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B4 Girls on Vacation - General Topic 2019 April #5 / May #1

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I just started my breakfast and decided to take a look and see what's going on in B4 and it looks like Diane is gone.  I wish I could say I'll miss her but in all honesty I can't.  I do hope she enjoyed her stay and is happy wherever she goes from here..  Goodbye Diane

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1217 Diane left B4 with her suitcases and lots of paper bags after 82 days

Goodbye Diane, safe trip and I know Ed2 want to see you back soon 😉


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12:17 Diane left the project! Goodbye, thank you for everything, and safe travels! She is one of my all time favorites!  I'm just glad she returned, and wouldn't mind if she come back for a 3rd stay later. All in all I think it has been a nice stay, but abit dissapointing that she has spent so many overnights away.

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1 minute ago, legrandrobert said:

joke.....................Are you nuts  ??she wouldn't survive 24 hours without a phone.

Oh I think maybe Adelita, Olya and Ariela can find ways to keep her occupied

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1 hour ago, ed2 said:

12:17 Diane left the project! Goodbye, thank you for everything, and safe travels! She is one of my all time favorites!  I'm just glad she returned, and wouldn't mind if she come back for a 3rd stay later. All in all I think it has been a nice stay, but abit dissapointing that she has spent so many overnights away.

love heart hand emoticon

Don't mind Diana, but had liked if the interacted more with the other girls, and not thinking full on lesbian stuff. But she seemed like an outsider. And seeing her dressed in normal, she seems like a woman of higher class, aka high maintenance, than the other girls.

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