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Everything posted by Maturin

  1. Sorry if thishas been answered, I had a quick look back to check - is Nicole the RLC Nicole that was in B1 and B2? She looks like her = hot as fuck!
  2. Agreed. "voyeur" sites need to embrace the free advertising and community that build up around their enterprise. I don't care about them locking the cams off because I ain't gonna pay for it anyway but they should be working with CC instead of reacting against it. Look at how quickly VH and Camarads got a big initial boost to their business because of the community they found here.
  3. That's the type of anecdote that was asked for @jimbo4, thanks Newark This underwear shop, is not really that expensive: bras - Intimissimi SE.INTIMISSIMI.COM 48h shipping. Discover Bras that are perfect for every occasion. With Intimissimi you can find the style that matches your wishes. Don’t miss out! Now, if she was buying 10 sets of underwear every week and throwing them away, whilst spending loads on doing her makeup 3 times per day, whilst coming home with professionally done nails every other day, then yes, I would agree that she would be high maintenance . The evidence, not accepting some "confidential things," is that she's absolutely not high maintenance and is living within her means. Regardless, her choice of underwear doesn't really disabuse my notion that she's saved a ton of money over the years.
  4. Can you back that up with some evidence, anecdotal or otherwise?
  5. Ah OK. But in any case, they have outlasted all other tenants on all other sites except perhaps Maya and from the early days Leora used to refer to this as a social project that she was participating in. I think she came into this with a game plan and is following it through. She does buy clothes but what else? I think they came into this with a plan to live rent free with a view to saving up for something and she's had more fun than she realised with respect to sharing her sex life on screen and getting the immediate feedback from CC and other sites. Don't be surprised if one day soon their apartment goes offline without warning because they've got what they wanted from the project. If and when that happens then fair play to them. They, especially Paul, have taken a lot of crap over the years and I wish them well should they leave.
  6. I don't think she's in her 20s, early 30s perhaps? 20 somethings don't save money because, well, they're in their 20s and generally piss it up against a wall every pay day. But we can see that Leora and Paul don't really go out regulalry to do that kind of thing.
  7. She's been living rent free for years and has probably saved up a substantial sum of money. Leora is the winner here chaps!
  8. You're right, you are wasting your time with people like these. Look at the positions these God-fearing, climate-change-denying, gas-guzzling, low-education, white supremacists take on absolutely everything. Look hard enough and you'll see there is one link that ties them all together and explains why these people believe the obvious lies that they are told - convenience. From climate change to Trump through social inequality or unionising to get their fair share of the wealth that they create - they can't be fucking bothered. It is inconvenient to them to change their way of existing or to fight even for their own rights, so they believe the convenient bullshit that's pumped out by the right-wing media machine (which is well aware of their ignorance) that keeps them docile. They spend far more energy attacking people that threaten to break their unfounded beliefs than they do working to secure the future of the planet for themselves and their children. I reckon you know this very well already @BBsq69 but I'm not just preaching to the choir, check out the replies to this message and yours that will come from the right-wing attack slugs that fester in this forum, it will prove my point to them! They sit at home safely behind their keyboards with the metaphorical fingers in their ears spreading hate and white-supremacy, meanwhile getting angry at the truth whilst the convenient lies that they believe continue to fuck them over!!
  9. They never have sex so the bed linen doesn't get any stains on it! Seriously though, they've fucked no more than 8 times this year, even 8 times is probably an over-exaggeration.
  10. You all keep using words like Marxist, Socialist etc like you know what they mean and then in the same sentence prove that you don't. It is fucking weird to be honest. I'm certain that across the internet you go around trolling your half-baked bullshit as you fight against commies and snowflakes, insulting their intelligence by calling the names and insinuating negative character traits instead of engaging with what they are saying - and then I'm sure you call it a win, a score for the conservatives when they just stop replying to you. It isn't a win for you when people stop replying to you because the things that you write are bullshit. People have better things to do with their lives instead of constantly dragging themselves down to the level that you operate at. Take the highlighted above: unhappy, miserable people like you - the fuck has making up bullshit about someone you've never met got to do with immigration? And this one from you buddy, can you not see that there are pages here, a record of what has been written? I didn't insult anybody, this is another type of bullshit that you people come up with, to get of the actual subject that you are failing to understand. You people also do a thing called projection. Let's take those two examples - "insult rampage," "unhappy miserable people," this is projection because almost every message to me from you both has either a direct insult or some other negative association attached to it. I know that I am neither unhappy or miserable (yet I log back on here to a 5 notifications from this thread alone, what sort of unhappy miserable chumps send someone 5 notifications while he's been away) and I also know that I'm am not insulted by you (but am well aware that your juvenile jibes and half-cocked political aspersions are designed to try, yet fail, to insult me). It is absolutely pathetic and indicative of, not just the poor political knowledge of its people but also, the poor standards of education in America in general, that people who have differing political views are berated and heckled by the regurgitative parrots that are so prevalent now throughout the American population. It is not high-functioning political engagement to call someone that disagrees with you unhappy or miserable - it is worthless and childish. Politics is not a team sport in which you try to shout down the oppositions fans by any means necessary and call it a win when they walk away from such bullshit behaviour. There is literally nothing that you, strangers on the internet, can say to insult me. Each and every time you try to insult me in order to generate an emotional response rather than than the reasonable response you further reinforce all that I have written above. If your level of debating is limited to that of an idiot teenager trying to antagonise an adult then you really need to educate yourselves more. If either of you had displayed the capability of even understanding the above at face value then the following sentence would not be necessary, but if you are going to continue to display the intelligence of poorly educated, politically challenged teenagers then sadly I feel the need to write this disclaimer: The above is not an insult, it is an observation based on your behaviour on these forums. There is a definite difference and I suggest learning what the difference is between an insult and an observation because, based on the the sort of people you appear to be by how you come across on here, knowing that difference will absolutely change your lives for the better." I am fully prepared for you both of you to take what I've written here and turn it around, as you usually do, in the slightly more elaborate yet wholly unoriginal manner of, "No, I'm not that thing you called me, you're that thing you called me," that you seem to think hasn't gone unnoticed and that you also seem to think that is a valid of debating in a mature way. Spoiler alert: It isn't and it never has been. I literally feel like I am writing to and scolding the dumb kids in the class, like what the fuck?! 😂 Going forward I am not prepared to reply to either of you unless you take the above on board because: "It isn't a win for you when people stop replying to you because the things that you write are bullshit. People have better things to do with their lives instead of constantly dragging themselves down to the level that you operate at. Which is why these forums inevitably go silent, there is no quality of mind here."
