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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. I think she might have been blowing a kiss to the cat. Notice how she's not looking at the cam. 😊
  2. What I meant to say was, it made me think of Foamy and the floor cams. Sorry for the confusion.
  3. I saw this earlier and it made me think of you and the floor cams. That's a great pussy, but that ass is so big it's encroaching on her pussy. 😁
  4. I believe you, but diversity makes the world go 'round. 😊
  5. The tweet was wrong either way you look at it. Like you said, "another" could mean a new (different) guest or it could mean an additional guest. But, "another" doesn't refer to the same guest they had yesterday. That would be, "Another day, the same guest". πŸ˜ŠπŸ–– Now, if he was just misinformed, the tweet was still incorrect, it just wasn't his/her fault it was incorrect. 😁
  6. Look at it this way, Aussie. So what if people didn't respect your post or thought you were joking. So what if you didn't catch the 10-foot marlin or reel in the 500 lb. tuna. Don't worry about it. You'll get them the next time and the time after that AND the time after that, too! Nobody bats a 1000. 😊
  7. IMHO, I don't think you should look at it that way. I think you should feel free to post whatever you want, with no expectations that people will take you seriously, respect you, agree with you, disagree with you, etc., etc. Just throw it out there and see what you reel in. Post as much as you want, as much as you can think of. Just have fun. It's also very hard to draw much attention to any topic outside the main apt topics. People are so busy perusing the main topics for each apt, they seldom see any new topic that gets started. JMO, for what it's worth. πŸ––
  8. Quite the contrary, Aussie. I didn't think you were joking, in the least, nor did I take your post as a joke, by any means. If I thought you were joking around, I probably wouldn't have replied, except to maybe say something funny. I thought you were asking for people's opinions on the issue, so I offered mine. And, that's all it was, one person's opinion. I even said so, twice. Just because I didn't agree with your point of view doesn't mean I thought it was a joke. Not everyone is going to agree with what you say. πŸ––
  9. I was just waiting for you to get around to saying that. I knew you'd be the one to say it!! 😁🀣
  10. I was unable to get to this site. I got a "Secure Connection Failed" error. Also, CC doesn't allow direct links to videos on other sites. You have to first download them, upload them to a third-party host, then post them in the forum. It's a security thing I think. Thank you for all your other videos. πŸ˜ŠπŸ––
  11. I got waaay sidetracked and forgot, but I meant to ask you about this. I am having a difficult time understanding what you're saying. Could you please explain what you meant by the bolded text? Thanks a lot. 😊
  12. I think he may have meant the boyfriend's (the new guy's) name is Dean. πŸ˜‰
  13. She's putting olive oil (it looks like olive oil) on her skin to get a better tan and protect her skin. "Does Olive Oil Work for Tanning? The short answer is yes. Oil attracts and concentrates UV rays onto the skin, triggering melanocytes to produce more melanin. The more melanin, the deeper the tan." -- tanoholic.com
  14. Both ends are nice, but I think I prefer this end. 😊
  15. Great vid, Golfer. Thanks. Do you know who got their cat first, Clara or Cleo? Just curious.
  16. Thank you very much, DH. Much appreciated. And, yes the interruptions and the expressions on Clara's face were priceless. Thanks, again.
  17. I didn't see it live, so I could be wrong, but she doesn't appear to be complaining. 😁
  18. Here's a bit better view of it. 😊 Thanks to Jabba for the great caps!!!
  19. Oh, I get the reasons. It was just the way it happened. One minute she seems very interested, the next minute she looks like she's bored to tears. It just struck me as humorous. 😊
  20. I was looking through these pics thinking, wow, Musya sure seems interested in what Clara is doing. Then... ...I got to this pic and I laughed out loud!!! 🀣 🀣 Soooo funny!! Thanks for the pics, @dh2995!!
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