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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. Come on girls, there's no turning back now, the road has been paved for you by the likes of Squirrel, TBG, and myself. For we know that Victoria isn't the only one with a secret. So be brave like our own adorable little Kitten. You'll be completely cloaked in anonymity, so there's no reason to be shy. I'll even help start you out. Dear Diary, Sometimes as a girl I secretly dream of,... ? And fellas, if this doesn't prove fruitful,... Well, at least I tried. I don't know how many girls might wander into 'The Old Dudes Board', But hopefully Kitten has a few female friends out there.
  2. woodworker

    Read Me

    Weeee,.. There goes another liberal slinky. Thump thump thump thump thump
  3. If they ate solid foods they'd get fat. They don't really do anything, including sex, to ever wear the calories off.
  4. Thanks Pepe, I knew I could count on you. It could be in a "Dear Diary" format,.. Something like: Dear Diary, I just read the Creed of Submission that Squirrel had posted, and suddenly found myself quivering in anticipation over just such a thing. Oh how a girl like myself does yearn for this, instead of that hapless little boy Paul that's always just lumbering around my place pawing at me at every chance he gets. A man who doesn't just drools like some dog with his tongue hanging out every time he wants to get close to me. Oh, how my loins do ache for the touch of a man at times. A man that won't constantly just put up with my tantrums or that will subdue me over his knees whenever I get too far out of line. (See how easy it would be girls) And it can be on whatever kinky little ideas you may have. This was merely an example. And even if there are only a few girls brave enough to venture in,.. It would still be worth while to put out the shingle and invite them.
  5. Leora is clearly annoyed at Paul's incessant strumming on his guitar. Hey Paul, Why don't you sing her a serenade while she scans the internet or maybe even RLC for a guy who can really put her out of her misery.
  6. Hey Squirrel, I meant to mention this to you before, but was too wrapped up in this ball of yarn that our little Kitten was still toying with. Perhaps we should have a girl's fantasy forum, where our nervous yet excitable young girls here at Camcaps can divulge their little secrets in complete anonymity. Yes girls, now won't that be exciting! I don't think we would need the warden's approval, and we know our little Kitten would heartily no doubt like this. Just a thought. And who knows, maybe that lifeless, dull witted tree stump, Kinko, might stumble on to it and start scratching his own little head.
  7. And Squirrel, I can't tell you how impressed I was at how quickly you were able to post that 'Creed of Submission'. Was it just laying around the house kind of close by at the time, just waiting for the right moment for you to spring it into action? Man you are fast! No wonder you can fly.
  8. Well, I either scared her away, or she's busy typing her little fingers off to TBG right now. Oh well, have fun Kitten,.. And just remember,.. Your still alright in my books.
  9. It take's a lot to make me laugh,.. Especially when I was wandering down memory lane again. See what you did Kitten! Oh yes,.. Our naughty little moderator wants to spark a war between us. I'll have you standing in the corner naked little girl with a stinging red bottom, before I will ever let you make sport out of me.
  10. Are you thinking about changing your name again Kitten? Or is this little girl all done playing? Just trying to spark you from a distance Kitten. Nothing serious,.. Yet.
  11. I hold my own ground Kitten. If you only knew,.. but then, I won't be baited into a fight between friends for just a cheap thrill or kicks. One has to be serious with me.
  12. Now see what you did Kitten. You've gone and brought out our darker side. 'TBG and I' What shall the two of us do with you? What do you think we should do with you? Hummmmm?
  13. In my life, I had a way of pulling them out. I can't explain it, but I could always sense things about certain girls. But one has to have class and one has to be careful. I mean, some doors are better left unopened. Other than that,.. They would have a nervous hand as they excitedly penned down their latest little escapades in their diaries. Unlike poor Nora, and certain others that we see on RLC.
  14. Oh don't I know! Even from the tender age of eighteen, I've been on 'top' of things like that. And oh yes the girls did like it. I used to refer to it as having an understanding.
  15. Now your touching on something near and dear to my heart. And a good spanking always makes a girl feel loved and cared for. Right? As well as a few other things. Rent or buy the movie "Secretary" I think you'd like it. PS. It has a happy ending.
  16. Hey Squirrel, did you notice how gentle I was with the warden's assistant? I mean our own sweet, lovable little Kitten. It's that or the rubber hose, or even worse, banishment for live from Camcaps.
  17. The money is of course a big lure for these girls, but in the end they will become a little jaded. There is no real affection within that kind of arrangement, and it could leave a decent young woman to feeling numb or calloused over guys or men. Or even worse, they become harden.
  18. TBG is right in so many ways. But what ever you do Kitten, stay away from boys with spiked hair and rings in their noses and lips and ears, or that are covered up in tattoos in order to hide their real insecurities. You know, Your basic MTV crowd. Trust me,.. Those types are total losers and will never make you happy.
  19. Ha Ha Ha, I know! I often thought about how I survived the streets, only to be killed in my sleep, because I wouldn't let my daughter take ballet lessons. She'd kill me in her tutu. "Take that Daddy!" Good thing I never had kids as well.
  20. Going back to what you said TBG, about the kids later killing you,.. How True! Daddy: " I said No, you cannot go on a sex voyage with that filthy creep, and that's finale!' Later as you sleep,.. She and her derelict boyfriend slip into your room and stab you through the heart.
  21. I know, I diverted from the topic when I said that it was better to pay as you go. And I used this as a warning and an illustration to others, just how perilous the pursuit of pussy can be.
  22. Yes TBG, but he wasn't old! He was only twenty nine. And he wasn't even a bad looking guy. He never had problems getting girls. But he was a mental mess when the wound was still fresh, or when he first called me. He couldn't understand WHY!? It turned out, it was that bitch of a mother to this girl that guided her through the whole fucking scam! PS. He never got married again.
  23. I can tell you of a friend of mine who started a company and did very well for himself. He took this cute girl who was nothing more than a receptionist for his firm, and married her. He had her nose fixed,.. Something that she wanted. He had her teeth straightened,.. Something that she again wanted done. And she also want a boob job, which he also paid for prior to the marriage. All these things were done prior to the marriage. And the marriage itself lasted only six months! Honest!,.. Only six months. And she ended up with his house, 700K, and his corvette, and sixty thousand dollars in cash. And he told me that he felt that he got off light. Which in truth he did, but she was willing to settle rather than fight. That was a good first time job for her.
  24. Well, one things for sure. If you are a very rich man, then it is probably smarter to pay as you go, rather than to get married, Pre-nuptial or not. I still remember Lee Marvin's 'Palimony' suit that cost him big time. But if you pay as you go, so to speak, your safe.
  25. Wow, You've come a long way from romantic picnics to (Sugar Baby's) and (Sugar Daddy's),.. Is this my sweet little innocent Kitten that I'm talking to? LOL Just kidding,.. But even though I can't afford such a thing, is this something that your curious about or interested in?
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