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C&Y possible guests topic

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Ils ne sont pas idiots ils se doutent bien que s'ils dorment dans l'appartement ils paraîtront sur des sites pornographiques

They are not stupid they suspect that if they sleep in the apartment they will appear on pornographic sites.

De toute façon je vous l'ai déjà dit les Français n'aime pas être filmé ils ne veulent pas être traqués ou harcelés par des inconnus à juste titre d'ailleurs mais ils oublient facilement qu'en utilisent des réseaux sociaux cela revient au même 😅 🤣

Anyway, I've already told you, the French don't like to be filmed they don't want to be tracked or harassed by strangers, and rightly so, but they easily forget that using social networks is the same thing. 😅 🤣



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4 minutes ago, Tuc Diwer said:

Does anyone have a confirmed statement about how the guests of yesterday and today know C&Y?
And what to do in BCN?
Vacation / taking over the apartment / friends you met in San Sebastian?

Hey Yanai give us a tip, you can also audition it, there are enough cameras😇

I would have to listen more carefully but I think the girl knows Carla and I think they came on vacation to Barcelona, but the offer to host them, although it is very nice from Carla and Yanai , does not suit them because of the cameras

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Vor 10 Minuten moos54 sagte:

Ich hätte besser Zuhören, aber ich denke das Mädchen weiß Carla und ich denke, Sie kam auf Urlaub nach Barcelona, das Angebot aber zu hosten, obwohl es sehr nett von Carla und Yanai , passt nicht zu Ihnen, weil von den Kameras

Thank you moos54
the little French woman with Portuguese roots is pretty hot.

Yanai will definitely read along and give me / you a sign

I dream again

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Carla et Yanais doivent être sourds le volume du son de la télé et beaucoup trop fort, en plus elle a allumé la télé pour rien puisqu'elle prépare des cocktails pour les inviter cela se voit qu'ils ne payent pas l'électricité 😠

Carla and Yanais must be deaf the volume of the sound of the TV and much too loud, in addition she turned on the TV for nothing since she prepares cocktails to invite them it shows that they do not pay for the electricity 😠

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7 hours ago, omedo said:

The guests are in a hotel.

I just read that the hotel area is suffering greatly from the health crisis and most of them are closed, those who are open would even lower the price to attract tourists
So if it is, they found a reasonably priced hotel with good service

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9 minutes ago, firewall said:

well if they come here just for share half of their life no thanks, i prefer to see the other guests of carla

It is precisely this type of person who are really great to watch because even if they do not want to be seen by the cameras, the more they come into the apartment and the more we have the possibility of having a nice moment without their knowing.
I must say that the change of clothes this afternoon was a pretty nice moment because it highlights the pretty body of the guest

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