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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. Well, actually, you did. Yes, you did say you're illegally posting their content. But, you've also said, "I'm paying money to provide you with content," and, he's making money "by using something which I originally paid for." While we're all very happy and appreciative that you do provide us content and hope you continue to do so, neither of those statements is true by any stretch of the imagination. RLC makes that abundantly clear is their TOS. The only thing you pay for, according to RLC, is the right to view their content, not to record or distribute it. Having said all that and since he, nor any of the other myriad sites that do the same thing, is not taking something you paid for, why would you care if he makes a buck off this illegal content? They're not taking money out of your pocket.
  2. I'll bet you are. In three easy steps. Go to their, or any, site and press Ctrl+L. You'll see the URL highlight in the Address Bar. Press Ctrl+C to copy the URL. Come back to CC and press CTRL+V in the post box. There's your link. That's all there is to it.
  3. Ulysse, I think he was just asking a question. I also wondered why some videos had that strange watermark, until I read that another user had claimed responsibility for doing it.
  4. As I see it, with that line of thinking, you have two choices. You can serve your videos through a site full of ads or you can choose to not post your videos, at all. I for one, and I'm sure there are many, many more, would rather you not choose option two and if you chose option one I'm sure everyone would hate you...well, except those with ad blockers. That said, nobody makes money by simply showing ads on their site. Just seeing an ad makes no money for the site owner. The visitor must actually click the ad and either buy something or pay to join something in order for money to change hands. Going back to your first statement, paying for an RLC sub has absolutely nothing to do with any of this. Paying for a sub doesn't buy you the right of ownership of their content. It doesn't buy you the right to use their content. In fact, RLC says you don't even have the right to record their content for personal use. All a sub buys you is the right to view their content and nothing more. You're not paying for the right to provide anyone with content. That's why they so rigorously enforce their copyright ownership by deleting everything we post. That's also why no one steals anything from this site because no one on this site owns any RLC content they post.
  5. I agree that a few may still get through. No blocker is going to catch them all. That's why I wrote out the instructions for what to do if one shows up. It may look complicated, it may take a minute to read, but it takes mere seconds to implement. As I said, you can delete 2 or 3 popups in 2-3 seconds if you do what I outlined. I use Blur, Badger and Ghostery for ads and trackers (all browser add-ons). They will usually catch most everything. If a site complains about a blocker, and it will usually be Ghostery, and won't let you continue, just whitelist that site in Ghostery. That usually works and you can keep using the site, letting the other two catch the ads and trackers. That doesn't happen very often, though. Usually, they will just complain about the blocker and let you use the site, anyway. I hope that's helpful.
  6. RLC deletes pics within a few hours of them being posted. Sometimes, they may last a day. If mab is used as a host, videos will last 2-3 days. If people would use mab to post pictures, they would last 2-3 days, as well.
  7. PS. Wouldn't Brave also help eliminate the ads/popups?
  8. All you need is a popup/ad blocker. If one gets through, it opens a new tab. I don't even wait for it to load, just press Ctrl+W and it's gone. Then I click the link again. I just went through dozens of videos and I saw maybe six popups, which were deleted before they could load. What I've found with this site is this: When you click on a video, hold down the Ctrl key to make the link open in a new tab. However, if it immediately switches to that new tab, you know it's going to be a popup, so you simply close it immediately (Ctrl+W). Don't even wait for it to load the page. Then, just Ctrl+left-click the link again. If it does not immediately switch to the new tab, you know you've got a video. In Firefox, there's an option that says: "When you open a link in a new tab, switch to it immediately" Whatever the equivalent is in your browser, be sure it's turned off. You don't want it to do that. It takes literally a couple of seconds to do that 2 or 3 times. Just keep your finger on the Ctrl key and don't wait for the new tab to load if it switches to it. At least that's how it works on my PC. Your mileage may vary slightly. Hope this is helpful.
  9. I tried that before I posted, but it didn't work. Thanks for the link. I typed that exact spelling into CB's search bar and it didn't find them. I don't think CB's search works very well. They're not the first channel I couldn't find even though I spelled the name correctly. I even copied & pasted their name right from their broadcaster's page and it still didn't find them.
  10. The picture and video topics are provided by CamCaps, but they're not the ones who delete the files that we post there. That dishonor falls solely on RLC's shoulders.
  11. Not that I have any vested interest in this site, but what's wrong with that? Why rag on one site when there are thousands of sites that do the exact same thing? Besides, you can't steal something from someone who doesn't own it on the first place.
  12. As far as I can see, hotscopes is still down, but voyeur-house.club has been up for at least a couple of days. 👍
  13. If a cat ever sits on it while it's rolling around, please post that one.
  14. You might change your mind when you realized you could never get a deep-throat blowjob. 🤣
  15. I noticed a few days ago. I think it's the same channel with a different name because I was notified she was online even though I didn't know she had changed the name. She also still has all her followers. 👍
  16. I don't understand why there's a game vid posted in this topic. Costas, I think this is considered spam by the mods.
  17. Her dragging that thing around is just so cute and so funny. It's at least twice her size and makes her look like a little person, but she obviously loves it. I bet she'd sleep with it if she could find a bed big enough. Hell, she could use the bear as a bed. Thanks for the video Kjeld. 👍
  18. If that's real, he should be lying flat on the floor right about now, due to all the blood rushing from one head to the other.
  19. Judging from her hair, her face, her tits and tats, it might be Linda's sister, but that's just a guess.
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