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Everything posted by Loner-69

  1. But Kami is a super nice person who is nice even to people who are mean to her.Remember what happened the night she was lying on the couch and Coco and Milana came in drunk and started making derogatory remarks toward her.It appeared Kami became upset and went upstairs to get away from them.Later in the night even though Milana was already wasted,Milana wanted to out clubbing.Coco went upstairs and talked Kamila into going with them.Kamila agreed to go with them even though they had been nasty to her just a few minutes before.Kamila seems to have the ability to overlook peoples transgressions and be nice no matter what is done to her. I didn't follow this apartment when Milana and Coco were there. So I missed that particular scene. But you're right, Kammi seems a very kind and friendly person. And yes, some people can take advantage of that. On the other hand, she isn't a child anymore. She works and travels (and maybe has a serious relationship back home), so she knows how things work. And I still don't believe that Kristy is up to something. Of course, if Kammi gave her the opportunity she would not hesitate ;D But the way they act together looks pretty solid and mutual. But I can't look in their heads, so it's only me guessing... I don't have anything concrete either.It's a lingering feeling and intuition I have.The closest thing I have to concrete is a minor incident.Kami had just finished doing her nails and then she and Kristy were playfully wrestling on the couch.Kamila broke a nail and almost started crying and Kristy mocked and laughed at her.In most cases a broken nail is no big deal,but for a model it is.So I would have thought Kristy would have ben a bit more sympathetic.Also,I have never seen Kristy buy or do anything special for Kami.All I see are repeated attempts at sex.Maybe lesbian and heterosexual relationships are different,but I am used to doing fun things with and buying things for the person I love.I just don't see a complete relationship here.From Kristy's side, I see one primarily based upon how do I get into Kami's panties.And I am still troubled as to what happened to Kamila the night she got sick.I saw some physical symptoms from Kami that frightened me. So that's the observations of an old fool.
  2. But Kami is a super nice person who is nice even to people who are mean to her.Remember what happened the night she was lying on the couch and Coco and Milana came in drunk and started making derogatory remarks toward her.It appeared Kami became upset and went upstairs to get away from them.Later in the night even though Milana was already wasted,Milana wanted to out clubbing.Coco went upstairs and talked Kamila into going with them.Kamila agreed to go with them even though they had been nasty to her just a few minutes before.Kamila seems to have the ability to overlook peoples transgressions and be nice no matter what is done to her.
  3. I believe partly, but not fully. Girls who have done a lot of work in front of the cameras behave differently than completely inexperienced. When I have watched them very much in Kamila's room, their caring from one another, and a deep friendship appears so authentic, that it is impossible to act, even if is the actor. There is no possibility to redo the scene. I just think that Kamila has thought, it is easier to live in an apartment as such as she is by her nature. I agree totally with the text in bold. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind about that. I don't know about the rest of the comment, but you are "right on" regarding the feelings being real. I don't disagree that they are close friends,but I'm not so sure Kristy would be so friendly without the hope of a sexual relationship.To me Kristy sees the friendship as a means to an end.OnKami's side I see the friendship as completely honest and real.
  4. Maybe it was show time for the cameras,or Kami just tolerates Kristy's behavior just so she doesn't have to sleep alone.
  5. The added closeness of Kristy and Kami may just be a show like the twister game for RLC subscribers,like the other changes in Kami's behavior from the last time she stayed at the apartment.
  6. Didn't Kami also share a bed with Monica when Monica was in the apartment?Maybe Kami misses sleeping with her husband/boyfriend and just likes the feel of a warm body next to her when she sleeps at night.She tolerates Kristy's unwanted sexual advances to keep Kristy as a friend and to keep Kristy in the bed with her at night.Also,it wouldn't be much fun going to the beach and clubs by yourself.Bottom line, Kami just doesn't like to sleep alone and needs a friend to have fun with while in Barcelona.
  7. Appears Kristy is a slow learner.How many times does Kami have to say no before Kristy gets the message.
  8. Yes I seen that myself. I don't know if that means they are going out at midnight or 1am or if something else is brewing. Only time will tell LOL. Maybe they're going to out later and rob a bank.
  9. After watching Kristy pursue Kami I never want to hear another woman accuse men of being sexual predators.
  10. Hell, you have the best stripper already present..................Kristy ! But she spends all her time chasing after Kami and not stripping.
