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Everything posted by bubbleobillo

  1. Thanks for posting the latest videos. They all look great. Pity I'm only using my phone as I'm travelling at the moment and I can only download but not open the files. Cutting and pasting links on a phone is unfortunately beyond my capabilities as I'm rather ignorant of computer skills and terminology, being born soon after WW2.
  2. Very clear instructions for the technically minded professionals but for the lay person it's all mumbo jumbo, sorry to say. Obviously all those who post short-lived links do so with the lay person in mind rather than the expert which is all a person of limited technical knowledge can comprehend. I clicked on the mybridge link but when it finished it produced nothing. Can only stand back and admlre those with a full understanding of the technical knowledge needed to follow what to the experts must seem the simplest thing in the world but to the lay person may as well be written in swahili.
  3. Agree with every word. Well put. I wonder how they'd have got on had Leora not proven such a great asset from the start?....
  4. They sure have a lot of public holidays in Russia! Those designated ones seem to be among the most frequent in the world! Pay less. Give more time off, perhaps?
  5. Thanks for that. Supplying one simple link to right click for the benefit of non-techies like me whose eyes glaze over the moment complex instructions are delivered! I'm sure there's a valid, security-related reason why only some are able to post links in this simplified way. Or maybe techies like to retain the technical high ground and look down on disdain with those who can't make head nor tail of all the technical stuff.....t'was a time when user-friendly was not seen a term of dismissiveness.
  6. Thanks for posting all the videos. They do look excellent. I don't understand the instructions, but that's my own fault for not being computer literate. I have no idea what 'delete the link' means, for instance. Or what exactly to copy and paste as I'm too old to learn new tricks! Thanks for trying anyway. I will just look at other stuff posted that's easy for me to access like myairwhatever! Don't let the old folks stop you doing your good work. I'm sure most on here are much more competent than I am with the current technology and its terminology!
  7. And some s suggested skate board or roller blades were the cause.
  8. I'm sure it's better for Eva to sleep alone at this time, to protect her wounds against accidental knocks from Sam etc. These two seem to be getting on just fine at the moment.
  9. Looks a lot like gravel rash to me. Nasty. She's bravely taking the treatment which probably includes stinging lotions.
  10. Now you know why there was no serious bating done this afternoon! The hot date is her fellow-tenant, just home from an outing!
  11. That was the first thing Sam took care of for her when she got injured. Later she went for more professional attention and the bandage Sam put on was replaced with a more surgically suitable one. After that the other wounds were attended to, which at the time at home didn't look so bad, but obviously the surgery disagreed!
  12. You're just too kind, Nath! So refreshing to find someone who's super generous with his time and trouble on this site, though there are of course several notable exceptions we must never forget, Hope springs eternal, for instance. A few others have been a tad mean at times, so thanks again Nath. Good man!
  13. We are witnessing real life, which is reassuring compared to some apartments. And adversity has brought them closer too. Much worse than we realised initially, her injuries, but nothing broken probably, so lucky to escape with cuts and bruises and a possible finger fracture. It does mean there's more to talk about than just the usual conjecture about misalliances and potential dalliances. These two seem stable enough.
  14. Not sure why I feel this way, but doesn't a box of tissues lend itself better to the intimacy of the moment than a half-finished roll of toilet paper? I've noticed toilet paper rather than tissues being used in a few of the apartments in these situations and I wonder if it's cultural or if tissues are considered somehow unavailable in the shops? The toilet paper seems such a tacky way to end the occasion and also it has to be said that this was rather a one-sided exchange, as well. But we've seen that Lana has no difficulty satisfying herself without a partner in tow.
  15. Not long before this, at 9am in fact, as they were getting breakfast ready the mood overcame them in the kitchen and they had a very ferocious quickie. I'm not surprised if everyone missed it! They were eating as if nothing had happened ten minutes later, though the mood was still very convivial!
  16. Gee you must have a pretty nifty computer there to see a sheen on the hood of her clit! That's extreme close-up material. Oh to have that good a view! Nectar from her breasts? Do you mean that she's lactating? Not even pregnant, we hope. In any event the mind boggles and it creates some marvellous imagery! Oh rapture!
  17. Thank you for your understanding, Nath. And for your many contributions in recent times. Always appreciated.
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