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Girls on Vacation - General Chat Topic (Jan - Mar./2018)

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16 minutes ago, bud2966 said:

monica get a good nights sleep  you will have a long day tomorrow outside trying to come up with your next sofie karol act  :biggrin::biggrin: but just maybe you will do something that we haven't seen before you know like your own act  and not what and the way someone else all ready did  but just watching you act you couldn't  do it and make it like real and this is called reallife cams   sorry 

Why are you trolling this thread Bud ?

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14 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:

OK Bud, I've made you're night..You've been after a reaction from me all night because that's your soul purpose for being here. But I won't give you the pleasure of a long response...I can't be arsed...
I almost feel sorry for you because you are the only guy on here who has those ridiculous theories about the girls...You aren't bothered by the fact that nobody responds positively to your posts about the girls ( all of them being the one's I like, incidentally ) being controlled by texts, using cam angles and hiding...Are you actually from planet earth...:huh:
Actually, do I fuck feel sorry for you...

This is the end of this discussion, if that's what you call it...I just wanted to point out that you are way beyond embarrassing...:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

sorry naga but where did you see me post any thing that had  nagachilli2 in it. because there was no post at you but I see one from you to me but that's ok I know how it works on here and have a good night naga 

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6 hours ago, EMMETT111 said:

I hope they don't start that going out every night all night crap again that's when I dropped my subscription last time

Once the Winter is done and the Weather gets nicer the B4 Apartment will be just a place to eat, Sleep and go out. A pool in the Backyard is nice but these type of Girls like going to Beaches and Flashing their Wares.

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12 minutes ago, bud2966 said:

sorry naga but where did you see me post any thing that had  nagachilli2 in it. because there was no post at you but I see one from you to me but that's ok I know how it works on here and have a good night naga 

You didn't need to Bud, it's always obviously directed at me...Goodnite...:biggrin:

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7 hours ago, martyen said:

everyone has an opinion about Barça girls good or bad, so for me the return of Rose is not a good idea. I remember his hidden bates doing a lot of gestures but not showing anything even with Jasmin it was under the covers. I would be happy to go wrong I'm afraid that Rose is driving the girls into a repetitive night out But that's just my opinion

I know there are those that are glad to see Rosie back.  If I was a viewing member I would be one of them..........love her thick body!!  However, I like you feel that the majority of Rosie's time will be out of the apartment doing what Rosie does best.  I also think that there will be a tremendous amount of hiding from Rosie while she is there.......hope I'm wrong for the viewers sake.

I just want to add that Sophie sounds like a major disappointment this time around!!

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6 hours ago, vortios said:

There are moments, in which one, denies oneself, for different reasons, but the truth will always be there, regardless of whether we like it or not.
The fun outside the house, with all that that entails, is part of RLC.
All that you have said, and many other things that were negative in the past, will remain there, not because they make them negative for the RLC viewers. But because the girls, behave the same, if we add to all that, that the girls, take the lessons learned.

The fun outside the house is all RLC!!!

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6 hours ago, Fagen said:

Btw. do you speak russian or how did you pick up that they all go to the same party today? Such a shame with the language would have been fun to know what they talk about on these streams.

I don't watch the circus anymore but I can bet you that the girls still turn their cellphones away from the cameras or position their bodies so that you can't see them.  As for what they talk about on the streams you speak of,  that will never change because it would hurt RLC's outside business!!

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12 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

 I know there are those that are glad to see Rosie back.  If I was a viewing member I would be one of them..........love her thick body!!  However, I like you feel that the majority of Rosie's time will be out of the apartment doing what Rosie does best.  I also think that there will be a tremendous amount of hiding from Rosie while she is there.......hope I'm wrong for the viewers sake.

I just want to add that Sophie sounds like a major disappointment this time around!!

I was glad too to see her back, but the way she dressed to go out made me change mt mind,  That kind of dress that make her tits come out every 5 seconds is not apprpriate to go to a club unless she wants to tease ot get laid.   I'll PM you some pictures Harley.

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Harley, why do you continue to troll this thread with all this RLC outside business shit, you have absolutely no proof of anything, but yet you condemn these girls for partying just like you do at the bar. 

It is stated very clearly in the rules, that this is something that only creates havoc in these threads, and of course that is your goal, not be a constructive part of the forum, but just to create flaming issues in which causes people to react to your posts in an negative way.

I have to ask you after all this time and the multiple banning's ........ WHY ? 

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