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B4 Girls on vacation - General Topic June 2018 #3

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4 hours ago, moos54 said:

they travelled a lot all around the world, a local tenant in each country  is more easy ^^ 

So what you are saying is, that none of these girls are loyal to their other halves!  WOW......bring that #%$# home to meet mom!!  These girls don't care about relationships what so ever.  If they did, their butts wouldn't be on a voyeur site in the first place and any guy that is dumb enough to have one of these girls as his girlfriend, deserves what he gets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  I got RLC and these girls for a while because I still think now that these girls do not need our money, much less RLC

it's really funny to see people on this forum defending girls who do not give a fuck for CC customers and RLC

RLC SCAM : Biggrin:

Have a good day

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3 hours ago, HarleyFatboy said:

So what you are saying is, that none of these girls are loyal to their other halves!  WOW......bring that #%$# home to meet mom!!  These girls don't care about relationships what so ever.  If they did, their butts wouldn't be on a voyeur site in the first place and any guy that is dumb enough to have one of these girls as his girlfriend, deserves what he gets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will be cynical, but I think the only thing that interests these girls, it's not human relationships, but just money, their "boyfriends" are just cows to be milked

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6 hours ago, HarleyFatboy said:

¡Lo que estás diciendo es que ninguna de estas chicas es leal a sus otras mitades! ¡WOW ...... trae ese #% $ # hogar para conocer a mamá! Estas chicas no se preocupan por las relaciones nunca más. Si lo hicieran, sus culatas no estarían en un sitio de voyeur en primer lugar y cualquier chico que sea lo suficientemente tonto como para tener a una de estas chicas como su novia, merece lo que consigue !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do not be so hard on these women, many of them, have not had another way to make a living.
Actually, it is our society that makes this type of women exist. Without them, we would not enjoy.
But do not misunderstand me, I am not making a judgment of values, for that reason, I always ask, I almost demand, that the show is always of good quality, that among other things for that we pay.

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3 hours ago, Sergio said:

Seré cínico, pero creo que lo único que les interesa a estas chicas, no son las relaciones humanas, sino solo el dinero, sus "novios" son solo vacas para ser ordeñadas

Many times, yes, it is true, but I also tell you that many men have a girl like this next to her just to be able to show off her.
That is a very plastic world, where people seek to pretend, or to solve their lives, in the end, everything is an exchange of interests ...

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