I can't believe beardy boy is still on the laptop while he has a half naked girl upstairs
Whatever he is doing must be pretty important
Because i know where i would be
There is only a certain time of day when the chat room will have 10 or more in there to make a difference
for me it's in the morning but i guess most of you it's at night
Every other time of the day there is maybe 1 or 2 people and i've looked nothing is being said
so i don't think the chat room is stopping many posts
I love Leora, Zoya, Adriana, Blue, Suzan, Nelly and Elisa but if Kamila and Kristy ever leave RLC and it will happen one day
I'jj be done with it
It could spell the end of RLC
I have not had the pleasure of seeing her nude since they came home between work and my hours they are always in bed asleep wjen i get online
can you send me some pics privately Kenny i won't post them if your afraid of RLC banning you just for my pleasure