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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. Doesn't matter. In two weeks there will be new people again 🤣
  2. Would not make a difference for me as I do not watch this place and would not watch the other place 😉
  3. They said on Twitter they do not do swinging or any other action with other people anymore.
  4. What should they trade? Oil, food, drugs?
  5. But she had very hot sex with Valentina 😍
  6. The one in black top. Ex Voyeur-Villa participant.
  7. Really hope Nelly will lose too 😁
  8. Huh? Who are you? Fishing for 8 hours must be incredibly boring 😉
  9. He should just fuck off with his pathetic GoPro and limp dick 🤣
  10. They left project. To the archives they go @StnCld316
  11. 1 I don't think so but I don't know 2 I don't know. I made a ticket and asked. 3 Because support said about three weeks ago they will return. But you can ask them again if you want 4 Because she plans to return in summer 5 Go ask @Folivora 6 Maybe later this year she will 7 Highly unlikely 8 I don't know and I don't give a shit about that place
  12. Well there was a guy messing with the bathroom cam but I don't think that's the reason they hid it. Something else must have happened there.
  13. Nothing going on there anyways. I was worried because you said no energy.
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