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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. The virus is definitely an unfortunate plague on humanity that was released onto humanity by the CCP in hopes that it would reach the US and cause as much chaos and disruption as possible because they did not at all like being hit with billions of dollars of tarrifs let alone being contradicted about their humans rights violations and enslavement or imprisonment or killing of any who speaks out against them. They knew very well who was responsible for those things and that a general election was on the horizon in the US. Deaths to them do not matter as long as things work out in their best interests and go their ways.
  2. I really liked her tan then, at that time. It only added to her appealing attractiveness. 😍
  3. The expectations reference was made in reference to rlc, not you or anyone else...mate.
  4. I wouldn't hold my breath on that if I was you, but if you believe that any of rlc's participants are obligated in some ways other than expectations of them to be in their respective residences for at least certain amounts of time and not to mess with or interfere with any of the cams, then enjoy your opinion of an alternate reality there mate.
  5. I wouldn't go so far as to think or claim that because actually there have been some interesting occasions that have occurred there with either one or the other of the two, and even some with both of them, since her friend Malia first arrived there. But those times have seemed to have become few and far between, while the times being spent away from the residence by the both of them have been increasing.
  6. Contrary to what some may think or believe, rlc's admin. does not require any participant to be obligated to do anything other than to be at their respective residences at least a certain amount of time, and that if any are not able to for some reason, that they contact them to let them know to make arrangements otherwise. Other than that, to not to mess with or interfere with any of the cams. Of course it's very likely that popularity of any of the participants has alot to do with whether they continue to remain contracted with them or not, or have options to return for some that do leave for some reasons, not to mention but, whether there may be any extra form of compensations or not as well.
  7. After considering your meaning for another minute or two, I kind of figured that may have been what you might have been getting at. That's why I edited and added the last comment in my post, but not before you had already responded
  8. Would that reference be intended for the main point of commentary of my post, or the contents of the post itself, or the latest posts in this thread itself HF ?
  9. Just happened to notice the replay thumb spots for the last 24 hours. Out of the 99 spots shown, there was not one for any of the 14 cams at the L&M residence. Of course it has seemed that neither of them have been there over night once again, and of course it is the weekend again and that has obviously become what has been considered to be a normal routine for either one, or the other, or the both of them lately, and for awhile now. Obviously, there have been a number of weekends when the participant known as Leora has exited the residence, and if not there at the time, the participant known as Malia would return sometime afterwards, to usually end up spending most of the rest of the weekend at the residence while her friend was away. But there have also been the weekends where both had exited the residence, and both were not at the residence for much of, if not all of the weekend or more. No more then either of the two are at the residence during the week, and no more of anything of any more significant interest other then some of the same things that have been continuing to occur there that are occasions that are considered done more for views than anything else, the overall dynamics of the apartment has gotten quite disappointing to say the least.
  10. Well hello there jugg my friend. I kind of thought that someone may have observed it being something that was on a wrapper she removed from a certain type of candy she was gonna have. 🙂
  11. When it was first mentioned about her experiencing having some persisting headaches, the first thing that came to mind, was about how much smoking she actually does whenever any choice or decision has ever been made to do so. The next thing that came to mind, was that of how anyone smoking that much, in those short of time spans could develop headaches from doing so. I know first hand, because there have been too many occasions when I have developed headaches from smoking cigarettes too much in too short of time spans. But, that's not meaning or claiming that her headaches were or have been definitely caused by the smoking, and not by something else, because they very well could have been caused by something else as well. Regardless, the smoking is certainly not beneficial to either of them other than merely for the flavor and possible relaxxing affects, neither of which is worth developing any headaches from.
  12. Alright mate. Obviously HF read you right, and well, apparently I must not have. At least not completely. Guess that's what can happen when someone doesn't read something slow enough to make sure of any specific meaning. Oh well, all I can do is try to keep that in mind. 🙂
  13. Well, if that's what he mentioned, then I must have read it too fast. Anyways, I noticed he just clarified the matter more.
  14. Without going back to the posts, that's what I thought I recalled you had mentioned. So I was responding to HF's comments related to the matter.
  15. I thought he had mentioned something about leaving to fly down to the Carribean soon and that he would be checking in on the residence for short periods daily besides keeping his subscription active until at least December.
  16. I noticed where he had mentioned going on a vacation or holiday as is referred to there at times. I know he thinks alot of Leora and always has seemed to, even though, there have been some times where he has expressed some discouragment about what had seemed to have been occurring at the times, just as I, and others have as well. As much as jimbo has always thought of and liked Leora, for some reason, I don't think he would mention what he did about having intentions on stopping a subscription this coming December if circumstances or situations did not seem to improve at the residence according to his views or opinions on such matters, rather than being more because of his vacation plans.
  17. It's quite likely a given that she will always have supporters no matter how she may change for as long as she chooses to be a participant of the project, even if it turns out to be more of on a part time basis than ever had been. But it's also quite likely a given that many who have been both long term as well as short term supporters will choose to just move on in different directions as well. I've always admired and thought alot of the woman known as Leora. My opinions of how I feel about Leora as well as what has been occurring there recently are similar to that of jimbo's.
