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Nina & Kira (2020) Part #8

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2 hours ago, Le5b0 said:

Apartment went offline (ISP Issue) earlier, all is OK now.

So Lots of bitching about the girls and their lack of "action".  Frankly, there is action, just not the sort of thing that lots of people want.

Let us not forget, that these are a couple whom have been together for a long time now.  Both of them are not getting any younger, and a significant birthday milestone is imminent.  These strange times we are all living through are traumatic for most people.  Especially the more responsible ones who have elderly parents and grandparents whom they worry about.  I guess it can be emotionally exhausting for such a lot of people, and the girls are not impervious to that.  As they are also cooped up in their apartment together, going out together, and hardly ever being apart, that also puts a dampener on reationships.  Getting stuck in a rut.

Also, as they've been together so long, sexually, there is very little left for them to discover about each other.  They, like many of us need to take a break from our significant other.  Spend some time apart (like it used to be when we were going to work each day) and re-kindle the spark. Absence, really does make the heart grow fonder.

So lets give them a break.  Get off their backs.  let them live their lives how they wish.  I mean, nobody interferes with your life do they.  Yes, this is different, they are on a site that pays to watch them.  Though it is not compulsory for anyone to do so.  There are a Zillion alternatives out there, use them.  Even the sub for VH is reasonable if you watch the other apartments, where I believe there are many alternative types of lifestyle to watch.  Go and enjoy them instead of wasting your life on here...!l very well put this viras  has ruin everything that we know and love 

Keep going girls we all love you.X

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2 hours ago, Le5b0 said:

Apartment went offline (ISP Issue) earlier, all is OK now.

So Lots of bitching about the girls and their lack of "action".  Frankly, there is action, just not the sort of thing that lots of people want.

Let us not forget, that these are a couple whom have been together for a long time now.  Both of them are not getting any younger, and a significant birthday milestone is imminent.  These strange times we are all living through are traumatic for most people.  Especially the more responsible ones who have elderly parents and grandparents whom they worry about.  I guess it can be emotionally exhausting for such a lot of people, and the girls are not impervious to that.  As they are also cooped up in their apartment together, going out together, and hardly ever being apart, that also puts a dampener on reationships.  Getting stuck in a rut.

Also, as they've been together so long, sexually, there is very little left for them to discover about each other.  They, like many of us need to take a break from our significant other.  Spend some time apart (like it used to be when we were going to work each day) and re-kindle the spark. Absence, really does make the heart grow fonder.

So lets give them a break.  Get off their backs.  let them live their lives how they wish.  I mean, nobody interferes with your life do they.  Yes, this is different, they are on a site that pays to watch them.  Though it is not compulsory for anyone to do so.  There are a Zillion alternatives out there, use them.  Even the sub for VH is reasonable if you watch the other apartments, where I believe there are many alternative types of lifestyle to watch.  Go and enjoy them instead of wasting your life on here...

I didn't say anything bad about them. But this is a forum where I can express my own opinion. Negative or positive. Or not?
I really wrote what I wrote for their benefit. Because people who haven’t been following them for years, how will they know how passionate they are without sex? Or how will they like them if they just watch Netflix all day? Views are important. They get paid for it. I understood that they were worried about a lot of things. Unfortunately, in the current situation, everyone is doing it. But they took on this lifestyle.

I will not write any more comments on this.

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4 hours ago, disneykid said:

Can someone help me ,I’ve contacted C C  3 times with no reply 

how do I become a premier  member  Thanks

Click this Link   https://camcaps.net/subscriptions/    Once you have your information submitted, forward the Confirmation e-Mail to  [email protected]  and I can get it activated within a minute.  


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Il y a 22 heures, hs6127 a dit :

Posted in videos...

Wow!  That was close, and the girls knew it...

It seems to me that they need to sort this problem out now, before it's too late for one of the birds or one of the cats.  A cat can just as easily get injured trying to catch one of the birds, and to see the birds get terrorised so much is cruel.  Yet it is so easily remedied.  When they want to let the birds out of their cage, all they have to do is put the cats in the bathroom and close the door.  Simple!  when the birds are back in the cage, let the cats out of the bathroom.  Two minutes of care and consideration each day could save an awful lot of grief which could last a lifetime...



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Il y a 14 heures, Le5b0 a dit :

Hou la la! C'était proche, et les filles le savaient ...

Il me semble qu'ils doivent régler ce problème maintenant, avant qu'il ne soit trop tard pour l'un des oiseaux ou l' un des chats. Un chat peut tout aussi facilement se blesser en essayant d'attraper l'un des oiseaux, et voir les oiseaux terrorisés à ce point est cruel. Pourtant, il est si facile d'y remédier. Lorsqu'ils veulent faire sortir les oiseaux de leur cage, il leur suffit de mettre les chats dans la salle de bain et de fermer la porte. Facile! lorsque les oiseaux sont de retour dans la cage, laissez les chats sortir de la salle de bain. Deux minutes de soins et de considération chaque jour pourraient sauver énormément de chagrin qui pourrait durer toute une vie ...



I think it allows cats to exercise.

I do not believe that the birds are terrified but rather that they taunt the cats.

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2 hours ago, freitag58 said:

YES!!!!  DE admires the apartment👀

I only hope Kira know s all about the visit by you know who ( sorry I can’t use her name)

2 hours ago, freitag58 said:

YES!!!!  DE admires the apartment👀


2 hours ago, freitag58 said:

YES!!!!  DE admires the apartment👀


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