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Clarice & Sean (2019) Part #1

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25 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

Unfortunately, no one here really cares about the other apts outside of this circle. So, if one cares to share this experience, these are just about the only apts available for discussion, otherwise it's a lot of talking to oneself. Or it's a lot of talking about camstars who do shows on CB and how they should be banned, blah, blah, blah. Then there's always me, but really who wants to deal with me anymore.

Season 6 Bip GIF by Bachelor in Paradise

I just wanted to say my opinion without any restrictions.My purpose is not to get a place here.I have a real life and a circle of friends.Thanks...

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You can say anything about this party...but the first day/night of this apt has been light years ahead from Sicillia&Pablo or Julia&Raul...to say some of the new ones.

I hope that Sean keeps the attitude and sex drive, for me the MVP of the night (dude must've been with a hard on like ¿2hours?), and Clarice stays open and sexy as tonight.

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1 hour ago, Amy3 said:

Here's what you do. You create a secret Private Forum, one that mimics the forums here, yet bans negative Nelly's and then only invite the commenters that you like and then, viola, bliss! No more negative Nelly's. Personally, I'm shocked someone hasn't done it already, or have they! 🤔😁

Ssshhhh they're working on it but don't tell anybody 😁 Having said that I don't think this rent a crowd model works very well now, we have had a few and they all end up the same way.

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1 hour ago, Gudari said:

It doesn't always have to end in sex for me. Just a little more fun, to do different things for themselves and not for the viewer. Sometimes innuendo and fun work more than monotony. This is missing in most apartments because they focus solely on sex for the viewer and forget to enjoy themselves.

Your right, it doesnt. It never ends up a sex party at my place. 😕

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3 hours ago, life+90 said:

Clarice & Sean have potential. Sean is already full of energy.I believe Clarice will go with the flow.🔥


No reason to expect much from this couple.  I expect their activities to follow the model for D&D.  Boring parties and fake orgies. 

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1 hour ago, scotty3 said:

No reason to expect much from this couple.  I expect their activities to follow the model for D&D.  Boring parties and fake orgies. 

If you don't mind, I will disagree with you.

C&S have been around for several months now.  The were guests at many apartments and they stayed for a week or two at both D&D and L&B while the tenants were away

So we know them. It was written in the sky that they were on the list to get their own apartment.  That couple has more sex drive  than more than half of the participants all together.  They are both sex animals  And when Sean has his climax,  you better to turn down the volume.  Otherwise, your next town neighbors will wonder what is going on in your apartment.  Both are in top physical shape and I think we may be surprised by them.  This is just the opening night with the usual people.  Give them the chance to invite their own guests. And, in my opinion, simply watching those 2 having sex is usually a very pleasant way to enjoy the evening.  Best luck to them (and to us)

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