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Everything posted by Newark52

  1. Don't bother already done it for you Real Life = "life as it is lived in reality, involving unwelcome as well as welcome experiences, as distinct from a fictional or idealized world" so technically all those on the project are living 'REAL LIVES' albeit with fictional names
  2. Firstly define your perception of real life, as it will differ from everyone else's, as there is no International Standard (ISO) for Real Life
  3. May I suggest a good place to start, in Leora's case would be to learn Russian, then all the other languages spoken in the other apartments.
  4. You're obviously an expert on the fake female orgasm, so would you kindly let me know how to tell the difference between a real and a fake orgasm, because after over 50 years of bedding women while I know women fake orgasms I've never been able to positively tell the difference. So go on be a sport and let every man who posts on this Forum know the secret.
  5. This goes for all her followers, take off those rose tinted glasses, and you will see, It's easy to work out.
  6. jimbo, it's probably my perverse sense of humor, but I've found all this in fighting highly amusing, because all parties are so blinkered they don't realise they're in a no win situation. The dynamics of the apartment is changing, and it's up to all her followers to open their eyes and see where it's going.
  7. The truth hurts but don't worry my friend, ready and waiting
  8. StnCld, This makes us around the same age, and unfortunately there were hot girls around in the 50's and early 60's, but we were to young to notice them, until of course the Hippy Revolution, and free love
  9. Not wanting to take sides, but having been to Prague the river Vltava that runs through the City has roads on both side, and when she's had her bedroom balcony door open one can hear traffic, so it's just possible the said audience were actually people in the street, if any one was bothered to look up
  10. Aunty's due a visit within the next few day's so there's a few on this Forum will be heartbroken too.
  11. I know this is off topic but may be of interest. Around 200 people have been arrested and charged by police in Australia for lighting the fires, thought by some may have been lit to highlight climate change
  12. I think I've mentioned this before, look at Leora and Paul's archives from the other apartment and you WILL then find out about his education, and how clever he really is.
  13. Jimbo's correct 2400rb not going to get him far, the flight from Krasnoyarsk to Prague having to go via Moscow is between 9 and 14 hours depending on carrier and costs £329, $431 or 26,758rb at today's exchange rate
  14. What a subject Aunties visits with our Leora's Aunties visitations occur anytime from 24 to 35 days and she's been known to hang around for up to 6 days, and before anybody says anything, honestly I will get a life some time soon
  15. A Very Happy and Prosperous New Year to one and all, and that also goes for all the old subscribers who sneak a look in as Guests
  16. When it comes to Paul, one should never set the bar any higher than the lowest point, then you won't be disappointed and it leaves him plenty of room for improvement
  17. Jimbo, now we are talking about Paul here. Paul and Priorities don't exactly go hand in hand.
  18. Correct, it doesn't come across in your comments, they are a touch immature, but I will agree with you about her being a fine looking young woman
  19. Before you go making comments about no one knowing her, may I suggest you bury yourself in the old apartment archives, and when you've read all that's been posted in there, sorting out all the conjecture from the facts you may if it's possible to be much wiser. Just because people don't go bleating on about her doesn't mean people don't know her, before the Trolls decided to pick on her she was in contact with quite a few CC subscribers (I wasn't one but I do know those who were) much to the annoyance of RLC. All those that did now probably sit back and probably laughing at the crass comments being posted on CC about her now.
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