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Leora, Malia General Chat Topic #35 2020 June

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5 hours ago, raul399 said:

Because they do not criticize Malia now that she is lying down and without cleaning the house .....
Maybe she's hanging out with a boy to spend the afternoon and get drunk, and not help Leora clean up .....

 I have never seen any indication that Malia is a lazy person, nor an alcoholic. More realistically Malia is in her room is because her friend Leora is still in a shitty mood because of what happened a couple nights ago and wants to give her space because it is very uncomfortable being in her presence

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11 minutes ago, jimbo4 said:

There are several “IF’s” to take into consideration...1: If she has indeed met a new friend and it is a male, it doesn’t necessarily follow that he is her new “ boyfriend “...Merely a friend who happens to be a male.Who knows, he may in time become her “boyfriend “ but conversely it might not develop into any more than it is..How many people on here took their new friends home to meet the family in the first couple of weeks ?

2: If she has met a guy and it develops, and she feels she can trust him, and wants to invite him back to her apartment, she is no doubt morally and possibly legally duty bound to inform him that every move he makes is being filmed and watched in realtime by thousands of voyeurs..Therefor the timing and confidence in the relationship has to be right....The prospect of being on show to thousands may Very well terrify a great many men...

As for the pseudo lesbian sex, Because  of the situation of Leora now having a house guest, her normal freedom of expression has been seriously affected inasmuch as she only has the bedroom to express herself in..If she sat in the living room knitting or talking we would all complain there was no action..If she went out too often we would all complain that she was never at home....So they creat a scenario perhaps of giving us something more interesting to watch.....If we think that it is going to be full blown lesbian sexual relationships then that is in our mind, and it’s our mind that demands more and more from her...She never implied that it would be.....She can’t control our thinking....

So we don’t get what we demand and say we are being cheated, She goes out, we are being cheated, She stays indoors and does nothing, we are being cheated....and because we feel aggrieved about it we start getting into personal remarks about her, and trying to verbally bully her.....We haven’t been fair with her.

If we enjoy watching what she has given us for many years, give her the chance to give it to us, she has never let us down, and I don’t believe she will now...


I also don't think it's certain that Leora has a BF and I also know that it can take a little while until he visits the apartment, if he exists. However, one thing is clear, the probability for a new BF in her life increases with every week she spends the nights somewhere else (or come back very late very often). If she would just party, it would be very likely that she would take her best friend with her ...

Anyway, I was never a fan of shows in general. Not only these silly pseudo-lesbian shows but also all the other shows Leora had done. Consequently, I'm not interested in the wishes of the viewers that want to see shows. RLC should be about what Leora would do if there were no cameras. That is what RLC pretend to be. That is what I want to see, a fair view into her private life, not a show. 


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3 hours ago, raul399 said:

Hi ...
I am reading all the comments of the last few days ... and honestly, it is not a good person to talk about his departures from the apartment ... he can do whatever he wants ...
If I could send a personal message .. I would tell you not to read the comments on this forum ...
A long time ago I made the same comments as those recently published ... and one person told me he was a bad person ... and I understood my mistake. .. from that moment I stopped making that kind of comments ... ..
There is always talk of respect towards Leora ... but what I read lacks respect ... everyone knows what he does when he is not in the apartment and no one has evidence ....
if there is no evidence, it is better not to say anything ... making false accusations makes them bad people ...


You have a thousand reasons, but I gotta tell you honestly, I don't give a shit what Leora does outside the apartment.

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18 hours ago, NewYorkJoe said:

Perhaps when Leora gets over her state of gloom we’ll be able to gain a better understanding of what happened. Women will most likely comfort one another in a situation where one of them has been mistreated or hurt. I don’t see that much empathy coming from Malia which tells me she feels that Leora must have deserved whatever situation transpired. As I watched Leora’s self pity upon herself throughout the day I can’t help but remember the wise words of my Grandmother, “What goes around comes around”. 👵 😉

OMG Now I know where I heard that -she must have been on a world tour cause I heard that same thing 😏

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12 hours ago, philo said:

