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Leora - General Chat Topic October 2019 #8


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Have just had a good look at the guy, and I am convinced he is an old friend that when she was younger and blonde she used to go to rallies or open air gatherings with. I have seen a photo of her with him at one such rally, she has an artificial flower in her blonde hair, and they are both doing the peace symbol with their hands.

Of course I could be completely wrong, but if I am then the guy is a doppelganger of him. 

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She talked with Paul a couple days ago and they seemed fine,So the logic thing is that he knows this dude would sleep in,in other hand more people are watching(like me)because the situation..realistic..nothing will happen,just a way of getting views,interest of viewers or just a friend staying.But in dreams..she and him would fok and fok like we never seen with her and Paul lol.

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5 minutes ago, pulo filipe said:

What a festival and 

It looked similar to a peace rally, she was probably in her very early twenties, and wore a black leather glove with the fingers removed, and both him and her had their right hand raised above their heads indicating the peace sign with their fingers.

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