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Everything posted by upndown

  1. Well that's fucked the train songs then!! :doh: :doh:
  2. The superb LC at his best. I have the dvd of this concert. A must have for anyone who loves wonderful music!!
  3. I loved this as a teenager but couldn't admit it. The Seekers weren't 'cool' enough when I was 15!! www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1UXSdFlVOs
  4. The Seekers - Morningtown Ride. I think Leora would like this. Judith Durham's voice was just beautiful. :)
  5. It will be interesting to see if Ivo is allowed to try it on with this new girl. I really hope not. The Voronezh apartment has to be able to stand on its own two feet (or lie on their own backs), without interference from the Tver predators. :no:
  6. No, there was no masturbation. Just a quick scratch and then a masterclass on how to use a cushion and a sheet to cover every part of the body from the neck down! :curse:
  7. Ozi, I have been for the most part enjoying your posts for a long time. You and Snaky have a way of cutting through the BS I find amusing. This time I'm afraid your wrong. I posted a similar opinion to yours not long after the new apartment opened. I have been proved wrong also. Briefly, the problem is that the Tver apartment has three professionals brought in to have sex parties and 'guide' the amateurs in the Voronezh apartment to participate. This in itself would not be a problem if there was even the slightest regard for the amateurs. There is none. The first couple there was split up, the guy was thrown out, then his ex-partner was thrown out after they grew tired of fucking her. The guy who was fucking tonight, Ivo, is the worst culprit. He grooms the girls, makes sure they get plenty of alcohol, then fucks them until a new face appears. It's easy for him. He's a good looking guy and the girls are not exactly mensa material. Now I tend to be a live and let live kind of guy not prone to righteous indignation, but this is just nasty exploitation to turn a few bucks. I'm sure none of these girls arrived as sweet innocent little virgins, but I'm also pretty sure that when their time comes to get kicked out or they leave of their own accord, their memories will not make them either happy or proud. Damn! That wasn't nearly as brief as I hoped!! Anyway Ozi, I'm sure if you had watched as long as I have you would agree........or not!! :idk: :idk:
  8. This reminds me of a goldfish I once had. :scratchchin:
  9. Yes, this really is nasty. Two guys who couldn't make half a brain between them, walking around like retarded chimps while a total egotist proves to himself that he can fuck anybody he wants. He couldn't even get a hard-on! Quite why the females are giving themselves to this idiot is beyond me. Somebody wants to cut his balls off!! :headache: :headache: :headache: Anyway, I'm out of there. :trashcomputer: >:( >:(
  10. Well, with over eighteen thousand likes, there must be a shit load of people like crap. The guy puts a lot of time and effort in, and some of his stuff is excellent. I think you should kiss and make-up maxfactor :hugnkiss: :haha: :haha:
  11. I think we have to address THE most important issue on RLC for many years - what should we call blue now that at least half of her hair is green!! Why did she do that?? Is it all part of a RLC plot to confuse and divide opinion? Don't these people know there is enough problems in the world without dropping this bombshell!!! I think I will call her Grue for the time being, but I offer her this advice - Add some red lines up and across your head. Then we can call you Tartan! :nana: :nana:
  12. I don't know what arrangements RLC have with their people regarding any payments. I would say however, that for the last couple of days to have been a scam, both Carla and Mario would have to be potential Oscar winners! Now, I like them both, God love 'em, but I really can't see it! If women are right, and all men think with there dicks, then Mario is a fecking genius, but other than that, I don't get the sense that there is a whole lot happening in the attic! :screwy: I hope they stay though, they make me smile :) :)
  13. Could be... But I think its more likely he was a doughnut maker, although only around one in every hundred was cream filled. :yes: :yes:
  14. I think if you got Masha for xmas you would be 'blunt' by Boxing Day! :haha:
  15. I hope Leora likes bald men, because by the looks of this, Paul won't have to bother getting his hair cut for too much longer. :no:
  16. Yes, I think you are right. On the homepage listing, the female name always comes first, so Masha is the girl. I watched their session last night, and I have to say I don't see any way these two are porn actors. Their intensity is too real and Sasha's desire to ensure Masha's total satisfaction is contrary to falsehood. I just think they are two people who use their fitness level to explore sexual possibilities to the full. I fucking love 'em :drool: :drool:
  17. Thanks Mickey. BTW, any luck with that wee Russian bird yet? You better get a move on or she will end up married with two kids and stretch marks!! :yikes:
  18. I liked them until now. No more!! They are watching fucking bullfighting on the tv. How anybody in their right minds can enjoy looking at this shit is totally beyond me >:( They should all be put on an ice flow with a couple of polar bears and see how fucking clever they are then!!! Sorry, I don't rant often, but this nonsense really pisses me off!!
  19. I think maybe Nelly misunderstood RLC when they said members would like to see her fiddle with herself naked! She truly is a wonderful example of beauty, both in looks and personality. :hugnkiss:
  20. Hey! There ain't nothing sad about spending time watching a beauty like Leora. I hope that for all the dedication you show to the cause, when you get to the physio tomorrow, Leora's identical British cousin is there to massage your bits! :yes: :yes:
  21. I hope RLC reads this, because it's the answer to the problem! Take Paul, Lev and Demid, and put them in one apartment. Yes I know that would not make any money. However you then take Leora, Zoya and Dasha and put them in another apartment. Can you imagine what that would draw in!! Now you have saved the cost of one apartment and although there would be an additional cost for cleaning, (due to the amount of pussy juice), this could be eliminated simply by asking for volunteers. No need to thank me RLC. All in a day's work. :yes: :screwy: :screwy:
  22. Conversation heard last week in a Russian cafe close to Dasha & Demid's apartment: "So Demid, what you're saying is that when we have sex, we just do it under the covers?" "Thats right Masha. Once you get used to it its easy. Oh, and if Sasha starts any nonsense like rubbing herself, nip it right in the bud." "But don't the paying members get annoyed at this Demid"? "Fuck them"!! I hope Masha doesn't pay any attention to Demid, but I fear the worst! :no:
  23. Yes, I got this today although it didn't look like it loaded properly and I now can't enter the site from the address bar. I have to search it then it opens. Strange! :scratchchin:
  24. Thanks, Its loading from the search ok now, but not from the address bar. Must be a glitch in my shit laptop. :trashcomputer:
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