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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. What gets me is how the queers have hijacked the word 'Gay'. A perfectly good word now turned into poison. A word that had been used throughout the centuries in literature, and in plays, and even in movies back in the more recent past. A word that throughout time was always used to express: 'One who was joyful, or light hearted', but now has come to represent something rather sordid and disgusting. Whereas the word 'Queer' had always been used throughout the centuries to represent something that was peculiar or strange. I saw an old Sherlock Holmes movie where Holmes was looking at something and said to Doctor Watson. "Come here Watson, look at this, there is something very queer about this." He didn't say,.. "Come here Watson, look at this, there is something very gay about this." I mean it's like calling a rose shit. "I gave my love a red, red shit." See what I mean,.. It's just doesn't make any sense. To me, there is something very queer about it all.
  2. I never dreamed that the closet was so big. Pretty sickening actually.
  3. I think she has a thing for soccer players. So if you should ever find your way to her door, don't forget to bring along the ball with you. First impressions and all that.
  4. I'm sorry that I don't understand Spanish. I just need to know if this is due to You Tube for some reason, or if the fault is with my own computer.
  5. I noticed lately that I can't get a number of video songs on You Tube to play. Is anyone else having that problem? Or is it just my computer instead?
  6. I was playing chess on my computer while listening to it. So don't feel bad, I did fairly good that night.
  7. By whatever name you want to call them,.. September, 2001 And what about those other countries where these Muslim fuckers killed their citizens, were they up in their shit too, as you say?
  8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . An aerial view Farrakhan's million man march.
  9. Today three Muslims were killed in North Carolina, and already the liberals are wringing theirs hands and bemoaning that it was a hate crime. Boo Hoo :'( Of course it's a hate crime. Some peace loving people hate Muslims. Why wouldn't they? Personally I hate liberals just about as much for kissing their asses, and loving the enemies of my country. To me that's a love crime.
  10. Yeah, though sad, it's a good thing to see Ozi. Thanks.
  11. Dear, East India Trading Company, Please send me one abled bodied negro. Preferably one that isn't dying from dysentery, or aids, or any other such pestilence. Also, hopefully, one that doesn't snore too loudly, as I now live in a rather small place since my divorce. Very cordially yours, Mr. Woodworker
  12. Somebody mentioned something about 'White guilt' over slavery. Well, I don't have any such guilt as I never had a slave. I mean I put in my order, but just never received one. Probably just as well though. That's the last thing I need is to have some blue gummer dangling a knife over my head while I'm sleeping. ???
  13. Though it's sad to say, I think it may be time to break out the dueling pistols here. And it is a shame, because I really do think very highly of you both. For the longest time you both seemed to get along alright. And yet with strong personalities, mixed with a surge of adrenaline, sometimes things are bound to go awry. But I just don't see you two as being each others enemy. Instead I view the whole mess as an unfortunate accident. Anyway, Here's hoping that you two will see it that way as well. As I remain a friend to you both.
  14. This may not be the right place to put this, but I don't care. When a tree gets struck by lightning there's no telling which way it may fall. So here goes,.. My mother was the most remarkable person I ever knew. Everything about her was genuine, from that famous sweet smile that she would so often wear upon her face, to this serene, quiet wisdom that at times would pierce you straight to the heart. Everybody that ever came in contact with her would fall under her spell and would truly come to love her. I've never seen anything like it before in my life. And whether it would be a waitress at a restaurant who only just met her, once again, even though my mother didn't speak much, that waitress would find herself suddenly confiding in her like she's known her for years. I'm telling you, it was profound to watch this happen over and over again with that wonderful woman. And I remember when a certain girlfriend of mine once said to me in a rather stern, matter of fact way, that if this thing between us doesn't work out some day, that she was still going to come by to see my mom, because she said she decided that she was her mother too. What could I do but smile at this. She truly was an amazing person. Someone who lost her whole family when she was only eight years old, and yet though she was very close to them all, never lost herself in a gin bottle, or moaned to anyone about it openly. She had such wit and charm, and a heavy dose of grace. Generous in every way you could ever imagine. And she never spoke vulgarly or said things that were unkind behind anyone's back. I told you, She was the most amazing person I had ever known. And when she died, the nurses were all crying while they told me how sorry they were to me. And I just