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Red's tears may have put a damper on this evening but to be fair Romina is more of an every other day girl. Maybe tomorrow morning when Red has gone to work? I could be wrong but I think Groomy has to walk a tricky path between tipping us off and not upsetting VH staff and VH tenants (who often read our comments) and who rely on their anonymity and privacy, especially where their domestic conflicts are concerned. Doubtless he might tell us if he feels comfortable telling us.

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What is it about Herman that gets him so many different females.i ain't no beauty myself but let's be honest he is no George clooney.ever since he arrived at Kira's he has had his wicked way with a lot of the women who passed through that apt.certainly now he has his own apt.with red there doesn't seem to be so many opportunity's for him Romina excepted.all I can think is that he talks a good game.obviously this post is based on pure jealousy and good luck to the guy.i still remember him pulling nastya back in to the loggia at Kira's when she tried to jump.probably stage managed though to boost viewing figures.

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13 minutes ago, Bonaly said:

What is it about Herman that gets him so many different females.i ain't no beauty myself but let's be honest he is no George clooney.ever since he arrived at Kira's he has had his wicked way with a lot of the women who passed through that apt

Professional photographer, in other words, he's someone who opens a gate to the career 😀

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Thank you very much for putting me right.if I could understand russian I would probably work it out for myself.he must be one of the good guys.go herman.the polar opposite of these two knuckleheads from the stone age,no names required.

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