  18. I kind of figured I wasn't alone in noticing most of what has actually occurred there recently. Other than it has seemed that both of their spending more of their times away had increased, as far as anything considered more than normal or of more significant interests occurring there lately, nothing about sums it up GH.
  19. Although the main point of subject matter can still be debateable, it is a subject matter that has been both debated, as well as criticized on various occasions in the past. Marco mentioned what can be considered some valid curiosities to some, and GH replied with some common sense comments of which he has a fortunate advantage of possessing what has seemed to be some reliable and fairly accurate means of being able to translate what may get overheard in some of the conversations between the two residents of the apartment. I as well had expressed my opinions on similar subject matter's previously. While it's not beyond any possibility of either one or the other of the two, or even the both of them, actually and genuinely experiencing some enjoyment, when either of the two may sensually caress the other, and especially in any more intimate areas, because in all actuallity, such experiences more than likely are enjoyed by the recipients of such activities, just as people do when they receive massages from others. So a likelyhood of such activities not being enjoyed to some extent by either of them, is highly unlikely, because in all reality, it is highly likely that such experiences are enjoyed to some extent. As for any possible reasoning of why such situations or occasions have occurred as often as they have, that obviously only involved some light sensual caressing and touching and very light rubbing, that evidently some of which included having been done so in some of more intimate areas, but has on most occasions never went any further or lead to anything else. Such situations occurring as often as they have seemed to have, and to have been mentioned as not seeming to be occasions that would be considered as naturally occurring occasions or situations at various times of forum thread dialogue. It is my opinion that although it is possible that some of such situations or occasions could be considered those of naturally occurring occasions, that may be related to them expressing affections for one another at times, of being as close of longtime friends that they have been and obviously still are, but, even so chances are less likely that such situations or occasions would occur as often as they have without such activities leading to anything further. So it is also my opinion, that a number of such situations or occasions are done more out of some concern for views rather than as much for offering one another some forms of sensual enjoyment that on most occasions have never lead to any further situations of seeming to achieve any further sensual contentment or satisfactions for either of the two. The last occasion that occurred that seemed to have started out similiarly, that lead to both of the two seeming to sensually satisfy one another, there were also two other participants in another residence involved in a similar situation at the time, and the top two live stream thumb spots had been trading places between them and the two usually referred to in this section of the forum. It was evident that what had occurred may very well have because of the thumb spots being checked on at that time on a phone, not to mention but, they were observed saying a few things to one another in some low keyed volumes that appeared to be suggestive just before they decided to proceed with the occasion.
  20. To be honest, I don't know for sure which one of them will win the election. No one really does yet at this point, even though there are many on both sides of the aisle that insinuate that they may, when many of the insinuations are really no more than wishes or hopes. 2016 as well as some other times previously, showed that polling is not always so reliable, and even that the credibility of some polling organizations can be called into question and probably should have already been being done so years ago. Both my son and my daughter have honest professional careers. One served 8 years in the military and was discharged honorably when he decided to change direction in his life. My daughter is a dental professional. Neither are corrupt or crooked in any way nor have they ever been.
  21. Well well, how about that. The corrupt and crooked snake in the grass hiden biden been lying about his involvement in the corrupt and shady foreign business dealings of his son for the last 2 to 3 years, but now his ignorant son forgot about leaving a laptop at a pc repair shop in Wilmington, Delaware that was full of emails that completely contradicts his crooked dishonest fathers lies, and there is more and more of them that will soon be released that will as well, and that will reveal more of both of their corrupt and crooked ways. To be honest, it's likely that his son didn't just forget about leaving the laptop at the repair shop, but that his arrogance of thinking, 'it's only a laptop, something now considered pennies or less to me', but his arrogance in combination with his ignorance is likely why he forgot about leaving a laptop full of his emails implicating not only himself, but his crooked father as well. It's no wonder that he is now being referred to by many as lying hiden biden as well. He was not only involved, he also benefited from the deals himself by way of being a recipient of receiving millions of dollars from the deals himself. It's really not surprising though since he's been lying all of his life and especially during his 47 years as a corrupt, crooked, and dishonest political establishment swamp rat career politician, and even more especially during his 8 years as obummers corrupt ass kissing vp. Guess the old sayings 'like father like son' or 'the apple doesn't fall far from the tree' definitely applies to them, being that it is evident that they are both two crooked dishonest snakes in the grass.
  22. I heard that they had decided to try to make a concerted effort not to consume much of any alcoholic beverages at the apartment anymore. If it is so, who knows why but them. Many people who partake in some consumption of alcoholic beverages from time to time, would rather do so at home as compared to while away on a majority of occasions, because of less chances of unwanted or unfortunate circumstances or situations occurring.
  23. Nothing wrong with a woman having a little sugar daddy every now and then. Even Smitty may think so. 😏
  24. Has she ever been comfortable enough to do much of anything sexual that wasn't mostly concealed for the most part ? I don't recall ever reading that she had or has other than a couple of times of which had been claimed or mentioned that most of was concealed in some way or ways.
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