. Previous presenters: Although the last one does have a degree in politics which is more than the other 2, although the middle one was doing a degree in Astronomy.
StnCld316 Posted June 10, 2018 Posted June 10, 2018 41 minutes ago, Alladino said: he goes to the meeting with Kim Jong-un He'll be Kim Jong-Un's Patsy.
Thestarider Posted June 10, 2018 Posted June 10, 2018 1 hour ago, Maturin said: The thing is though that American exports are poor They just aren't very good standard compared to what we have here in Europe. American steel is poor quality, nobody wants to drive shitty American cars, we've got our own coal and can get our own oil and gas from Russia and the Mid East. The only thing US imports have going for them is that they are cheap because they are not as good as our own stuff. It is right that we should have tariffs put on high volume cheap imports from the US - we have as much a right to look after our own industries and business as America and protect them for poor quality cheap imports as America wants to do against China and Mexico. Here's a list of the import/exports between the EU and USA. All the stuff that the US sends to the EU, we can manufacture ourselves and indeed have our own industries doing that, which provides jobs to our residents. Fuck Donald Trump getting his nappy in a twist because America has fucked itself up so much that the rest of the world no longer listens to it or wants to buy its low quality trade goods. 😂 https://pierstransportation.wordpress.com/2013/05/14/top-u-s-imports-exports-with-europe/ You are so wrong it is pitiful, I will say this so everyone can read your bullshit, and know that you are leftist which only spews his own views that are not based on fact's, but just your opinion. The US will crack 20 plus trillion this year in GDP and has had a consistent growth in GDP since the 2010 Obama fuck up, the very best year for the EU was 2008 when they hit a world high at that time of 19.1 trillion, but since then the EU started to fall apart, and the GDP has been dropping year over year to 16 trillion estimate for 2018. The only other major player in the worlds GDP that has been falling year over year is Russia. Just think how much the EU would import without the massive huge tariffs placed on the US goods ? So much for a global economy and then lets talk protectionism ? BUY AMERICAN MADE IN THE USA 1
Howard Posted June 10, 2018 Posted June 10, 2018 57 minutes ago, BBsq69 said: It is funny that the people who scream Fake News the most are often the purveyors and serial repeaters of lies. Remember Donald Trump's best mate Nigel Farage, who he said should be the UK ambassador to the UK? Well he, his cronies and a couple of newspapers continually repeated lies about the EU so much so that most (and I do mean most) of the population believed them and now we have the situation we do. The same happens all over Eastern Europe. Like I said Trump is nothing new but until a decade ago we though the era of ignorance was over ... and then came the unregulated internet. Goebbels summed it up: The essential English leadership secret does not depend on particular intelligence. Rather, it depends on a remarkably stupid thick-headedness. The English follow the principle that when one lies, it should be a big lie, and one should stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous. Of course he then became the most famous exponent of it, himself. I'm also tired of hearing him talk about fake News. On the flip side, during the past 18 months, how many times has CNN, NY Times among other media outlets been correctly called out vs conservative media?! My educated guess is 5:1. As for what the rest of the world thinks of the US w/ Trump in office,...they think the US ain't gonna take it anymore! The bank vault of free money has closed. Say whatever you want about POTUS' foreign policy. Compared to Obama, POTUS shines like a new penny. Obama had absolutely no foreign policy. The only democratic nation that went through third party channels complaining about Obama was Israel. Why? Because Israel knows they have strong support among the House and Senate. And Israel has too many Jews in the US that will first support their right of existence then support Obama. If it was for AIPAC, Israel would have suffered worse (but survived) during the Obama administration.
