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B2 Girls on Vacation - General Topic 2020 #1

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3 minutes ago, Alladino said:

The whole GOV cast is just extremely bad at the moment and that clearly also includes Monica, who reminds me more and more of Sophie. Everything is simply way to artificial and lifeless. 

Anyway, my criticism is directed more towards the concept of the GOV apartments than towards individual girls. I think one reason why there is so little life in the GOV apartments is because the girls are there only for a short time. They never really move in, but just stay there for a while as if they would just be visitors. It would be better not to divide the stay into many two or three months blocks but to have the girls really live there over a way longer period. With this the GOV Apartments would work a lot more like roommate apartments. 


I agree with you here. R1, before it was shut down, was a classic example, and I can't think of many guys here who would disagree...It was real and interesting...🙁

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17 hours ago, Alladino said:

L'intero cast del GOV è estremamente brutto in questo momento e questo include chiaramente anche Monica, che mi ricorda sempre di più Sophie. Tutto è semplicemente un modo per artificiale e senza vita. 

Ad ogni modo, la mia critica è rivolta più al concetto di appartamenti GOV che alle singole ragazze. Penso che uno dei motivi per cui c'è così poca vita negli appartamenti GOV sia perché le ragazze sono lì solo per poco tempo. Non si trasferiscono mai davvero, ma rimangono lì per un po 'come se fossero solo visitatori. Sarebbe meglio non dividere il soggiorno in blocchi di due o tre mesi, ma far vivere davvero le ragazze per un periodo molto più lungo. Con questo gli appartamenti GOV funzionerebbero molto più come appartamenti da coinquilino. 


Concordo pienamente le manderei tutte a casa..... Di questo  cast salvo solo Loreine e Asia a tratti col ragazzo che ha fatto cose interessanti il resto non mi è piaciuta nessuna... tutte cose artificiali.. Bisogna cambiare

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But, we have to be honest, Blair and Loraine, they are very professional, before the show, they dress sexy, make up, comb their hair and this evening exceptionally, even masks to not be recognized.

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14 minutes ago, ImJustThatBored said:

Who the fuck masturbates on a table? Must be a Russian thing.  🤔

It's such a shame what happened to Loraine. She makes a really sympathetic impression and together with her BF she would have been a good candidate for an own apartment.

The combination with Blair was really destructive for her. B2 is currently really as bad as it has not been for ages. It doesn't help either that Aria's around so little. 

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