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Nina & Kira (2020) Part #8

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Good morning girls  

Looking back over the last weeks I appears that you haven’t had any bedroom  sex action since 1  July 

Has the. Landlady put a stop to it or a complaint from the neighbours  

I do hope things will change. As you have  never had  a problem before, 

as I said before you must be having. It Some where else ,your too sexy not too 

I don’t blame you  good luck to you ,It’s your life

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il y a une heure, disneykid a dit :

,It’s your life

Yep it sure is.

I'm pretty sure Kira tried to tempt her missus last night, but to no avail.  Sometimes rejection builds up, and you stop trying for a while.  This may be happening here.

Once the apartment heating is on, then things may change.

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6 hours ago, sturmchaser said:

LOL may the gods forbid me ever driving an "autotragic" tranny.  That goes against ALL principles of driving a vehicle, ANY combustion vehicle, period.  God help our grandkids with their 'automatics'.  They'll never survive the zombie apocalypse.  They can't even change a flat tire.  

My W900B86 has a full 18 gears, although in reality, we never really use all 18 when we're hauling.  Just like a regular 4 banger never uses the H or L setting on their autotragic car - you don't employ them until you really need them.  We stay at a steady 2-5 urban then split 6-9 to cruise, then split again for overdrive on the slab.  Of course, our trannys have hi and low (like the 4 bangers) but rarely need them unless in high altitude and such.  If you master the concept of the H, you can drive a truck!  So yeah, we really do have 18 gears, and real trucks have big giant sticks in the middle, and a third pedal on the left.    

F*cking automatics.  *spits*   Disgusting.  

I come from a farm. Sounds like it's not that different from a tractor, except there you can have secondary high and low gears too, and it is often two shift sticks.

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On 9/2/2020 at 5:01 AM, sturmchaser said:

Kid may be confusing that he paid his VHTV membership, and assumed full access to CC.  But CC is a totally different entity from VH.  One membership does not grant the other.  That's a separate $20 charge, Kid.  Suck it up and pull out the MasterCard!  😉 

Thanks  Sturm I don’t know what I would do without you 

I am know a full time premier member

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22 hours ago, disneykid said:

Good morning girls  

Looking back over the last weeks I appears that you haven’t had any bedroom  sex action since 14  aug 

Has the. Landlady put a stop to it or a complaint from the neighbours  

I do hope things will change. As you have  never had  a problem before, 

as I said before you must be having. It Some where else ,your too sexy not too 

I don’t blame you  good luck to you ,It’s your life liNow I’ve become premier member today I have to apologise  I’ve just watched   the videos I must of missed a couple of love sessions these are new to me

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6 hours ago, disneykid said:

Can anyone give me the video setting for the girl s video forum ,I’ve. Still got the line across  thanks

This is an unclear question/request.

Are you having a problem viewing videos now?  If so, what are you trying to watch on (i.e. device/software)???

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