  11. Didn't take long for the fake news card to get played did it. You people must bore the shit our of yourselves.
  12. I guess you continue to choose not to put that one article into the wider historical context of the actual thing that we're talking about. The article is talking about the symptoms not the cause, I thought that was clear enough and frankly I'm a bit disappointed that I needed to clarify that. Oh well.
  13. The US through the CIA sponsor corruption and fear in these countries. You do know this, they've been making Hollywood films on that topic based on true events for years. Countries don't just naturally evolve well armed and foreign trained militas ready to wage civil war at the drop of a hat. US involvement in those countries that you chose as examples are well documented and part of the historical record. What you're saying is not true. what is happening in those countries is directly linked to US economic imperialism. I get that you don't get it, you're part of the most successful propaganda machine that has ever existed and its been lying to you for your whole life. I don't hold that against you or think I'm better than you just because I'm able to see what's going on but for fuck's sake, you need to start putting two and two together, you all fucking do!
  14. All I ever see you do here is repost memes or articles that are blatantly copy/pasted that you try to pass off as your own. You also tend to use the word socialist and socialism like you know what they mean when you clearly do not. If it isn't worth your time any more - then act like it. I had the feeling that an interesting debate was about to develop before you shoved your arse in so if, as you've indicated, you've got something else better to do - go and do that then.
  15. Yep, another well researched and argued contribution from you to this thread. Thanks and well done.
  16. I'm not going to play news outlet top trumps with you - you people label any news, no matter how factual or well cross-referenced, to be fake news if it does not agree with or reinforce your prejudices. The three countries you chose and their various, US sponsored, economic and physical conflicts are now part of the historical record. But I'm sure you people have a thing called "fake history" to label any historical evidence that doesn't fit in with your far right world view!
  17. The rest of the world doesn't care if it was the Republicans in charge at the time of any of those examples that you chose or indeed if it was the Democrats that were responsible -they all (and by extension, you all) fuck over other countries around the world for the "glory" of the USA, so you're all culpable and sound really pathetic when you moan about the mess that you've caused.
  18. At least that's what's reported = precisely what they want you to believe. Guatemala - The United States financed brutal counterinsurgency campaigns with forces it trained in the School of the Americas. By interfering in state policies and it shared responsibility for the genocidal campaigns carried out by the military regimes in Guatemala, including the government of Ríos Montt. Mexico - You seriously believe that the US has not done everything it can to keep Mexico down? You're joking, right? Honduras - Are you people not getting fed up of being schooled about your own recent history, the true history rather than that what's reported on your "news" channels? Try this https://www.theguardian.com/world/2009/nov/27/us-honduras-coup I found the above in seconds, after inputting 4 words and clicking twice. There is no longer any excuse for being so uninformed. Your "news," is lying to you and the truth behind the lies that you believe are becoming easier to uncover.
  19. I missed this sorry. I don't believe in official ports of entry, I don't believe that people should be designated illegal because they do not hold the correct piece of paper, I do not believe in the artificial concept of a border. I believe that we're all brainwashed to think that these things really matter by the people that control us. Borders are political, they are a way for politicians to say to us that we are one people within the this border and there are people outside it that want to hurt you but I'll keep you safe, so long as you vote for me. It's lies. I don't really care that much for the opinions that buy into the political brainwashing that the majority of people are caught under. What Trump is doing wrong is what he was brought up in Western society to do - and that is to think that we are better than everyone else and that our borders protect us from the nasty foreign brown guys outside. Meanwhile, we use our economic power and military might to destroy the viability of the countries in which the brown guys live so they have no choice but to try to seek a country that works in order to make a living for themselves. If you don't understand the fact the the US and its allies create the refugee and migrant crises then sorry but I really can't help you. Do you really not think that if the US military/industrial complex gets what it's been after for 40 years and Trump starts a war with Iran and destroys it's very viability (like in Iraq, Afghanistan and and Syria) then the US will not see a massive spike in Iranian refugees and migrants? Stop destroying countries in the Middle East and in the case of South America, stop fucking them over economically and these people will stop trying to enter the US - it really is that fucking simple.
  20. So... If all of us who are not currently living in Africa at the moment are, by your reasoning, illegal, then surely those that are going around in countries outside of Africa labeling and arresting other people for being illegal are acting like psychopaths and we should stop them?
  21. In which case any population of humans that do not live on the African continent would be considered illegal immigrants, since that is the only place that humans are native to. Ahh, glad to see that reductio ad absurdum is still going strong.
  22. It's not even weird though, it's just really sad actually. Making stuff up on the internet so strangers think you're worth something? The more I think about it the more I think you must be in a dark place right now. I feel sorry for you mate and I've got no interest in continuing whatever this is any more. I hope you're able to work through whatever it is that is going on with you.
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