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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. Or, until RLC has it removed, whichever comes first, which usually happens within 8-12 hours with mega, sometimes less. Every time someone clicks a link in the RLC forum to download a file, RLC gets wind of it and they go into overdrive to take the file down from the host's servers. I believe RLC has automated this process using scripts or some other method, so they don't have to manually search for the active links in the forum. That's why Nath uses copy & paste URLs, so as not to trigger that process. This goes a long way in allowing the files to stay active on the host's servers for a longer time period. @nath75, please correct me if I got any of this wrong. Thanks.
  2. Is that the little yellow bird? You're both right. It's the little yellow bird of US origin. He always outsmarts the cat, whom I think is named Sylvester.
  3. You're right. That's easy enough to do. I just meant I didn't use 7-Zip. I only have WinRAR installed.
  4. Hey, Golfer. Even if he used another host service, I believe you'd still have the same steps to do. He would still zip and PW protect the vid. You'd still have to copy & paste the URL. Once it downloaded, you'd still have to unzip the RAR file using the PW to get to the video. And, if he used another host, the file may not last as long, even if RLC didn't pull it down. For example, if he used mab, any file uploaded using a free account is automatically deleted within a maximum of three days. which defeats his purpose of trying to make the file last as long as possible. If something is not working for you, possibly I could help. I'd be happy to try, if you like. Not to say you don't know how to do what needs to be done, just that if something is not working correctly or is running slowly, maybe I could offer an alternative method. I think I remember reading somewhere, I'm not sure where, that the unzip process was taking a long time for you (if I'm wrong about that, please just say so). I don't know about 7zip or other archive software, but I use WinRAR. When you install it, certain options are placed in your right-click context menu, like this. All I have to do is right-click on the RAR file and I see these four options. on the right. Normally, I choose the last option and it unzips the files to a folder with the same name as the RAR file. Easy peasy and fast as hell. And, the options change depending on what you're trying to do. Let me know if I can help.
  5. "This was a convo between me and Bear. YOU, SIR, ARE BUTTING IN." This is a public forum. Everything you post is seen by hundreds, maybe thousands of people. There's no such thing as a private conversation in a public forum. Anyone who reads your post has the right to reply to it. That's not called butting in. That's called the entire purpose of the forum. There weren't a lot of words in your first post, which makes it difficult to take anything out of context. But, I actually considered the tenor of your entire post in my reply. For example, from your first sentence, "Here we go." you made the assumption that Bear was trying to argue with you, which, as I said before, he was not. He just offered a differing opinion in a non- threatening way. In your next three sentences: "Do you what IMO means? In My Opinion, got it? What that means is, that is my opinion, nothing more." You spoke down to him, treated him like he was an idiot and was rude by accusing him of not understanding what IMO meant. Whether or not he knows, that's how you came across. When you said, "Let's not get into it. Fair enuf?" you again made the assumption that he wanted to argue and that you were trying to nip it in the bud. But, there was nothing to nip. There was no argument in his post. That's pretty much in context, I think. The meaning and content of your entire post was that Bear shouldn't post his opinion, because he was trying to start something, which he clearly was not. He just kindly and thoughtfully offered a different opinion. In other words, IMO, your original post was unnecessary, although you're free to post it, because Bear was never trying to get into or argue with you, about anything.
  6. Thanks for the update. This was the first time I'd seen it. Not being able to subscribe, I'm always a day late and a dollar short. I tend not to watch the free cams. Until the contest started, I never really saw much of any interest on them.
  7. Looks like Pete got a new toy. A Fleshlight ('cuz it looks like a flashlight). 😋 How does it feel, Pete?
  8. I forgot to say, it's probably not a good idea to post a 65MB GIF file in any of the main Picture topics. It would take forever to load the page. 😊
  9. I'm a little confused by your first post. You have access to CamCaps (CC) because you're a standard member of CC. In fact, you'd have access to CC even if you weren't a member. These two posts were posted on the CC website. I don't know what you meant when you said you don't have access to CC. As for a host, check these out. anonfile.com allows files up to 5GB nofile.io allows files up to 10GB mab.to allows files up to 20GB And, they all accept any type of file. Hope this is helpful. Good luck.
  10. In the VHTV forum, some apts. have separate topics just for posting large GIFs. Check out this one, then create a new topic under Leora & Paul for large GIFs. You may also want to include the warning for mobile users. (See the 1st post in this topic.) Viki & Kate large gifs
  11. I know you're being funny, but I thought we were supposed to click on things in these topics. 😊
  12. I capped your entire post from the screen, because this is what I saw: But, when I quoted your post to show you what I capped, I could see the actual video and go to Gfycat and see it there, as well. You can see it at the top of this post, but I can't see it in your post. And to make it even more strange, if I click on the vid in your post I go to Gfycat and get the "Copyright Claim" screen. Go figure. And, this was all less than an hour after you posted it.
  13. Unfortunately, that expiration period is only good if RLC doesn't take it down first, which they are likely to do.
  14. That's correct, but it only becomes a problem if you're manually typing the URL, which is both difficult and unnecessary. Just copy and paste the URL and it won't be an issue, at all.
  15. You've been around this site and these forums for more than two years. I remember discussing things with you then and you didn't seem to get it much then and, IMO, you still don't seem to get it much. If I had to guess, I'd say you've probably not read the rules. If you had, you'd know that if you post an opinion on this site, anyone from the community is free to disagree with that opinion and post their own. Those are the rules of the game, but you don't need to take my word on that. You can read it for yourself right here: The Rules of the Game Specifically, rule number five. And, that's all Bear did. He didn't agree with what you said and he posted a differing opinion from yours. He didn't attack you or call you out or call you names or flamebait you or try to, get into it, as you said. He simply had an opinion that differed from yours and he posted it, which is his right. Also, IMO, the only person who tried to get into anything was you, when you said to Bear, in so many words, that he shouldn't post an opinion that was different than yours.
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