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Nina & Kira (2020) Part #9

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Kira is very happy she has got a new seat for her drums👍
I don’t suppose Kira is into big bands  ,if you can listen to/ 

Benny Goodman s SING SING SING with Gene Krupa on drums 

l think it’s a  brilliant drumming song, it’s 8 minutes long 

have ago Kira 🤗


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Il y a 5 heures, Robwin a dit :

lol, well there is one big roundabout in Paris at the Arc de Triomphe that is so dangerous that they say once you are on it your car insurance is invalld. I think you have the option when taking insurance in Paris to either have it included or not, all at a cost of course :biggrin:

Ah ah the roundabout of the Arc de Triomphe, I'm not at all Parisian, but I've done it 4 or 5 times, including once in a 15m3 van, the first time it makes you sweat, but then it's a question of mentality and nerve, you just have to dare and go for it, it's okay.🥵

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6 hours ago, Robwin said:

lol, well there is one big roundabout in Paris at the Arc de Triomphe that is so dangerous that they say once you are on it your car insurance is invalld. I think you have the option when taking insurance in Paris to either have it included or not, all at a cost of course :biggrin:

This reminded me of the short film Rendevous C'était un Rendez vous 1976

A great 8 mins watch!

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Nina got what she has been asking for this afternoon (makes a change)

but for Kira it looked like the wrong week ,never mind she made the best of it 

but why turn the lights off it’s better in Technicolor not black and white 

you still can’t be beaten your still the best





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Yes! A wonderful bit of Afternoon Delight.  Kira on superb form as usual, knows exactly how to pleasure her wife.

Nina even tried to get inside Kira's panties, but was soon overwhelmed by the amount of joy she was feeling.

So in another day or two, maybe Nina will try again?  Repay the favour?  She just has to get herself in the right frame of mind to perform.  For that is what she does best "Perform".  Anyone who has had the pleasure of watching her on stage with her band, or in the theatre as an actor, knows what she is capable of. 

It is time for Nina to pull out one of her greatest performances and show her wife just how much she loves her...  🥰

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