  11. could be right. Fact is that Kristy is the one being 'passive aggressive' in this 'relationship'. It's all pretty one sided. And they don't seem madly in love with eachother either. In the beginning it was all cute and hot to watch and I gave them the benefit of the doubt, but now I think it's just a game. Sometimes it even makes me uncomfortable when I see Kristy feeling up Kammi again while Kammi isn't even interested. I only hope that this game will not end badly for one of them. It's simply not worth it. I rather see them as good friends than fake 'lovers'. So hopefully things will change. Or their relationship becomes more mutual and less forced or they just act normal as good friends without the 'scripted' behaviour. But once again, what do we really know? We can only speculate and give our opinions. :) Also,with RLC subscribers saying they will cancel their subscriptions if nothing sexually happens between Kammi and Kristy, both Nora and Kristy have financial reasons to make something happen. Loner, if financial reasons was behind all this then things would have already happened! There are people on CC that say canceling their memberships would not make a difference. I beg to differ with them on that. Let's just say that their is 1,000 members on CC that canceled their memberships, that is $45,000 a month and $540,000 a year that RLC would not be seeing!! I promise you that RLC would put the brakes on and say WTF is happening here!! But how can anything happen if Kami doesn't agree to let it happen.And if Nora and Kristy have sex just to increase RLC viewership then Kristy has no chance with Kami.And sex with Kami is the real prize for RLC cameras.
  12. Maybe RLC needs to rewrite it's contract with tenants.They need to put a clause in the contract that requires tenants to have sex in front of cameras at least 4 times/week.Then there would be no ambiguity as to what tenants are expected to do in return for free rent.
  13. Why wouldn't they? Isn't that what a good majority of beautiful woman do all the time? I agree.Normal people don't think about sex 24 hrs/day.There are other aspects to people's lives.If that's all you're looking for go to a porn site.
  14. You could be right. Fact is that Kristy is the one being 'passive aggressive' in this 'relationship'. It's all pretty one sided. And they don't seem madly in love with eachother either. In the beginning it was all cute and hot to watch and I gave them the benefit of the doubt, but now I think it's just a game. Sometimes it even makes me uncomfortable when I see Kristy feeling up Kammi again while Kammi isn't even interested. I only hope that this game will not end badly for one of them. It's simply not worth it. I rather see them as good friends than fake 'lovers'. So hopefully things will change. Or their relationship becomes more mutual and less forced or they just act normal as good friends without the 'scripted' behaviour. But once again, what do we really know? We can only speculate and give our opinions. :) Also,with RLC subscribers saying they will cancel their subscriptions if nothing sexually happens between Kammi and Kristy, both Nora and Kristy have financial reasons to make something happen.
  15. That's exactly how I see it.I hope we're wrong.
  16. Kami,if you see this message wave at the camera in the living room.
  17. It's now show time in the living room with Kristy.
  18. She keeps intervening in their lives because she likes to be the center of attention. If RLC has any intention on keeping Kristy and Kamila on a permanent basis then they should offer them an apartment where they can be alone and not have any interference from Nora. But I still believe Kristy and Nora are in partnership to use Kami sexually.It's Kristy's job to wear down Kami's resistance and then let things advance from there.Both Nora and Kristy know that if there is no sex, RLC subscribers will drop RLC and eventually new girls will be put in the apartment.I believe that's why Kiko comes over every now and then,just to hold on RLC customers.
  19. Maybe Kami already has someone else and she wants to remain faithful to that person.Notice how everything cooled after the phone call Kami received the night before?
  20. I would love to watch Kami and Kristy have sex,but I would enjoy it more if I felt it were a balanced relationship.My intuition and experience tells me something different.I don't believe the affection Kristy shows for Kami is real.I believe it is just a strategy for her ultimate goal of sexual conquest.I have never seen Kristy buy or do anything for Kami.Also,I hear guys on CC saying if something doesn't happen soon they are dropping their subscription to RLC.Nora,Kristy and RLC know that too.So getting Kami into a sexual relationship may also have the money motive involved.In essence,I see Kristy as a sexual predator who is interested in Kami solely as a sex object and not as a person.If a guy does this,he is condemned for having a "Love 'em ,fuck'em,and leave 'em" attitude.Does that same condemnation apply to insincere lesbian relationships?I don't want to see Kami get hurt in this.Hopefully, my intuition is totally wrong.But I just don't have a good feeling.
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