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B4 Girls On Vacation - General Topic 2020 #31 (October)

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11 minutes ago, CrazyDude said:

I just noticed the robe Elmira is wearing says "Bride" on the back of it. Has this been discussed in the blog yet? Is she married?

Yes, her husband sent her to RLC to get her in shape in the new fitness room...by the way, her husband is part owner in RLC 😏

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18 ore fa, seb1986 ha detto:

queste due sono forse una ragazza più normale, non interessata ai fake show solo alla vita reale 

Maybe, you missed the big show a few nights ago with Holly and Megan

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18 minutes ago, menouscope2015 said:

Can someone tell me what Irma is doing in B4 ? She has passed all the day upstairs ALONE ... No interaction with the others ! Now eating her lunch in the tub ... She should have stayed in B1 ... 

You can't blame her for wanting to be anywhere else than B1 with that Curly headed fucker always being there.  I'm surprised his name hasn't been listed under the occupants of the apartment yet!!

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7 hours ago, HarleyFatboy said:

Fagen, I'm telling you right now that all the piss poor lighting is because of N&B, you can believe it or not I don't care.  They are both ugly and especially Nelly's skinny anorexic ass.  They both have fucked up hairdo's and have been on RLC way past their born on date!  I don't like them and I'm not going to pretend that I do.  They have absolutely no business being in B4...NONE WHAT SO EVER!!

As for him fixing shit around the house, who cares!!  Correct me if I'm wrong and was told something else that is wrong, but yesterday all of the camera's on level 3 were put UM for an hour or two for your hero Bogdan to work on the girls heating.  Why if he's living there and taking up space, would he need to put the entire 3rd floor UM?  Please tell me that what I was told is not correct!!

N&B think it's funny to put the cams UM and they don't give a shit.  They think it's funny to lower the blinds while they are out there smoking their crack on 3/18.  The only reason why they don't lower the blinds anymore is because they moved where they do their drugs more off to the right where you can't see them.  There is NO FUCKING REASON to put the cams UM unless somebody is hurt.  Not to carry in a drunk bimbo and put her in bed which has happened on several occasions over the years, or for any other damn reason.

Sorry Fagen, nothing you or Foamy or anyone else will ever convince me otherwise.  They are in B4 because of people like you and Alladino and Bogdan feels like a big man doing it and it's fucking wrong!!!!

The twin bedroom that he and Nelly has was not put um, the cams at lvl 3 was put UM because there were people from outside in the house fixing things, not just Bogdan. We heard him later talk to them in the garage room, he also brought them some coffee. So thats why the cameras were UM at lvl 3. It's the same as when the pool guy was there in the past they also put those pool cams UM. And still I dont see what N&B have to do with the lighting? They didnt put the lights in the rooms lol. Blame RLC for that.

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