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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. And your right, this couple, young as they are, do live a very boring life.
  2. I think something got lost in the translation. Not sure what your talking about?
  3. woodworker

    Read Me

    I was thinking more along the lines of Liberal sacrifices on the 4th of July, where we would drag a bunch of them up some stony steps to the top of some pyramid and just cut their fucking hearts out! I was always for a little gaiety and fun.
  4. Kinko and Nora in their old age reminiscing. Kinko: "Hey honey, remember when we were young and were watching TV together?" Nora: "Oh, Those were such exciting times,.. Where does the time go?"
  5. What was it like when they first started dating? Nora: "I'm free tomorrow, if you want to maybe go to the show or something." Kinko: "Naw,.. How about we go to my place and watch some TV together?" Nora: " Okay." Poor girl, she didn't know what she was in for.
  6. Well, There's Mr. Excitement again. He has just finished eating his rice or whatever it is, and so now it's time for some more thrilling TV. What a way to waste your youth away. Buying Nora a diary would only bring her to tears. Monday,.. Same o'l shit. Tuesday,.. Same o'l shit. Wedensday,.. Same o'l shit. Thursday,.. Dito. Friday,.. ARRRRRRRRRRR!!! Saturday,.. Made up,.. Did the laundry,.. Same o'l shit. Sunday,.. Watched more TV. Monday,.. Same o'l shit. Tuesday,.. Killed Kinko, Cops at the door.
  7. woodworker

    Read Me

    Yeah it's like our own little secret society. Kind of like the Illuminati's or something like that. CamCapsinati's
  8. Thank You Panther,.. I appreciate that very much.
  9. It's just my opinion, so please don't tell me that I'm not entitled to voice it. I've had about all I can stand of this 'Political Correctness crap', which to me has never been anything more than a 'Political Contrivance'. A method of trying to make others too afraid to speak the truth, or to ever even speak their minds. And it was you that said that those that hate TATS as you put it must all be 'Old Farts'. Is that not a label? Or doesn't the same rules apply to you. By the way,.. I didn't mention any names in my comments, and yes, some of us still feel that we have a right to voice our own opinion. And I wasn't writing to you specifically about my own take on this, but to those of others who might just share the same view of this as I do. I will not be bullied by anyone in not saying what I truly believe. If you disagree with me, fine, you can say so politely, without calling me either ignorant or an ass,.. It just seems rather hypocritical and judgmental of you.
  10. I think that they understand their owners, but that a dogs bark is much the same everywhere. They're pretty good animals though. Very loyal and loving.
  11. I also feel that there are a lot of low class guys out there that like seeing a big ugly tattoo on a ( once upon a time cute girl ), because to them it makes them feel that these girls are cheap and approachable by them, and pretty much susceptible for their own line of bullshit. Nothing personal, Just my take on it.
  12. woodworker

    Read Me

    Hey Rainman, If it's the ten dollars that bothers you, it's for a worthy cause. And besides, it's probably tax deductible. Just tell the IRS it's for therapy sessions, like with Alchoholic's Anonymous, or for drug addiction's. "Hi,.. My name is Rainmaker 429, and I'm a Camcap's addict."
  13. Wait Mr. President,.. There a bright white flash,.. SQEEEEEEEEEEEL Now there's no more KGB, just old restored MGB.
  14. Thank you Squirrel, I thought it was somewhat romantic, but with a cautionary note attached to it.
  15. ODE TO THE QUIM And as she lay there so pale and slim Her rosey pink quim resting on my chin Yea I wondered as I ponder the depths I've fallen in Take care me baird if ye know not how to swim
  16. Cover your eye's Kitten,.. How about 'Clam'. I happen to know that Chaucer liked Clams.
  17. woodworker

    Site Updates

    All kidding aside,.. When I was very young the story of Samson and Delila, always stuck in my head. And then there was Dillinger and the Lady in red. So one always has to be careful around women. Especially the very sweet and innocent ones like Kitten. Yeah,.. She may have those three adorable thingy's all shaking their cute little butts around,.. But we know, underneath it all, she is positively lethal.
  18. Well, I try to keep it clean. Not always easy, as you well know.
  19. woodworker

    Site Updates

    Yeah, Tell sweet, lovely, darling, enduring little Kitten to go easy on the trigger. See fellas, that's called feathering the nest, or something like that. Diplomacy was always a big factor towards keeping me out of trouble back in the day. We love you Kitten. By the way, How's it feel to hold a gun in your hand?
  20. Your saying that my Shadow was a charlatan! Oh, what kind of a world do we live in anymore?
  21. Oh I think their pretty darn cute too. Your comment made me laugh so hard, that I made the mistake of taking a drink of Coke just before I read it, and had it suddenly spraying out of my mouth,.. Thanks to you.
  22. I don't much pay attention to the others, other than with Nora and Kinko, and Paul and Leora. But yes, I very much agree with you that Kinko lives a very boring life, and I am surprised that he and Nora don't go out very much. And your also right, it doesn't just have to be at a club all the time. The idea of a nice picnic somewhere pretty can make for a nice day too. But seriously, don't you think that a little spontaneity in the sex department would be nice once in a while on the part of Kinko. When I was young, I was always rather smart or daring in that way at times, so naturally it sort of baffles me to watch him be so polarizing and dull all the time.
  23. Well,.. Even so, I think that your a nice person. So tell me, what do you think of Paul, or Kinko? It would be fun to get a woman's perspective on them. You already know what some of us guys think about them,.. So don't be shy.
  24. Wow,.. I kind of wondered, and I'm almost afraid to ask you how old you are. But I'll be sure to be gentle with you in all my postings. And I hope that when that time comes for you, that you will be as sure about the guy as you can be. Don't fall for some kind of asshole, like so many girls just seem to do nowadays.
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