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Masha - Home activities #8

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I hope RLC interferes , Masha will bring extreme viewership while in Barcelona and perhaps superior admins suggest to Nelly what needs to be done .. if this doesn’t happen , maybe it will be a proof that perhaps Nelly and Bogdan can definitely decide by themselves what’s best for business and not asking authorization before taking important decisions . 

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18 minutes ago, ddhm said:

I hope RLC interferes , Masha will bring extreme viewership while in Barcelona and perhaps superior admins suggest to Nelly what needs to be done

This is crazy.  The two hottest things since I have joined is Nelly & Martina and now Masha.  Putting them together for a weekend in the Villa would be a blockbuster.  Nelly is nuts.  Martina should move on.

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1 minute ago, JenniferMom said:

This is crazy.  The two hottest things since I have joined is Nelly & Martina and now Masha.  Putting them together for a weekend in the Villa would be a blockbuster.  Nelly is nuts.  Martina should move on.

I think most subscribers are having the same opinion .. we will see what happens , Nelly’s denial without an at least “ let me see what I can do “ it has been a total disappointment in my eyes for the many years close friendship they have .. except if she is afraid ( Nelly ) that Masha will seduce Martina and doesn’t want her there 😂🤣😅🤣😂🤣

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2 hours ago, jjkopite said:

Réponse facile, obtenez un abonnement!

Je ne pense pas qu'avoir un abonnement me donne là garanti de visionner l'image en direct sans que le serveur RLC surcharge.

Et puis je préfère consacrer mon argent pour des choses plus essentielles.

Et même qu'ils baiseraient dans le salon je suis certain que le flux vidéo serait très encombré et que je ne pourrais rien voir de l'action tellement le serveur serait submerger de visiteurs également.


I don't think having a subscription gives me a guarantee that I will view the live image without the RLC server overloading it.

And then I prefer to spend my money on more essential things.

And even they would fuck in the living room I'm sure the video stream would be very crowded and I wouldn't be able to see any of the action because the server would be overwhelmed with visitors as well.

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5 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

So WTF does Nelly have to do with what goes on in Italy.  Masha should have told her to go fuck herself.  :biggrin:

it has nothing to do with Masha in Italy
Masha wants to go to Barcelona for a few days and she wants to come with her boyfriend, I guess she wanted to come to B4, but Nelly doesn't like the idea very much, because the only bed available is the one in her room and I guess that she doesn't want to share it with a stranger
Personally I can understand Nelly's point of view and I also understand that with this pandemic, Masha seems to really want to leave Rome

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1 minute ago, StnCld316 said:

Quindi WTF ha a che fare Nelly con quello che succede in Italia. Masha avrebbe dovuto dirle di andare a farsi fottere.  :grande sorriso:

Masha e il ragazzo avevano prenotato un viaggio per la tunisia, ma il volo e’ stato cancellato, ma vorrebbero comunque fare un viaggio, ed hanno pensato di andare a barcellona e farsi ospitare nella villa, Ma a Nelly non sta’ bene che si porta questo ragazzo perche’ ha detto che B4 non e’ una casa di appuntamenti per avere cazzi random come fa’ Masha e.non puo’ fare quello che vuole lei

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2 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

Donc WTF est-ce que Nelly a à voir avec ce qui se passe en Italie. Masha aurait dû lui dire d'aller se faire foutre.  :grand sourire:


32 minutes ago, ddhm said:

J'espère que RLC interfère, Masha apportera une audience extrême à Barcelone et peut-être que des administrateurs supérieurs suggéreront à Nelly ce qu'il faut faire ... si cela ne se produit pas, ce sera peut-être une preuve que Nelly et Bogdan pourront certainement décider par eux-mêmes. ce qui est le mieux pour les affaires et ne pas demander d'autorisation avant de prendre des décisions importantes. 

Pour moi cela relance la spéculation sur le statut qu'occupe Nelly et Bogdan au sein d'RLC sont-ils devenus manageur ou pas ?

Car de ce que vous dites cela ressemble fortement à un pouvoir de décision que Nelly possède sur les autres participants même loin de B4.


For me, this rekindles speculation on the status occupied by Nelly and Bogdan within RLC, have they become managers or not?

Because from what you say it strongly resembles a decision-making power that Nelly has over the other participants, even far from B4.

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5 minutes ago, scoutouyoufe said:

Je ne pense pas qu'avoir un abonnement me donne là garanti de visionner l'image en direct sans que le serveur RLC surcharge.

Et puis je préfère consacrer mon argent pour des choses plus essentielles.

Et même qu'ils baiseraient dans le salon je suis certain que le flux vidéo serait très encombré et que je ne pourrais rien voir de l'action tellement le serveur serait submerger de visiteurs également.


I don't think having a subscription gives me a guarantee that I will view the live image without the RLC server overloading it.

And then I prefer to spend my money on more essential things.

And even they would fuck in the living room I'm sure the video stream would be very crowded and I wouldn't be able to see any of the action because the server would be overwhelmed with visitors as well.

Je ne comprend pas trop ce genre de message, dans ce cas si les vidéos des pièces payantes sont si mauvaise, pourquoi avoir fait la demande qu'un autre prenne le risque de faire ce partage? 

Personnellement je n'ai pas de problème de flux vidéo pour me faire des souvenirs et cela ne m'empêche pas de suivre l'action 

Il y a une grande différence entre le membre non abonné et celui qui est abonné, sinon c'est sur que cela ne servirait à rien de le faire ^^ 

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