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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. They have the same excitement as watching paint dry. LOL A diary or a journal would be a wasted gift on these two. Monday: Same ole shit. Tuesday: Same ole shit. Wednesday: Spilt my soup. Thursday: Same ole shit. Friday: Doctor said I need to take it easy for a while. Saturday Same ole shit. Sunday: Rested all day.
  2. She has a stunned look on her face thinking Lev is such a douche. c'est pour cela qu'elle s'est enfuie après, mais elle revient toujours!!! that's why she ran away afterwards, but it always comes back !!! :-[ :-\ Poor girl. I don't know why she keeps coming back for more. She should stay away from this abusive idiot. Classless asshole. And what's he wearing,.. Are those Peter Pan underwear?
  3. "Thanks Foamy. Good riddance to that worthless fucker Ra20. Six post and out. That Newbie barely made it out of the embryo state before he was crushed beneath your boot." You're certainly welcome. However, this jackass came back >:( . I have banned him again. Report all adfly posts please, and I'll play bop-a-mole with his fat head until I can send in our agents to terminate him permanently.
  4. It's funny how some songs will stir up some old memories within you.
  5. I half way feel sorry for him. Being a bad alcoholic can be worse at times than being a heroin addict. I say this because with heroin you have to go out and seek the stuff, whereas whisky and beer is pretty much everywhere you go. And so the temptation is always there. I had a friend who lost a very good paying job, as well as his wife, and house because of alcoholism. He was a good guy and it hurt to have to watch him lose everything because of it.
  6. Yeah, thank you Admin. For a moment there I thought that some of my friends here and I went the way of the dinosaurs.
  7. She's got a catchy name, 'Loveless'. There's a famous knife maker by the same name, which I always thought was somehow appropriate. I had it in my head once, but never did go through with it,.. Mores the pity. But the guys all got a kick out of it when I mentioned it. Probably because they could see I was actually serious about it. Anyway, I had intended to go to Chicago where they had this skeleton of a T-Rex there. And I said that it should be done on a rainy day to where I could use an umbrella to help shield my face. Well the plan was for me to go to that museum and then just blast away and shoot some of it's teeth out of it's jaw. Then scoop up some of the bigger ones as they fall, and then just dash out again. What a funny scene that would have been. I could just see the morning papers now. "Madman shoots at dead T-Rex". They can say what they want, but I had intended to have that tooth filed down and made into the handle of a custom, fixed blade, fighting knife. Think about how symbolically cool that would have been. The handle actually having been a tooth that was often dripping with blood during the course of this beast lifetime. And having belonged to one of the most ferocious and deadliest creatures that ever walked the earth. Still pretty cool when you think of it. Would have been a hell of a nice knife for sure.
  8. Don't forget the electro shock treatments. Very enlightening and educational as well.
  9. A pretty good fight had broken out at the Boardwalk hamburger joint while this song was playing. I saw one of those old time sugar shakers go whirling through the air and right out the front window that day. Life use to be fun and exciting at times.
  10. Yeah. Funny stuff. And I always liked Kingfish too.
  11. Amos and Andy That was a funny show. And the women in that show were all named after precious stones like Ruby, and Sapphire, and Peal. Now the black women of today all have names that sound like various diseases.
  12. And yes, at the end of the Lone Ranger show,.. It always ended upon that mysterious note of.. Sheriff: "Who was that masked man?" Heroine: "I don't know, but he not only saved our town, he also inseminated me." Lone Ranger: "Hi-O' Silver,.. Away,.. Quick!" And by the way, had he been black, it would have probably have been a ski mask that he wore instead. Just my observation.
  13. Yeah, I know,.. I heard all of that nonsense before about the pyramids being built by Blacks. But that doesn't make any sense. I mean I looked at all the graffiti there in Detroit and LA, and in other infested parts of this country, and I didn't see one cartouche there anywhere. Not one! Just the usual mindless dribble often attributed to these crack addicted sub-humans. And why doesn't the Rosetta Stone have something written in Ebonics, along with the Greek and Latin? Rosetta Stone: "Yo,.. Waz up dog? My homey has a chariot wit deez big wheels dat is off da chain". I mean it's just ridiculous! Just because the Sphinx has thick lips, and some of the gods they worshiped there look like crows, doesn't mean that the Egyptians were black. Also, How come the people living there now in Egypt are not Blacks, but are Egyptians instead. Can someone in one of those Black history study courses explain that one to me? For some reason I just can't hardly sleep at night not knowing this somehow.
  14. I don't really care to watch. Not my kind of people. I can't even figure out if that one is a boy or a girl, or just some hermaphrodite.
  15. https://youtu.be/-U_p1PSoBuQ Here you have a couple of white liberals happily dancing to Obama's tune.
  16. Now I know what your talking about. And she is an ugly sow! One taste from a dick after having been so neglected for so long, and no wonder she fell in love with the two convicts. I myself, after having seen her, would have probably elected to just serve out my sentence instead. ______________________________________________________________________________________ And now I hear that someone has opened fire on the Dallas police head quarters, and has been presumably shot dead by a police sniper. Hope so anyways. Otherwise it's six years of trial preparations and psychological evaluations, then a protracted and costly court trial, and then we get to feed and comfort the fucker for who knows how long. So lets hope the sniper hit his mark well. But if he should still be alive, then it's likely that Barack Obama, and Eric Holder, along with certain other white hating liberals will fly in and will act as character witnesses for this guy. You can place all of this unrest, and hostilities squarely upon Obama's narrow shoulders. He never could rise above his current status of being a Black Community Organizer.
  17. Everyone loves Lucy. That's the problem. The girl just can't help it. And as far as Paul goes,.. He has had the door slammed shut on his cock so many times that it now assumes that ducking posture permanently. That kind of thing can leave a penis with a severe inferiority complex. It's know as the dejection of the erection syndrome.
  18. Yep,.. Everyday is amateur night now. And just to show you how lowbrow and stupid some can be. There was this pig of a girl who wanted to impress her friends on how loud and how long she could fart. So she inserted a straw attached to a compressed co2 canister into her ass prior to her great debut. But it caused her to bleed internally and she died. That actually happened. So you see, Nature is doing it's part in trying to eliminate some of it's mistakes. It just isn't moving fast enough for my liking.
  19. Yeah, she's on the loose now, and Paul must be going bonkers while checking up on her. But maybe it's something totally innocent. Perhaps she just joined some nudist colony somewhere, and it was only mosquito repellant that she was spraying all over her body. 'Ode de la Treachery No.5'
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