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Nina & Kira General Discussion #1

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Il y a 3 heures, likidamber a dit :

Certains membres du forum le savent. Mais c'est la sphère privée de la vie de N & K. Non applicable à RLC, donc ils ne doivent pas divulguer au forum. Nous ne savons pas si les filles veulent révéler ici. Nous ne parlons pas à ce sujet sur le forum. Un tel principe de la protection de leur vie privée, qu'ils ne sont pas tant

You are a wise man, Mister liki...😉

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6 hours ago, pierrecaty said:

You are a wise man, Mister liki...😉

Ha, thank you, I try as much as I can, but this rating, of course, is too much high.   We are all wise and we care about N & K. 

I wish girls and all of us a nice Saturday

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1 hour ago, likidamber said:

Ha, thank you, I try as much as I can, but this rating, of course, is too much high.   We are all wise and we care about N & K. 

I wish girls and all of us a nice Saturday

You too 😉

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On 7/13/2018 at 9:13 AM, bfaith said:

Is this just for me? I noticed that Nina was changing more and more. Her behavior and style are also. Long artificial nails. It's strange about a lesbian.  I do not want to criticize her. It's just weird.

Hi befaith, what's strange about it?  Most women like to try new looks, hairstyles  clothing, makeup or no makeup, etc.

And the last time I checked, lesbians are women. Actually I've never checked, not yet anyway. Should they develop a certain look and keep it forever?  Women would still be sporting Zz Top style bushes from the 70's if things didnt change.


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Il y a 5 heures, ashleyxyz a dit :

Salut befaith, ce qui est étrange à ce sujet? La plupart des femmes aiment essayer de nouveaux looks, vêtements de coiffures, le maquillage ou pas de maquillage, etc.

Et la dernière fois que j'ai vérifié, les lesbiennes sont des femmes. En fait, je ne l'ai jamais vérifié, pas encore. Faut-il développer un certain regard et le garder pour toujours? Les femmes seraient toujours buissons arboreront Zz style Top des années 70 si les choses na pas le changement.


Nice analysis. Obviously, I agree with you.

In 1869, Dr. Blanker was the first to define homosexuality, classifying it as a psychopathological disorder linked to a perversive disease.

In 1903, Freud declared during a trial of a political personality judged for his homosexuality: "Homosexuality is not a matter for the court and I even have the firm conviction that homosexuals should not be treated as sick people, because such sexual orientation is not a perversion. Homosexual people are not sick."

It was not until 1992 that the World Health Organization removed homosexuality from its diagnosis. You read correctly, 90 years after Freud...
But there is still much to be done. Homophobia is still there, even in "progressive" countries. Even though I have the honour of living in a country that recognizes homosexuality and same-sex marriage, it is still very fragile.

To understand and accept our differences, to seek to be enriched by diverse personalities, for me it is the key to happiness.

 Deciding that someone else should look like us is pride. It is only a way of judging oneself superior, of taking refuge in an age-old and arbitrary normality to say that those who are different from us are inferior, unless they decide to become like us.
Whether we like it or not, by refusing to accept someone else's difference, we refuse to accept ourselves.
I assume that your difference enriches me and therefore belongs to me. Just as mine must enrich you and belong to you.

These 3 girls have the courage to show their homosexuality in front of cams, live and for several years,  even if it is a restricted diffusion, it remains a remarkable fact, especially as Russia remains relatively homophobic.

"If you can accept the difference without making any grimace, you're great."  Rondo Rakotobe (Madagascar)


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Il y a 4 heures, Thomazz a dit :

Il y a de moins en moins du doux moment entre eux. Nina est triste ces derniers temps. quelque chose pourrait se produire?

A lot of work. And a lot of fatigue. Last week, all the CD boxes stored in the apartment were probably their first album. Which says album, says recording, demo, promotional tour etc....
So they worked a lot. Nina, in particular, is completely exhausted..
They do practically everything themselves.
They only come to the apartment to sleep, everything happens outside.

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