jouandomy Posted July 17, 2018 Posted July 17, 2018 il y a 59 minutes, Scooter a dit : Pauvre Nina en larmes plus tôt espoir shes ok Where did you see this?
likidamber Posted July 17, 2018 Posted July 17, 2018 Kira looks sad, reflexive, It's late, there's no Nina ... There's some tension in the air ... Sometimes it's hard .... But after the storm comes in the sun ..😏
StnCld316 Posted July 17, 2018 Posted July 17, 2018 30 minutes ago, likidamber said: Kira looks sad, reflexive, It's late, there's no Nina ... There's some tension in the air ... Sometimes it's hard .... But after the storm comes in the sun ..😏 They have been through the Ups & Downs Scenario many times before. They'll get through it again.
Pierrecaty Posted July 17, 2018 Author Posted July 17, 2018 What's a shame about this forum is that we can't talk about sensitive topics. This is not the fault of the administrators of this forum, but of RLC who considers it an interference to talk about what is happening outside the apartments and to quote social networks. Many of us know their band, have listened to their songs, know their social networking sites but silence. With their band they have become public figures in their country, even in other countries, everyone can buy their record, talk about it freely, but not here. There is something paradoxical and illogical. It's a little boring to always talk about trivial things.
likidamber Posted July 17, 2018 Posted July 17, 2018 (edited) 27 minut temu, pierrecaty powiedział: Szkoda, że na tym forum nie możemy rozmawiać o delikatnych tematach. To nie wina administratorów tego forum, ale RLC, która uważa, że jest to ingerencja w rozmowę o tym, co dzieje się poza apartamentami i cytowanie sieci społecznościowych. Wielu z nas zna swój zespół, słucha ich piosenek, zna ich serwisy społecznościowe, ale milczy. Wraz z zespołem stają się publicznymi osobami w swoim kraju, nawet w innych krajach, każdy może kupić swoją płytę, mówić o niej swobodnie, ale nie tutaj. Jest coś paradoksalnego i nielogicznego. Trochę nudno jest mówić o rzeczach trywialnych. Tak i nie. Jednak RLC jest konkretną sprawą. Fani zespołu zawsze w jakiś sposób się komunikują, a na RLC większość ludzi szuka czegoś zupełnie innego. .Są tacy, którzy mogą używać tych wiadomości przeciwko dziewczynom. Bardzo im to szkodzi. To bardzo delikatna rzecz, łatwo przekroczyć granicę prywatności. Myślę, że to jest ok. Zawsze jest prywatny kontakt, możesz dyskutować, ale czy taka publiczna dyskusja miałaby sens ... RLC ustanowiło pewne zasady i zaproponowało je uczestnikom. Myślę, że mają chronić tych ludzi. Dokładnie dziewczyny mają większość rzeczy poza mieszkaniem.Widocznieoni tego chcą i musimy to uszanować. Chyba tak Nie chciałbym, aby moje prywatne sprawy były rozpatrywane publicznie. Dziewczyny wyznaczyły granice prywatności i powinniśmy ją szanować. Ale to moja opinia. Edited July 17, 2018 by likidamber 1
Pierrecaty Posted July 18, 2018 Author Posted July 18, 2018 il y a 51 minutes, likidamber a dit : Oui et non. ..... Ok avec toi, Liki. on protège au maximum leur vie privée, et je suis le premier à le faire. Je sais que la plupart des clients de RLC sont des amateurs de sexe, et ne parleront que de ça. C'est leur choix et je le respecte. Mais on doit aussi respecter mon choix, qui est celui de parler de la vie réelle (autre que le sexe) qu'on peut observer à travers les activités de Nina, Kira et DE. Leur principale activité est la musique et leur groupe. Et comme tout groupe il appartient au domaine public, j'estime qu'on devrait avoir le droit d'en parler, et je suis sûr qu'elles ne demandent que ça, toute promotion est bonne à prendre. Quand tu vas sur les avis de Youtube ou Rutube, il y a des pouces en haut et des pouces en bas, c'est la vie, on aime ou on n'aime pas, mais au moins on en discute. 1
Scooter Posted July 18, 2018 Posted July 18, 2018 Il y a 9 heures, jouandomy a dit : Where did you see this? In the afternoon
likidamber Posted July 18, 2018 Posted July 18, 2018 7 hours ago, pierrecaty said: Quand tu vas sur les avis de Youtube ou Rutube, il y a des pouces en haut et des pouces en bas, c'est la vie, on aime ou on n'aime pas, mais au moins on en discute. You're right. On social media, you display the information you want. You sing a song and viewers judge it. But they are not interested, what color have your panties, etc. If you do not tell them yourself, they will not find out. Here is the opposite. RLC shows panties and does not show the song. So the principle of symmetry - if you do not tell them what song, it should not interest them. And here I have a problem. Because the girls clearly did not show the name of the band but on the other hand you know its name. Here are many people here in the same situation. So, however, they found some hints with the girls and they took the trouble to search the other information. That is, not directly, but somehow made that name public and thus the other news. But if you know what a band is, then you can discuss it on their social media, give it a thumbs up or down, even write your comments directly to them. I think that's the situation here. Those who have a lot of messages exchange them for the PE. They do not talk about it in public. And that has to be respected, I do not know if the girls wanted to promote their songs in this forum. If so, they can clearly write it, show it. They did not do it, so I think their team is paradoxically a private matter here. Nothing happens on the forum, because nothing seems to be happening in the apartment. Girls now do everything outside the apartment, so clearly indicate, that this information is not for show.
StnCld316 Posted July 18, 2018 Posted July 18, 2018 1 hour ago, likidamber said: You're right. On social media, you display the information you want. You sing a song and viewers judge it. But they are not interested, what color have your panties, etc. If you do not tell them yourself, they will not find out. Here is the opposite. RLC shows panties and does not show the song. So the principle of symmetry - if you do not tell them what song, it should not interest them. And here I have a problem. Because the girls clearly did not show the name of the band but on the other hand you know its name. Here are many people here in the same situation. So, however, they found some hints with the girls and they took the trouble to search the other information. That is, not directly, but somehow made that name public and thus the other news. But if you know what a band is, then you can discuss it on their social media, give it a thumbs up or down, even write your comments directly to them. I think that's the situation here. Those who have a lot of messages exchange them for the PE. They do not talk about it in public. And that has to be respected, I do not know if the girls wanted to promote their songs in this forum. If so, they can clearly write it, show it. They did not do it, so I think their team is paradoxically a private matter here. Nothing happens on the forum, because nothing seems to be happening in the apartment. Girls now do everything outside the apartment, so clearly indicate, that this information is not for show. Members can share Information & Content on what the Girls do Outside the Apartment but it has to be done in Private Messaging Only (PM). A very Simple Rule to Follow. Posting such Material in Open Forums or Public Profiles will be Deleted and the Member that Posted the Material will be Given a Warning. 1 1
likidamber Posted July 18, 2018 Posted July 18, 2018 2 hours ago, StnCld316 said: Members can share Information & Content on what the Girls do Outside the Apartment but it has to be done in Private Messaging Only (PM). A very Simple Rule to Follow. Posting such Material in Open Forums or Public Profiles will be Deleted and the Member that Posted the Material will be Given a Warning. And good, the rule is the rule 2
bfaith Posted July 19, 2018 Posted July 19, 2018 I did not like Nina's new hair. First of all, it was strange. But I just love it since yesterday. She is very beautiful with this hair. Especially in ponytail.
Scooter Posted July 19, 2018 Posted July 19, 2018 Nice quiet night on the sofa watching tv with Kira falling asleep on Nina,Love and cuddles 1
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