I must be watching a different movie than many on this forum. At the risk of repeating myself, I say again that I don't believe that there are two guys. I think the story about meeting a new guy who lives with his mother and going to the park and all of that bullshit was made up as a cover story. I believe that the only guy that Leora has been seeing is the one that conspired with her to try and seduce Malia on Saturday night. He had not been in the apartment for half an hour before he spreads out on the sofa like he is a roommate? He is the same guy who spent the night at Leora's in October of 2019. (I have compared their screen shots side by side). Those who say they follow this apartment closely should recall that the RLC agents on this forum tried to sell the story at that time that RLC had rented out Leora's guest room like a B&B and Leora had to go along with it. BULLSHIT !He is also the same guy in the photo that a member of this forum showed me where they were together before she came to RLC. She had blond hair and they were together at some outdoor event. I believe that he is reluctant to return to the apartment now because he humiliated himself and Leora does not want to risk staying out every night with him at his place. (-He obviously does live nearby because Leora travels light when she goes to him and often does not take her purse.) Malia turned the tables on him after she saw what he was trying to do by getting him drunk. Malia further humiliated him by throwing her glass of wine all over him and she controlled him for the rest of the evening. I believe, also,that the reason Malia was crying so hard is because she figured out that she had been set up. No one has answered the question yet as to why Leora would bring a new guy and leave him alone with Malia all night? Most say is was so she could go to her booty call and so Malia would have company. (That is weak !). Then when that dog wouldn't hunt, they changed the story and tried to sell it that Malia invited the guy to spend the night with her. (That's even weaker). Am I the only one who thought it strange that when Leora came home, she and Malia made fun of him right there on the sofa while he was supposedly asleep? And so now that they cannot produce the second guy that Leora was supposedly having the booty call with, the have to write him out of the script? There is ONLY ONE GUY I say...THE JERK.  No one has answered the question yet as to why Leora would bring a new guy and leave him alone with Malia all night? Most say is was so she could go to her booty call and so Malia would have company. (That is weak !). Then when that dog wouldn't hunt, they changed the story and tried to sell it that Malia invited the guy to spend the night with her. (That's even weaker). Am I the only one who thought it strange that when Leora came home, she and Malia made fun of him right there on the sofa while he was supposedly asleep? And so now that they cannot produce the second guy that Leora was supposedly having the booty call with, the have to write him out of the script? There is ONLY ONE GUY I say...THE JERK.  No one has answered the question yet as to why Leora would bring a new guy and leave him alone with Malia all night? Most say is was so she could go to her booty call and so Malia would have company. (That is weak !). Then when that dog wouldn't hunt, they changed the story and tried to sell it that Malia invited the guy to spend the night with her. (That's even weaker). Am I the only one who thought it strange that when Leora came home, she and Malia made fun of him right there on the sofa while he was supposedly asleep? And so now that they cannot produce the second guy that Leora was supposedly having the booty call with, the have to write him out of the script? There is ONLY ONE GUY I say...THE JERK.      they changed the story and tried to sell it that Malia invited the guy to spend the night with her. (That's even weaker). Am I the only one who thought it strange that when Leora came home, she and Malia made fun of him right there on the sofa while he was supposedly asleep? And so now that they cannot produce the second guy that Leora was supposedly having the booty call with, the have to write him out of the script? There is ONLY ONE GUY I say...THE JERK.  they changed the story and tried to sell it that Malia invited the guy to spend the night with her. (That's even weaker). Am I the only one who thought it strange that when Leora came home, she and Malia made fun of him right there on the sofa while he was supposedly asleep? And so now that they cannot produce the second guy that Leora was supposedly having the booty call with, the have to write him out of the script? There is ONLY ONE GUY I say...THE JERK.  the have to write him out of the script? There is ONLY ONE GUY I say...THE JERK.  the have to write him out of the script? There is ONLY ONE GUY I say...THE JERK.  

That was long and involved---when is your next fiction novel??? 😏

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9 hours ago, Aussie_oi_oi said:

I do wonder sometimes if I'm the only descent human being on this forum. 

A woman is crying clearly her heart has been broken for whatever reason. Am I the only one whom hates to see a woman crying and clearly upset?

Too many are dancing on her grave here, crikey feel something for other human being whom is upset.

I can see why the USA and other countries are in a terrible mess if you are you are representing your country values.

I think I can be counted as of the decent human beings--at least I would like to think so. 

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