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B4 Girls on Vacation - General Topic 2020 #7 (March)

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To this day, I still don't know what this century has to do with anything when it comes to sex...people have been having sex forever.  There have been whore houses, brothels, houses of ill repute, whatever you want to call them, forever.  Swinging goes back to the caveman days, I guess I just don't get it!

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30 minutes ago, Hornygirl said:

Technically correct, by the dictionary definition.  So a good proportion of my generation are sluts.  The difference is that the world has moved on, and we no longer see that as anything to be ashamed of.

We can consider you the paladin, of all the women in the world, a piece of advice, look for better women than these

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10 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

To this day, I still don't know what this century has to do with anything when it comes to sex...people have been having sex forever.  There have been whore houses, brothels, houses of ill repute, whatever you want to call them, forever.  Swinging goes back to the caveman days, I guess I just don't get it!

it's pretty simple, people don't act the same in the 21st century as people in the 20th century
Similarly, the youth of 2020 is not the same as that of 1950
Society is constantly changing, women are more sexually liberated
Before the women waited for the men to come to her and they stayed at home to clean and raise the children, now the woman works and becomes, I hope one day, the equal of the man, the women of 2020 are no longer afraid to take the first step and come to flirt with men
This is what becomes of our society whether we like it or not

There are prevention campaigns which say that you have to go out covered, so do not forget to have condoms with you, something that did not exist in 1950, while knowing that the woman is much more far-sighted than the man, it is quite normal that we find this kind of product in women's handbags

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2 hours ago, Alladino said:

The more you write about this nonsense, the clearer it becomes that you are actually a guy. 

The more you write about this nonsense...the more you reveal your warped and naïve understanding of women.   

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