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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. Jesus, her tits look twice as big in the right photo! Almost like she inflated them.
  2. That is a very interesting garment. I've never seen a scarf with sleeves, before. Very cool. Well, actually, it's probably kind of warm. Oh, hell, you know what I mean. 😁
  3. I've tried Firefox, MS Edge, IE and Chrome and all I ever see is a white box with a circle and a dash in the center. Even when others quote your picture post and say they can see your pic, all I see is a white box with a circle and a dash in the center. Even in this post, that is what I see.
  4. While it may not be very likely, it is possible to post a file that large. Or, you could put a bunch of files in one post that don't exceed that total allowable file size. It's the total size (not the dimensions) of all the images in a post, be it one or 25. See below.
  5. I believe you guys are talking apples and oranges, and you're both right. Rob, you're referring to the maximum file size of all the files in any one post using the paperclip, file attachment method, which is 146.48 MB. And, Sparkles, you're talking about the pixel size, dimensions, of the pic that shows up on the page after it's been posted. If those dimensions are greater than a certain size, the pics will show up as the maximum, allotted size for the post box. I hope this is helpful.
  6. That was his first problem. Now, the problem is using the paperclip, the Attachment Center, to drag and drop files into the post box.
  7. Damn, Martina can twerk with the best of them!!
  8. I would agree that it can be slow as snails, but on occasion, I've been able to download at 2.0-2.5 MBps, which is the equivalent of 2000- 2500 KBps. But, they do seem to throttle their download speeds on their free accounts, sometimes.
  9. Maybe because guests don't get paid. Just thinking out loud.
  10. When I read this I thought, that's funny, I just use F5 to refresh my browser screens. So, I tried your method and it seemed to work, too. Then, I wanted to know what the difference was, so I looked it up and this what I found. "The difference is that generally, F5 may use the browser cache, while Ctrl+F5 invalidates the cache and forces the browser to fetch the web page from the server." Thank you for teaching me something new today.
  11. Anytime someone uses googleusercontent.com to post a picture, this is all I see. Even though Chrome is a popular browser, even the most popular, not everyone uses Chrome as their default browser. And that means a large number of people are not seeing your pics. It could also mean that Google is taking down your pics, because they don't allow adult content. As for host services, try nofile.io or mab.to. Both are free and easy to use, accept any file type and allow files up to 10GB and 20GB, respectively. I hope this is helpful.
  12. It might just be as simple as family helping family. Just a thought. It's possible Sophie recently got out of a bad relationship and needed a place to stay in a hurry. Or, maybe she couldn't afford her own place, for whatever reason, and needed a place to stay until she could save up enough for a place of her own. Just thinking out loud. There could be dozens of other reasons.
  13. Neither, actually. I'm afraid now I'm the one with the problems. I see no pictures, at all. This is what I see.
  14. I asked you once if deleting a post that already had reputation points associated with it, would also delete those points. You said it wouldn't delete the points and that proved to be true. I didn't ask about post counts, but that could easily be checked. So, why would deleting a topic, which is just a group of posts, delete the reputation points and possibly the post counts? I agree, I don't think any old member would have any interest in any topics that are more than a few months old -- I'm not referring to picture or video topics of any kind, in any forum, current or archived. I also don't think new members would be interested in years-old topics. Why would they want to waste valuable time taking a trip down memory lane or gathering historical data about the forums? Most people have precious little time to even investigate the current topics and stay on top of what's happening now. And as I said, I am not talking about deleting any kind of picture or video topic in any forum, old or new. Having said that, if there are pictures or videos that are of a quality that is worth saving -- many are of very poor quality -- then surely a topic or two could be setup to store them. And why couldn't you delete the hundreds of topics that are more than a month or two old that have absolutely no posts in them? Surely, if no one has used them in a month, it's highly unlikely they will ever be used. I'm not saying just delete every old post, willy-nilly, or without a plan of some kind, but there are sooooo many topics out there that no longer deserve to take up space in or clog up the use and navigation of any forum. Thank you for listening.
  15. All of the Chloe videos Nath reposted within the last nine hours are also gone.
  16. That's a big dildo. Not the biggest I've seen or even the biggest I've seen being used, but probably the biggest I've seen on RLC. Still much smaller than a baby's head, though. 😊
  17. OMG!!! FIVE YEARS????!!! No wonder there are so many hundreds, even thousands of useless topics in your forums taking up soooooooo much space!! No wonder it's so difficult, if not sometimes impossible to find anything in these forums. Or, for that matter, to even know where to start looking to find anything. And now, you want us to create even MORE useless topics that no one will pay any attention to or even know exist, taking up even MORE space, making it even MORE difficult to navigate the site, making it even MORE difficult to find anything and even MORE difficult to know where to look for it in the first place. I'm sorry guys, but in IMHO, this is, without a doubt, the WORST decision I have ever seen come out of CamCaps. IMHO, you guys have more than five years worth of useless topics that are looooooong overdue for a GOOD spring cleaning. You could delete hundreds, if not thousands of them outright, without even asking the owners' permission. Many of them have zero posts in them. Sorry if I sound a little postal about this, but I feel very strongly that this is not a good idea. JMO.
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