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B5 COV Belle & Nate and Roza and Tom - General Topic June 2019 #2

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For some reason Nate & Belle💗 have gone out. They've been out slightly earlier than this so maybe they fancy a couple of drinks in a bar or late night shopping. 

There returned soon after unlike last time when they came back at about 2 so I don't know what that was about.

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It's been a few days now and I haven't had a lot of chance to check in on this apartment but from what I have observed both couples are pretty much keeping to themselves.  I haven't seen them spend much time together at all.  I hope I'm just missing it.  This could be a very quiet apartment if they otherwise.  I know the burdon is on Belle as the only one who can translate but I think she is up to the task. 

I fail to understand the logic of RLC.  They put couples that can't talk to each other together.  They put Asia and Hakeem who know nothing about each other and say  "OK you are a loving couple now".  They put Erika in B1 when she obviously isn't comfortable there and they put another girl in B4 who couldn't make it 2 days.  Are they just not telling these people what they can expect and hoping for the best?  I just don't get it.

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43 minutes ago, dontgetnone said:

They put Asia and Hakeem who know nothing about each other and say  "OK you are a loving couple now"

No. That is just assumptions people make because their mind is narrow. At no point did RLC say "here is a loving couple." RLC have had dozens of couples be on their site. Some have been married. Some have been in long term relationships. Some probably hadn't even lived together before coming on the site. Stop putting expectations and assumptions of people you have zero clue about.

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5 minutes ago, miscvoyeur said:

No. That is just assumptions people make because their mind is narrow. At no point did RLC say "here is a loving couple." RLC have had dozens of couples be on their site. Some have been married. Some have been in long term relationships. Some probably hadn't even lived together before coming on the site. Stop putting expectations and assumptions of people you have zero clue about.

What I said was a sarcastic remark as most anyone would figure out.  I know RLC didn't say those words but it is FACT that they put 2 people who didn't even know each other together in that apartment. 

You are right that RLC has had dozens of couples on their site.  You are also right that some have been married, some have been in long term relationships and some probably hadn't even lived together before coming to the site but you point out to me one other example of them putting 2 people who don't know a thing about each other in an apartment with 1 bedroom and I won't say another word about it but you can't. 

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