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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. You might wish to try a different host. Here are a few more host services you may want to check out. All of the following sites allow files of any type, i.e. pictures, videos, GIFs, audio files, documents, etc., to be uploaded. These sites allow files up to 5GB in size: https://anonfile.com/ https://desufiles.com/ https://megaupload.nz/ (which, oddly enough, is not the same as, https://mega.nz/) https://upload.st/ https://myfile.is/ This site allows files up to 10GB: https://nofile.io/ And this site allows file sizes up to 20GB: https://www.myairbridge.com/eng aka https://www.mab.to BTW, https://mega.nz/ is another good one that accepts any file type and large files. With a free account, they give you 50GB of storage space for your uploaded files. I hope this is helpful. Good luck.
  2. I found this on RLCF and thought, "This is SO @Amy3!" Perfect for Miami!! 😁
  3. I know of late, the upside-down cross has come to be known as an anti-Christian or Satanic symbol, but it didn't start out like that about 2000 years ago. "The Cross of Saint Peter or Petrine Cross is an inverted Latin cross traditionally used as a Christian symbol. The origin of the symbol comes from the Catholic tradition that Simon Peter was crucified upside down, [1] as told by Origen of Alexandria. The tradition first appears in the "Martyrdom of Peter", a fragmented text found in, but possibly predating, the apocryphal Acts of Peter, which was written no later than 200 A.D. It is believed that Peter requested this form of crucifixion as he felt he was unworthy to be crucified in the same manner that Jesus died. As such, some Catholics use this cross as a symbol of humility and unworthiness in comparison to Jesus." - Wikipedia The inverted cross is even used by the pope to represent Saint Peter. "According to Roman Catholicism, the pope is Peter's successor as Bishop of Rome. Therefore, the Papacy is often represented by symbols that are also used to represent Peter, one example being the Keys of Heaven and another the Petrine Cross." - Wikipedia
  4. Thanks. I'd like to change that to: "Please pet the pretty pussy." 😊❤️ It makes a better alliteration, which means: "the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words."
  5. No need, she's got a hugely better-looking crack!! 😊
  6. Maybe Stepan finally found a place of his own and is coming to pick up his stuff. Just a guess. Or maybe RLC is FINALLY going to give Maya a better place to live. Wouldn't that be amazing!? After five years in that God-awful, rinky-dink, tiny apt.
  7. Is that Half Dome in the reflection? In Yellowstone National Park?
  8. I'm not sure I understood everything you're saying, here, but this is just a temporary living situation, as I understand it, until Lexy and Pete's apt is ready to move into. This doesn't translate well into Italian, but here it is. Non sono sicuro di aver capito tutto quello che stai dicendo, qui, ma questo èsolo una situazione di vita temporanea, a quanto ho capito, fino a Lexy eL'apt di Pete è pronto per entrare.
  9. I could be wrong, but it's possible that a company is only obligated to abide by the laws of their home country or the countries in which they have offices. If every company in the world was required to follow all the laws of every other country in the world, probably not a whole lot would ever get accomplished. It might be up to the country receiving, in this case, the feed being broadcast, to block what they deem to be inappropriate, like they do in China. I'm only talking about intangible things, like what goes out over the Internet. Obviously, you can't ship illegal drugs into a country or traffic humans into another country, for example.
  10. First, let me say you have an excellent English teacher and you're an excellent student. That sentence was nearly perfect. You had all the right words, everything was spelled correctly, the words were in the right order and with proper punctuation. Everything was right except maybe the meaning of what you said. The word "painful" means something hurts, like when you cut your finger slicing tomatoes. However, used in the context or way that you used it, the meaning is, you liked what was said, but not the person who said it. Based on your other comment, I don't think that's what you meant to say. That may have been why sr71gn thought he offended you. I hope this was helpful. And, may I also say, you are one beautiful woman from head to toe!!
  11. So much prefer this size picture, rather than the smaller pics you post. Thank you very, very much!!! You post some great shots and larger makes them show up so much better!!!
  12. Please tell me that's Photoshopped. Surely that's not cute little Pauley, is it?
  13. Do I detect a little female charm happening here? Did someone say something about them going on vacation? Maybe they'd like to spend their vacation in Germany, Jabba. What city did you say you lived in, again? 😁🤣. Just funning with you.
  14. I could be wrong, but I think he means, Butch, with the fake dick, i.e. blue shorts. 😊
  15. I don't much care for Veronica for the same reason I don't watch Betty; age. I wasn't talking about actions, at all. You brought up the fact that if Betty was younger and had a body like Ella's, for example, she'd have higher stats. I agree with that and that was all I was referring to; age, which is a big determining factor of body type, style, looks, etc. I didn't say it was all about youth and beauty. I only said I prefer young vs. old. Another way to think about that is, all else being equal, younger is going to have higher stats than older, which makes age a factor. Now, obviously, it's not the not the only indicator, but it's the one I was talking about. Otherwise, I'd be watching Betty and Veronica and it's not likely I'm the only one who feels that way. I wouldn't call myself an old man, yet - I hope to have another 100 years to go before I get to that point 😊 - but I'm definitely a senior citizen and way more than 50.
  16. A lot, Alittle? Sorry, Alittle, I just couldn't help myself. That was just too good to pass up. 😁
  17. Age is not an indicator. Betty's example. She have very hot orgies. Yes - if she have Ella body and age for example, her statistics would be higher. Groomy, I respectfully disagree. I think age is a definite indicator and you said it yourself. If Betty had Ella's body and age, their statistics would be much greater. That is the exact reason I never watch Betty & Rick. They can have all the orgies they want and there's nothing wrong with that, but they'll never have the higher statistics that a younger orgy will get. And, I, for example, much prefer a younger orgy. Just my preference, but it is an indicator that their views will be lower.
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