nodded my head, as I felt I had to leave before I too would burst out in tears. When one of them called out my name and said "We really loved her." To which I turned away and tried to leave when yet another one grabbed my arm from behind, and as I turned to face her, with all of the nurses there in the hallway all bawling, she repeated, "I'm telling you we really did love her." And I again just nodded my head to it all. You see, I knew from a very early age just what an effect my mother could have upon people, so she really didn't need to stress that to me just then. Though I just took it once again as something that had always impressed me so very much about her. Think about it,.. Nurses are accustomed to watching people die, and yet they were all deeply moved by this. A truly noble woman. Here's a little sample of her charming wit. When my oldest brother was fifteen and was just learning to drive with a learners permit. My mother was in the front passenger seat of the car, while I was sitting in the back seat. Well, My brother kept drifting over the line, instead of being able to head straight down the lane. And there was this business man that was quite irritated by this, and when he pulled up along side of us he shouted out,.. "Just which lane do you want!" To which my mother just leaned forward passed my guilt ridden brother, and with that beguiling smile of hers she said,.. "We're not really sure, we kinda like them both." She once told me to try not to say things in anger that you might later regret. And so I thought that maybe between two good people that might be a nice thing to pass on here, even though I have been guilty of doing that very thing so often in my past, and many times when I knew in my heart it wasn't something that was truly justified, I have regretted it. I am still learning from the people of that generation. We are all son's and daughter's of the past.
  15. Ozi, If there's one thing that I do know, it is that the liberals will never listen to reason, or honor the truth when certain facts are placed before them. It's been tried by many intelligent and articulate people before with no fruitful outcome. That is the sole reason for my own frustration over these imbeciles. They themselves will never accept the failures over their past policies, and are determined to destroy the constitution of this country which is the very thing that was put there by the founders of this country in order to keep dictators in check, and to try to guarantee our now disappearing freedoms. I've heard you say many times concerning your own country, asking, "What the hell has happened to my country?" And that is what we too are experiencing here, within our own consternation and ire. Being now 64, I can tell you that what has transpired here now over the past forty or so years has been so destructive, in both education, in the way that they now deliberately go about lying to these kids in order for them to not think well of their own country, and to indoctrinate them into becoming a worthless liberal just like themselves. And then of course there's that liberal media that has done so harm to our social values, and in making young girls now accept themselves as nothing more than sluts, and whores, through their repugnant rap, and hip hop, and of course MTV. Just look at what they allow to air nowadays with that vulgar display of Miley Cyrus recently. Just more disgusting tripe for the young to latch onto. And No, It does no good to argue with them, or to debate with them. For they are not honest or honorable people in their devices to reach their own aims. They even created this stifling political contrivance that they termed "Political Correctness" just to keep others from even daring to take issue with them on whatever lying propaganda they are now spewing, like Global Warming for example. One of these semi famous liberal idiots, the son of JFK, actually said, "If someone doesn't believe in global warming they should be put in prison." They have been pushing that agenda since the sixties. I actually heard some telecast of junk scientist claiming that the world would end by such and such time because of it. Which meant that the world should have ended some 17 years ago. They want to be able to control our industries and to diminish our capabilities through this great lie of theirs. And then there's the Gay Marriage thing. So much for the Gay's great lie in being tolerant, the filthy maggots! So God help you if you own a catering service and do not wish to host a Gay marriage through your business due to your own religious beliefs. For in their tolerance they will sue you, and will hound you, and threaten you, and lambast you through their liberal news papers, until you end up folding up your business over it. Which has just happened here in Texas recently. That's the hypocrisy of the liberals for you. Once you know them for what they really are, you will soon realize that they don't give a fuck about social values or morals, they just want to have it all their way or else. And they don't give a fuck about your own religious beliefs. It's hard for me not to get a little angry over the demise of this country. And yes I am very passionate about my country. And you only have to look at the students abysmal education for one, to see what really matters to these malignant Democrats, who now embrace this absurd and destructive liberalism.
