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Mira & Henry Part #2 of 3

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Just my two cents here. When they become like RLC then they will get big problems as nobody will watch a copy but always the original. Couples only should be aware it CAN be hard for them and prepare themselves by still having a job for example. People will leave and people will join. Thats the way it is. I dont worry about that at all

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13 minutes ago, Robwin said:

It's essentially the same shit however it is presented lol. Unless someone invents an entirely new method 😂

Right, except I'm more interested in the people themselves rather than the physical act of penetration. I like seeing new people meet for the first time and developing chemistry behind all people involved, whether it's a random hook up between two people or two couples meeting together for the first time. Sex will either happen or it won't happen. I'm actually very indifferent to orgies. Sometimes they can become bothersome to watch; too many people to keep track of, too many body parts, etc. But instances for example, when Henry fucked Betty while Mira was asleep, or when Mira fucked that dude while Henry watched on the computer... I get just as much enjoyment out of those scenarios. This new situation with Darcie really interests me because slowly she's becoming more open to what she is willing to do, and I'm curious to see if how far she is willing to go when presented with new opportunities.

But for example, watching someone like Jeff or Violet who almost never have guests or never do anything new sexually, I find them to be incredibly lame.

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7 minutes ago, miscvoyeur said:


But for example, watching someone like Jeff or Violet who almost never have guests or never do anything new sexually, I find them to be incredibly lame.

Well like the saying goes......Whatever floats your boat eh.

What is boring for you is not boring for everyone and vice versa, we all have different pleasures so let's just enjoy what we each like eh.

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2 minutes ago, Robwin said:

What is boring for you is not boring for everyone and vice versa, we all have different pleasures so let's just enjoy what we each like eh.

Yeah no kidding. When did I ever say couples like them shouldn't be enjoyed by those who enjoy them? Unlike some, I don't go into threads for couples I don't like preaching about why I don't like them.

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14 minutes ago, waldi said:

it would be for the tenants, but not for me or/and most of viewers. I'm sorry.

You don't think of the bigger picture. With the current way VH tenants make money, having too many apartments is a problem. If views are too scattered, then less money overall is made.. that means you run the risk of people not being able to afford rent if they're banking on VH money to sustain them... that means more risk of people leaving or getting kicked out of their apartment. If people are constantly moving out, VH has to spend more time and energy finding replacements and they won't be able to maintain the revolving door of tenants if it's too frequent. Not having as many apartments means people get to stay longer.

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46 minutes ago, miscvoyeur said:

Right, except I'm more interested in the people themselves rather than the physical act of penetration. I like seeing new people meet for the first time and developing chemistry behind all people involved, whether it's a random hook up between two people or two couples meeting together for the first time. Sex will either happen or it won't happen. I'm actually very indifferent to orgies. Sometimes they can become bothersome to watch; too many people to keep track of, too many body parts, etc. But instances for example, when Henry fucked Betty while Mira was asleep, or when Mira fucked that dude while Henry watched on the computer... I get just as much enjoyment out of those scenarios. This new situation with Darcie really interests me because slowly she's becoming more open to what she is willing to do, and I'm curious to see if how far she is willing to go when presented with new opportunities.

But for example, watching someone like Jeff or Violet who almost never have guests or never do anything new sexually, I find them to be incredibly lame.

I totally agree with the majority of what you say because people watching is what I enjoy but I also appreciate the affection and warmth that a couple like Violet and Jeff show to each other.  

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3 minutes ago, miscvoyeur said:

You don't think of the bigger picture. With the current way VH tenants make money, having too many apartments is a problem. If views are too scattered, then less money overall is made.. that means you run the risk of people not being able to afford rent if they're banking on VH money to sustain them... that means more risk of people leaving or getting kicked out of their apartment. If people are constantly moving out, VH has to spend more time and energy finding replacements and they won't be able to maintain the revolving door of tenants if it's too frequent. Not having as many apartments means people get to stay longer.

There are some apartments that I never look at now because I have no interest in the people involved. I think this applies to a lot of viewers and having a lot of places means more chance of finding what I enjoy. We all like different things.

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15 minutes ago, miscvoyeur said:

You don't think of the bigger picture. With the current way VH tenants make money, having too many apartments is a problem. If views are too scattered, then less money overall is made.. that means you run the risk of people not being able to afford rent if they're banking on VH money to sustain them... that means more risk of people leaving or getting kicked out of their apartment. If people are constantly moving out, VH has to spend more time and energy finding replacements and they won't be able to maintain the revolving door of tenants if it's too frequent. Not having as many apartments means people get to stay longer.

I know nothing about how tenants earn money, about vhtv strategy and business policy and frankly speaking, I don't care too much. If some of the participants have to go away because nobody wants to watch them, let them go. This is how it works, you're good, you're watched,you're staying for viewers sake. The rest of them, well.. Maybe RLC? I've heard that they still practice socialism. In this project, viewers are more important than tenants.

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i agree with a lot of what everyone has said. but for me i started watching for sex but it wasn't exactly like porn so i did get interested in the people. but once you know a little about everyone & how they act it goes back to the sex. and it is hard to stay interested in the same people all of the time. but the porn stars don't last forever either. i miss people like layla & eric but i don't get much time to think about them because there is too much going on now. i'm just going to enjoy what i like about vh & be thankful that there is a lot to see right now!:biggrin:

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26 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

RLC won’t hire ex VH tenants, I can almost guarantee you that. Guess, it’s just a cut throat business. I’ll probably just run with the tenants I’m following and hope for the best. 

that's the best thing right now. at least we have a rather large choice to follow unlike some other site that starts with a v!:cool:

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