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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. Good to see you my old friend, and yes, I too would have to mute my speakers while he sourly would strum that guitar. He's not exactly John Williams, is he.
  2. It's that or maybe just shoving a bottle of Tabasco sauce up her ass. I can't decide on which I would prefer to do just now. Sorry,.. Kind of in a bad mood at the moment.
  3. You must be Paul's press agent. Personally, I don't give a fuck. Though I know he's good at humping legs.
  4. Maybe she's looking for some more tokens from her Chaturbate days.
  5. It was her way,.. She is incapable of true love. But for four years I was envied by many. Now there was this one girl, who truly did both adore and loved me. One day, in another world, I will see her again.
  6. I on the other hand once slept in the same bed with a treacherous bitch, whom I had once done a certain favor for, which could have landed me at least ten years. A cunt who once told me that she 'adored me passionately'. Much the same way I suppose Delilah must have told Samson,.. "Ooooo, I just love your hair."
  7. Sometimes fate is kind. I see it as something very fitting for one who truly admires and appreciates her.
  8. You gotta a decent Scotch?! Thank makes our friendship worthwhile. I'll be right over... Your always welcomed.
  9. OK guys - it's my round. What you drinking? Laphroaig 10 year old scotch. Real peaty shit.
  10. Yes, I remember back in the sixties when in Italy it was still a compliment to pinch a girls ass. Just try that kind of shit now and see what happens. The libs have taken all the joy and fun out of life.
  11. Keep in mind, I grew up in Detroit, and the fanchise's there were very good! Anything less and the city would have seen major upheaval's or anarchy. Also the KFC in Russia stands for Kremlin Fried Chicken. What I'm trying to say is there is no Kentucky in Russia,.. But they do have a Georgia though, or at least they used to I think?
  12. Or instead of TV, maybe they can buy an ant farm,.. Another very thrilling and exciting thing for them to watch.
  13. Yes, it was. And because I like chicken.
  14. And I for one don't have a bone to pick, except for the ones left in my chicken. By the way, it seems to me that KFC doesn't taste half as good as it used to years ago. So either they're getting stingy on the secret herbs and spices, or it was the greasy sweat from the old cornels hand itself that made it taste so good back then. Anything else, and I don't want to hear it,.. Let it stay a secret.
  15. Restoring the night vision in the lounge room and hallway would be a start, it still works in the kitchen, but who wants to see an empty kitchen at night. And for those that can't quite seem to get enough, toilet cams would be nice. LOL
  16. The Story of 'O' if your talking about Kitten. Though I still recommend 'Secretary'. Fun for the whole family.
  17. Oh, that's right, how could I have forgotten the correct name of that foul smelling shit. But I guess if your weaned on it you grow to like the stuff.
  18. I'd spread Vegeshit on my dick, just to make her feel at home.
  19. I know I said it before, but I really do wonder sometimes if girls are his thing. Now that's being polite about it. And I'll never understand the way he dons up his hair. He looks like a skinny Samurai. Oooo I honorable Kinkosan.
  20. Hey, What do you say we all chip in and order a pizza for Kinko. Van wasn't kidding, he looks almost anorexic. His rib cage is actually protruding. Not healthy at all. You would think Nora would put her foot down and say something to him. I think down deep inside he is very depressed and unhappy. I actually do feel sorry for him. It just seems so strange to me, to be so young and yet so lifeless.
  21. I know what you mean,.. I even told Squirrel a couple of days back, that I didn't know how much longer I would stick around. But the truth is, I like some of the people here quite a bit. You included my dear man. So who knows?
  22. I actually thought of that once, but I don't think so. I think that it's just their own mind set. They are both after all, very immature.
  23. Where's the fun in life if you can't poke them in the eye every now and then.
  24. Everything seeks it's own level. And the liberals want to have everyone living in squalor, after all, misery loves company. So by 2040 I suppose the liberals can look forward to every city and hamlet of this country to mirror that of Detroit. A city I grew up in and watched as it deteriorated into shit. Because that's what liberals are.
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