  16. Ozi, I don't dispute your premise about war benefitting certain individuals financially. Because in that respect you are right, although many of these individuals were already very rich. But where would we have been during the second world war without such people as Henry Ford, who was turning out bombers at the rate of one per hour. Hitler himself was stunned by this achievement. And I know that Henry wasn't a good man, or an ethical man, and even in what he did to his own son was down right cruel. But industry leaders, some good, and some not so good, helped us in our countries both here and abroad to win that war. What I think about when I think of that great battle back then is the camaraderie that the people all shared in during that time. You can say that they were naïve, or even childish in their innocence as to the things that they were never made party to or aware of; but there was this common good will and togetherness that pervaded that whole era. My mother worked in one of those factories that built the bombers, (And no, she didn't look like Rosie the riveter).. But she told me once that none of the women ever complained about the long hours or the work, and that their only concern was for their husbands and boyfriends fighting overseas. And I know that there was this same greatness about the people in Great Britain, and in Australia, and in Canada as well. Even Hollywood showed itself to be patriotic back in those days. Unlike now with all of it's leftist communist sympathizers. To me, speaking for my own country at least, that's when America really was America. I know that people such as you, and Van, and the Squirrel, all know a lot about the military and in history and such. But I'm just speaking more about the great spirit of the people back then. Something that just seems to be missing nowadays, thanks to advent of liberalism. For they have shown themselves to have nothing but distain for this country now, both here and abroad.
  17. As I've said to a good friend recently. I am just sick and tired of being lectured to by these liberals. Especially since they are no one at all to look up to or respect.
  18. There are some of us who know better than to bite into that poisonous apple that the liberals hold out to us. Those conservatives who have had their eyes open and who have been aware of the harm that the liberal ideology has done to Greece, Germany, Great Britain, and to France, as well as to that of our own country now. So in those regards, yes, we know that we are right, and don't have to go about sticking our heads into a cement mixer to finally realize just how dangerous that would be. Yes, Karen may have been a bit more expressive shall we say, in what she had to say. But while your own post was a bit more subtle, or devious in it's insults, it was all the same an insult to us conservatives and in what we truly believe. We cling to the wisdom of the founding fathers of our once great country, and not to some elitist snobs who want to impose their own failed policies upon us. It's just that simple with us.
  19. Nobody who's ever known me in my life, even when I was quite young ever called me a kid. Let alone someone I considered a friend. I once said to someone in the way of a question, a long time ago, that if your finger on your hand keeps poking you in your eye,.. What matters more to you, your finger, or your eye? Personally, I would cut that finger off. Your damn right I will support Karen for not being willing to take a slap across the face from some ignorant European liberal who because he's against self protection in regards to gun control, we should surrender our right to protect ourselves as well. At least she had the courage to see that poison laden post of his for what it truly was about, at the same time you chastises those of us who don't like eating soggy bread, just for the sake of getting along, or that still possess something of a back bone. And if you think that well of what his post had to say, why didn't you at least have the decency of putting a 'Like' after it, rather than to try to belittle those of us conservatives, who at least had the guts to tell this cocksucker to mind his own business, as Karen at least did, in her own sweet fashion.
  20. Don't you just love it when Karen starts talking dirty to a liberal. I personally think she should be awarded our honorary "Brass Knuckles" award for her refusing to entertain in her brain the usual liberal dribble. She's kind of like our own smaller version of the Statue of Liberty, but it isn't a torch that she's holding up to the world, but more like a 'Cat o' Nine Tails' instead, for all you mind numbing, deranged little liberals, who really do need a good lashing every now and then. Good for you Karen. PS. I recently got done pistol whipping one of those gun control advocates on you tube a few days ago. It was a lot of fun.
  21. I applaud your patience in trying to educate a liberal my friend. Whereas I have given up on that futile task a long time ago. As you know, these are people who with their rather juvenile school yard mentality just float through life with their eyes closed. They refuse to see what is placed there before them, or what to anyone else with at least half a brain is made obvious. They do not think things through as to cause and effect, and possess no logic to any of their pre-conceived notions, other than to them they sound good and makes them feel somehow superior or noble to their equally stupid friends. I have found that trying to enlighten or debate with one of these deranged ignoramuses will only leave you with a headache in the end, and usually accomplices nothing. As they remain unmoved by facts, or with logic, or history, in what I once termed to someone else some time ago as being "Stubbornly stupid". I really believe that a person is far better off in just picking up something hard and just throwing it at them instead.
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