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B1 Girls on Vacation - General Topic September #3

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12 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

if they are grown adults who don't need babysitters following them around, then why is it CC's mission to babysit them.  that's hypocritical if you ask me.  i'm sorry, but i come from the old school, if you make your bed.....you have to lie in it.  not allowing posters to post what these girls are doing outside the apartment is ludicrous!!

Agree in good part,they(th girls,couples)are still residents of rlc when they go out,what they do outside many times "return" when they return home,like lastest exemple..a couple girls high,wasted.

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7 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

Non è nostro compito fare da babysitter a loro. Sarei abbastanza felice di vedere RLC portare a termine gli appartamenti B1, 2 e 5 e tornare a promuovere le coppie come ai vecchi tempi. Queste ragazze del gioco Dime & Dozen Head possono trovare un'altra occupazione.

if you can't say about Cc what the girls do outside, then yes Cc babysit, some girls have their IG open even if they are on RLC, and they publish the evenings, so they probably don't care about the privacy, otherwise they wouldn't have had to have social networks, girls take drugs, get drunk and fuck the first they find, if they don't care about their own safety, since they're adults and able to protect themselves, why should a forum do it?

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7 minutes ago, happyone said:

Because you and others don't f++cking know for sure---unless you or someone is following them around. All you do is speculate and disparage them and encourage others to do the same..  It does not matter what the hell they do outside the apartments--none of our damn business--We pay to see them inside the apartments--and that is it.....period.  

And some don't even pay to see them---just want to create problems here in CC for the rest of us and the girls. 

Not to mention that as usual per hypocritical bullshit he spits, he talks all kinds of shit about them, wants to lie to himself saying he doesn't care about them, then turns around and wants CC people to post about what they do out of the apartment. That dude is more obsessed with Barca girls than anybody on this forum.

For the millionth time, I don't know why ANYBODY bothers responding to him. You yourself said he only wants to create problems for CC. All you're doing is feeding into his bullshit.

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Just now, miscvoyeur said:

Not to mention that as usual per hypocritical bullshit he spits, he talks all kinds of shit about them, wants to lie to himself saying he doesn't care about them, then turns around and wants CC people to post about what they do out of the apartment. That dude is more obsessed with Barca girls than anybody on this forum.

For the millionth time, I don't know why ANYBODY bothers responding to him. You yourself said he only wants to create problems for CC. All you're doing is feeding into his bullshit.

You are probably correct---we were told not to feed the trolls--but

I cannot sit back and constantly read the bullshit about the girls and other participants in RLC without some response.  Not responding has not worked in the past because he and others just become more emboldened.


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à l’instant, happyone a dit :

You are probably correct---we were told not to feed the trolls--but

I cannot sit back and constantly read the bullshit about the girls and other participants in RLC without some response.  Not responding has not worked in the past because he and others just become more emboldened.


The only solution is to report the post.

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15 minutes ago, happyone said:

Because you and others don't f++cking know for sure---unless you or someone is following them around. All you do is speculate and disparage them and encourage others to do the same..  It does not matter what the hell they do outside the apartments--none of our damn business--We pay to see them inside the apartments--and that is it.....period.  

And some don't even pay to see them---just want to create problems here in CC for the rest of us and the girls. 

LMAO you're a joke!!

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9 minutes ago, ze81 said:

Agree in good part,they(th girls,couples)are still residents of rlc when they go out,what they do outside many times "return" when they return home,like lastest exemple..a couple girls high,wasted.

And if they returned wasted, it is obvious that they are--and probably got drunk or took drugs--OK.  And now that they are back in the apartments, we can talk about how they are acting in the apartments now that they have returned.

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6 minutes ago, miscvoyeur said:

Per non parlare del fatto che, come al solito per stronzate ipocrite, sputa, parla di tutti i tipi di merda su di loro, vuole mentire a se stesso dicendo che non gli importa di loro, poi si gira e vuole che le persone CC pubblicino ciò che fanno fuori l'appartamento. Quel tipo è più ossessionato dalle ragazze Barca di chiunque altro in questo forum.

Per la milionesima volta, non so perché ANYBODY si preoccupi di rispondergli. Tu stesso hai detto che voleva solo creare problemi per CC. Tutto quello che stai facendo è alimentare le sue cazzate.

no one wants to know the exact places where the girls go, but simply what they do, if a person wants to follow the girls, he doesn't need a forum to do it, the speculations and the different ideas, create discussions, if the truth were known, they would be avoided. and I'm sure everyone is curious about what they do outside, why they go out in the evening and come back the next day, because S&S have been out for two days, or as Ana has made that bruise on her ass

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Just now, Mauri said:

no one wants to know the exact places where the girls go, but simply what they do, if a person wants to follow the girls, he doesn't need a forum to do it, the speculations and the different ideas, create discussions, if the truth were known, they would be avoided. and I'm sure everyone is curious about what they do outside, why they go out in the evening and come back the next day, because S&S have been out for two days, or as Ana has made that bruise on her ass

All said.

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2 minutes ago, happyone said:

E se sono tornati sprecati, è ovvio che sono - e probabilmente si sono ubriacati o hanno preso droghe - OK. E ora che sono tornati negli appartamenti, possiamo parlare di come si comportano negli appartamenti ora che sono tornati.

no one comments more on these things, if you noticed, they are few

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1 minute ago, happyone said:

And if they returned wasted, it is obvious that they are--and probably got drunk or took drugs--OK.  And now that they are back in the apartments, we can talk about how they are acting in the apartments now that they have returned.

Breed in..breed out..the tv in livingroom looks great,wish i had a similar one.

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13 minutes ago, Mauri said:

if you can't say about Cc what the girls do outside, then yes Cc babysit, some girls have their IG open even if they are on RLC, and they publish the evenings, so they probably don't care about the privacy, otherwise they wouldn't have had to have social networks, girls take drugs, get drunk and fuck the first they find, if they don't care about their own safety, since they're adults and able to protect themselves, why should a forum do it?

They might have an IG Account that's open but what they post on IG is not to be posted in the Forums.  That's considered their Private Life and what they do with it is of no concern to others. That's why we have Rules to prevent such stuff from being posted.

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