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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. She's very fine. More would be good. Thanks. πŸ‘
  2. No need to apologize. There's nothing wrong with that English. πŸ‘
  3. That's hysterical, creative...and kinda sad all at the same time.
  4. A girl can dream, right? Or, fantasize, whichever cums comes first. 😊
  5. 😊 Now, I have definitely seen some fat girls on VH, but IMHO, she is certainly not one of them.
  6. I can't put my finger on it, but there's just something about this girl that I really love. She just has a special look about her. Spying, if you see any more pics of her or find out her name, please post them. Thanks.
  7. Pete, if you don't mind telling, and maybe you have already, how old are you? I only ask because you seem like such a young bloke, as Robwin put it, to have already had multiple heart attacks, with a resting heart rate of 120+. That's way above normal. And, you smoke, too! I don't mean to sound like a mother hen here, Pete, but we are all a great big community and I believe we not only have a right to worry, but an obligation to, as well. And, I don't mean because of some perceived loss of entertainment value if you and Lexy had to leave VH. Of course not. I'm talking about a truly genuine, sincere and heartfelt concern we have for our favorite couple. Rob, I know Ash wasn't being serious, just yanking your chain, but there is one thing you said I'm not sure I would agree with. I don't think Pete's decisions are entirely his own, at this point. As the saying goes, no man is an island unto himself. In other words, no one's life is just their own. At the very least, there's Lexy to consider. She loves Pete dearly, as well as he, her. I'm sure there are also many family and friends, as well. If something serious or worse were to happen to Pete, Lexy would be absolutely devastated. It's not something, I believe, she would easily or soon recover from. So, Pete, at the risk of sounding like a mother hen, if for no other reason than Lexy's sake, please, at least stop smoking. And, maybe eat a little healthier. We truly care about you both. ❀️
  8. The two on the right look a little like sisters, but I like the one 2nd from the right.
  9. So, since people are earning points again, but I don't have the points I had before, does that mean we lost our previous points? I also noticed we no longer have the new posting icons (features) we had before. Does that mean you had to go back a version with the software? Thanks.
  10. Ouch! That's cold. Remind me never to visit Philly. Actually, I did visit there once. Spent the weekend with a friend in the 'burbs. On Sunday before I headed home, we went to a nice restaurant in the city. We were there for two hours. When I got back to my car, which was just two blocks away, one of my backdoor windows was shattered and some expensive stuff was stolen. So much for the city of brotherly love. This was decades ago and I've never been back.
  11. I wasn't offended, but it's not my thread. It's Aussie's. 😊
  12. Gotcha. Thanks. Hope they don't lose the remote. Climbing a ladder to change the channel would get annoying really fast. 😁
  13. Is this one of those screens that magnifies the TV behind it or is there a projector someplace that projects the TV signal onto it. I don't see a projector anywhere. Anyone, know how this works. Maybe a question for @Lexy&Pete. I do, however, see they have at least one PTZ cam. That's a good thing. Great place, guys. Congratulations!!
  14. Well, they're at least meat flaps. 😊 These I might call meat curtains. 😁 T The one with her leg up is called, Soph E.
  15. You want us to choose a boat? What boat? There's no bo...oh, wait a minute, there are a couple of boats way back there, arent' there. I think I'd take the one in the foreground. That's the best looking one. 😁
  16. HaHaHa!! That'll be the day...that pigs fly! 😁 Good one, Sparkles!!
  17. HaHaHa. Ya learn something new every day. I'm not familiar with those rules. 😁 Is that just in Philly or anywhere you happen to be living at the time? 🀣
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