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B4 Girls on Vacation - General Topic 2019 - November #2

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18 minutes ago, Mauri said:

it is you who must watch the couples if you want to see sex, this guy looks like their pimp, he kisses and touches everyone's ass

You realize that sex can also happen without being in a relationship. 

This guy looks normal. Everything else is a prejudice on your part without any real evidence. 

In the end, it'll be just another show.

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12 minutes ago, happyone said:

OK Alla, Evelyn, and this guy get the upstairs bed,

Holly, Cherry and the female guest play in the downstairs bed

Cherry is on her red week too.

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3 minutes ago, Alladino said:

Ti rendi conto che il sesso può anche accadere senza essere in una relazione. 

Questo ragazzo sembra normale. Tutto il resto è un pregiudizio da parte tua senza alcuna prova reale. 

these girls are all girlfriends

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Just now, Mauri said:

these girls are all girlfriends

I have no idea what you mean. As if this guy couldn't also be part of a circle of friends, most likely with even more guys. These girls have a life outside the apartment and there will certainly not only be girls involved. 

Now with this one guy in the apartment they exaggerate as usual, because they want to make a show out of it. I think that is all. 

What bothers me about your reasoning is that to you guys always seem like bad people. Always this talk of pimps or prositution. 



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4 minutes ago, Alladino said:

Non ho idea di cosa intendi. Come se questo ragazzo non potesse anche far parte di una cerchia di amici, molto probabilmente con ancora più ragazzi. Queste ragazze hanno una vita fuori dall'appartamento e sicuramente non ci saranno solo ragazze coinvolte. 

Ora con questo ragazzo nell'appartamento esagerano come al solito, perché vogliono farne uno spettacolo. Penso che sia tutto. 

Ciò che mi preoccupa del tuo ragionamento è che a voi ragazzi sembrate sempre persone cattive. Sempre questo parlare di protettori o di precauzione. 



I repeat it to you the last time, I don't care about boys, I don't care to see sex between men and women, especially if it's not your boyfriend, I'm a voyeur who likes to see women and in their intimate situations without men. (the girls all have a boyfriend at home).

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