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Everything posted by moos54

  1. The answer is quite simple, they are not the same managers
  2. she's in love, tell me, it's not a problem?
  3. maybe he lost something you see sex all the time
  4. Ary/George and Catherine/John are also there own manager, so i think they cost less really at VHTV
  5. In fact the view is perfect on the sofa on the other camera in the living room
  6. at least, she's naked, so it's already something ;-)
  7. what's wrong with these men? The girls look happy for their presence, do not you like to see the girls happy?
  8. this is the slogan of VHTV So doing nothing is already doing something
  9. maybe one day if they drunk too much like with other guest
  10. I have nothing against Mira and Kai but I do not hope I want this apartment to come back but with new people if possible
  11. Do you see in my remarks, an order of anything I'm just saying we're not the crying office and it's time to move on, nothing more
  12. yes i know but I never really see you write nice messages to say that you like this or that, on the contrary, you always come to complain I do not know if you know about it, but the forum is not really the crying office
  13. not better sorry i think you are a false idea of what RLC do or not RLC is just the right excuse for people who do not understand anything I do not know if you know about it, but the girls also have free will and if they want to spend time with their loved ones and share it with us, why complain about it, just because RLC once had the wacky idea to call these apartments "girls on vacation" In addition there is no doubt that these guys are much more than gues for sex
  14. so you watch RLC, you are not happy you watch VHTV, you are not happy tell me if you will be happy one day
  15. Sorry but even with the best will in the world, I understand nothing of what you mean
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