Howard Posted June 10, 2018 Posted June 10, 2018 1 hour ago, StnCld316 said: I think the main reason People dislike Trump the most for is his Constant Ranting of the same BS over and over and his Ridiculous Twitter Rants. He gets on Twitter and he acts like a 10 Year Old Kid that fucking whines when things do not go his way. This No Collusion with the Russians BS only has to be said once and not 5 times a week. When you keep repeating yourself it makes you look like you may have something to hide. Same as that Stormy Daniels he's in denial with. He says he didn't have an affair and everyone is supposed to take him at his word that he's supposed to speak the truth but he has been caught in so many lies since being President. He constantly claims everything is Fake News because they talk down to him in a negative fashion. But his Ass Kissing crowd at Fox & Friends are the only reliable news source because of his Kiss Ass Buddy Sean Hannity. Trump even believes things Alex Jones Spews and he's one of the Biggest Conspiracy Theorists going. Alex Jones is a Walking National Enquirer. Mueller still has not fully exonerated him yet. His former Personal Lawyer Cohen is deep in shit up to his ears and Trump likely has some dirt in there somewhere. These Affairs that he keeps denying, if you had no Affair with these Women then why were they Paid Large Sums of Money to keep quiet. Trump is not as squeaky clean as most think. I think that Spray on Tanning Liquid has affected his Brain. Don't disagree with most of what you say. Keep in mind though. Mainstream media HATES Trump because he by-passes them w/ information and uses Twitter. Again, unconventional for any elected official. Old school Washington gets their publicist/spokesperson to release a statement. Trump uses Twitter and it pisses off the media. Its something we need to get used to. As for Cohen, he is in DEEP SHIT but not because of Trump. He has some skeletons in the closet (not Trump related) that will have him see jail time. But CNN makes everyone believe that Cohen & Trump scheme together because of Cohens disgresions with other clients. And...still waiting to see one item of proof that Trump and Russia worked together. Personally, I think the evidence was lost in one of those thousands upon thousands of e-mails that mysteriously disappeared from Hillary's server. 1
StnCld316 Posted June 10, 2018 Posted June 10, 2018 12 minutes ago, Howard said: Don't disagree with most of what you say. Keep in mind though. Mainstream media HATES Trump because he by-passes them w/ information and uses Twitter. Again, unconventional for any elected official. Old school Washington gets their publicist/spokesperson to release a statement. Trump uses Twitter and it pisses off the media. Its something we need to get used to. As for Cohen, he is in DEEP SHIT but not because of Trump. He has some skeletons in the closet (not Trump related) that will have him see jail time. But CNN makes everyone believe that Cohen & Trump scheme together because of Cohens disgresions with other clients. And...still waiting to see one item of proof that Trump and Russia worked together. Personally, I think the evidence was lost in one of those thousands upon thousands of e-mails that mysteriously disappeared from Hillary's server. My guess is if they do have any Dirt on Trump it will come out a few weeks before Midterm Elections since they'll want to Tar and Feather him at the best time possible. If they don't do it at that time they likely never will.
Ridgerunner Posted June 10, 2018 Posted June 10, 2018 1 hour ago, StnCld316 said: I think the main reason People dislike Trump the most for is his Constant Ranting of the same BS over and over and his Ridiculous Twitter Rants. He gets on Twitter and he acts like a 10 Year Old Kid that fucking whines when things do not go his way. This No Collusion with the Russians BS only has to be said once and not 5 times a week. When you keep repeating yourself it makes you look like you may have something to hide. Same as that Stormy Daniels he's in denial with. He says he didn't have an affair and everyone is supposed to take him at his word that he's supposed to speak the truth but he has been caught in so many lies since being President. He constantly claims everything is Fake News because they talk down to him in a negative fashion. But his Ass Kissing crowd at Fox & Friends are the only reliable news source because of his Kiss Ass Buddy Sean Hannity. Trump even believes things Alex Jones Spews and he's one of the Biggest Conspiracy Theorists going. Alex Jones is a Walking National Enquirer. Mueller still has not fully exonerated him yet. His former Personal Lawyer Cohen is deep in shit up to his ears and Trump likely has some dirt in there somewhere. These Affairs that he keeps denying, if you had no Affair with these Women then why were they Paid Large Sums of Money to keep quiet. Trump is not as squeaky clean as most think. I think that Spray on Tanning Liquid has affected his Brain. Mueller will not exonerate Trump because Mueller is part of the Washington DC establishment who was appointed special counsel for the purpose of taking out Trump,so that the establishment can once again take control of government. The whole Russia collusion bullshit originated within the intelligence community most likely under the direction of the Obama White House;first for the purpose of keeping Trump from being elected and then when they failed at that they continued with the BS for the purpose of removing Trump from office or crippling his presidency. What many people seem to not understand is that there was never any collusion between the Russians and the Trump campaign. That is a complete and total fairy tale. And what do Trump's affairs with women before he was president have to do with colluding with the Russians,which is what Mueller is suppose to be investigating? The only reason Mueller wants to interview Trump is to set up a perjury trap.Mueller could ask Trump about some business deal that happened 15 years ago,and if Trump incorrectly remembers something Mueller can charge him with perjury. When it comes to people's brains,I'm betting on Trump's brain over the Washington DC swamp dwellers.
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