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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. Since your thoughts come from your head, should she kick you in the head, instead? 😁
  2. I could do that and I wouldn't mind doing that, as long as I can still post them in the main topics, as well. I think informational or instructional tips like this, no matter who posts them, need to be posted where they can do the most people the most good. Of course, that would be in the most viewed topics, the Picture and Video topics. IMHO, posting anything in topics like the tech section would be similar to handing them over to the spirit Lethe or setting them afloat on the river Lethe. In Classical Greek, the word Lethe literally means "oblivion", "forgetfulness", or "concealment". Now, that's a bit of an exaggeration, but as an example, on just the first page, aside from the pinned topics, exactly one sub-topic got replies in the double-digits. All the others have seven or fewer replies and most of those had four or less. There's just no way that I'm aware of, to let all the other users know that there's a new topic they might be interested in. Then, I would be adding yet another topic to the tens of 1000s already out there, many of which are very old, very unused and very useless. If you guys deleted just the topics that are two or three months old and older with zero replies, you could get rid of 100s, if not1000s of old, forgotten and never-used topics. That would go a long way to making it much easier to find useful topics. And, some way to notify other users about new topics would be major. JMO.
  3. On the drive from the final hotel down to SD, my eyes started itching and, of course, I kept rubbing them to relieve the itch, not knowing there was really something wrong. I didn't realize until I got to the Ophthalmologist, that during the cleaning process the night before, something had gotten on my soft contacts. It scratched my corneas so badly, the doctor had to patch both eyes so they could heal. I missed everything in SD, including a day trip to Tijuana, Mexico. I couldn't even watch TV in the hotel room. All I could do was sit there and twiddle my thumbs. I could barely see the animals at the zoo on the last day. If my girlfriend hadn't been with me or if something had happened to her while she was sightseeing the area alone, I'd have been up-the-creek. Thankfully, there was no permanent damage. Once they healed it was like it had never happened.
  4. I actually was there for a weekend in the 70s. We stayed in a cabin in the park and it was beautiful - the park, not the cabin. We normally spent a couple weeks on Carribean islands and once took a two-week, Carribean cruise, but that year we spent three weeks driving south on the California coast road, Hwy 1, from San Francisco to San Diego stopping at whatever hotel we came upon each night. We rented a car in SF and spent two days there. The second day, we drove a little north to visit Muir Woods, a Giant Redwood tree park. Now, THAT was simply breathtaking. It was so gorgeous and so majestic. And, even though I loved being there, unfortunately, I think I was too young at the time to truly appreciate how simply awesome and beautiful it was and what it meant to stand among those gigantic and ancient trees. Now, I can honestly say I could spend the rest of my life living in Muir Woods, if they'd let me...and if I could get an Internet connection. 😊 Looking back, I think that may have been my favorite part of the trip. The third week we spent in SD, which is a story in itself, because I spent the entire week in a hotel room, totally blind. The last day, I did get to visit the zoo, but one eye was still patched and I couldn't focus on anything. It was awful.
  5. I should have said I answered one question. I still don't know if it's Half Dome or not.
  6. Something was REALLY funny. I've never seen Angie laugh so hard. 😊
  7. This is where I think RLC should put overhead cams. __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ 😊 IMHO, overhead or birds-eye view cams are the absolute worst viewing angle imaginable for a voyeur site. Overhead cams are used mostly in surveillance situations to make it harder to spot the cams and harder to damage them if they are seen. The very last thing I'm interested in seeing is some guy's naked ass pumping up and down on a girl or the top of his head if he's on his knees, for example. On a voyeur site, again IMO, the best viewing angle is from the human perspective, i.e. no higher than the average head height or a little higher and no lower than about the average mid-thigh to hip level. Of course, there will always be exceptions. It's going to depend on the location.
  8. That makes sense. I get that. What I don't get is how, just 20 minutes after he posted the file, you could say it took 116 minutes to d/l it?
  9. I'm gonna guess, since I haven't seen 10 little digital pecans come rolling across my screen, that my answer wasn't correct? Was I even close? I answered my own question. When I looked it up, I found that Half Dome is in Yosemite, not Yellowstone. Was Half Dome right, at least?
  10. Well, the file is 1.5GB, so it would probably take a bit of time to download, but I'm a little confused. He only posted the file, in fact, only created the topic 20 minutes ago.
  11. I'm sure she wouldn't be offended, I just thought you said it quite well enough for the both of us. Plus, I wanted to be sure you got credit for being her "straight man". LOL 😊
  12. @mofo may not see this request, since his userid wasn't associated with your post to me. You may wish to quote his post or mention his userid in a new post.
  13. I thought both of you perverts would pick up on this right off. Of course, Guy is #1, no doubt. That's not what I was talking about. Look at the highlighted part again and substitute "come" with "cum". 😁 Just a little play on words. A pun, as it were.
  14. No, I got that part. This is the part I was talking about. " Where would Guy come if I may be so bold to ask then Ash lol "
  15. Unfortunately, all your videos were taken down within 2-4 hours. Here are some other hosts that might be helpful. MAB seems to last the longest. All of the following sites allow files of any type, i.e. pictures, videos, GIFs, audio files, documents, etc., to be uploaded. These sites allow files up to 5GB in size: https://anonfile.com/ https://desufiles.com/ https://megaupload.nz/ (which, oddly enough, is not the same as, https://mega.nz/) https://upload.st/ https://myfile.is/ This site allows files up to 10GB: https://nofile.io/ And this site allows file sizes up to 20GB: https://www.myairbridge.com/eng aka https://www.mab.to I hope this is helpful. Good luck
  16. Well since it attached to my favorite of favorite guys, it's medium length, but thick, and it hits me in all the right places, it would be Guys by a mile! Oh, Ash, you missed a grand opportunity, there, if I may be so bold. 🤣❤️😁
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